Sally Kohn’s Claim that Force is No Longer Force

…of rights, the only means of judging right and wrong: the mind.”   Rand’s comments illustrate what’s really at stake here. To take away people’s choices is to take away our most important tool for survival and happiness: Our own minds. It’s a subject that should be equally important to the religious, the nonreligious, the gay, the heterosexual, and absolutely everybody else. We are sovereign over our own minds and choices. Nobody owns those. It’s… Continue reading

Should Religion Control the Government? NO!

…onal, religious people are right to rebel. So are rational, non-religious people. Brute force is wrong. It’s most wrong when imposed by governments. The problem is CONTROL. Religion taking over control from the secular, atheistic idiots currently in charge of things is not the answer. FREEDOM is the only answer. It always was.       Follow Dr. Hurd on Facebook. Search under “Michael Hurd” (Rehoboth Beach DE). Get up-to-the-minute postings, recomme… Continue reading

Savage Nazi Democrats in Portland Try to Blind Federal Officers

…’s not just Trump they’re after. It’s any remnant of human liberty. They detest freedom. They are cruel, indifferent and violent tyrants. Most people in Portland, Oregon, will vote for more of the same, for as long as we keep having elections. They actually WANT this. In spirit if not in style, they are no better than the savages in the streets. Suicide is not admirable. The rest of us have to start thinking about how we’re going to respond to thi… Continue reading

Good Parenting in Four (Easy?) Steps

…what you say. Good parenting should prepare children for reality, not just open-ended commands. Mistake #2: Saying, “Everything will be all right,” when no such thing is true. Of course, you don’t share information with your kids that they don’t need to know or can’t understand, but lying can have worse consequences in the long run. Mistake #3: Promoting myth as reality. One big example is telling children to believe in Santa Claus. (And you’d be… Continue reading

Colorado Tragedy: Don’t Ask “Why?”

…hical view that morality does not exist as something inherent to objective reality; therefore no action is necessarily preferable to any other. For example, a moral nihilist would say that killing someone, for whatever reason, is not inherently right or wrong. Other nihilists may argue not that there is no morality at all, but that if it does exist, it is a human and thus artificial construction, wherein any and all meaning is relative for differe… Continue reading

Triangulation in Marriages

…ons degenerate into courtroom-like dramas in which otherwise mature adults compete for the validation of the therapist. “I’m right and reasonable and my spouse is an idiot. Of course you see this, don’t you?” More often than not, I don’t. This is unhealthy and wrong on so many levels. First of all, why do you need a therapist – often a stranger, to validate, in Pope-like fashion, that you’re right about everything and that your spouse is wrong? If… Continue reading

Leftist Intolerance Knows No Limits

…e. Biden lacked the energy and stamina his successors plan now. Walz is an open Communist (literally, a Communist) who complains the government needs to “push back” against dissenters with censorship (he calls it punishment of “hate speech.”) He actually thinks WE DON’T HAVE ENOUGH CENSORSHIP IN AMERICA already. What more do you need to know?     Follow Dr. Hurd on Facebook. Search under “Michael Hurd” (Charleston SC). Get up-to-the-minute posting… Continue reading

Grow Up, Never Trumpers

…ums every minute of every day. “Gimmee, gimmee, gimmee!” Free health care, free college, free everything. Talk about a prolonged tantrum. They want what they want — for FREE, provided by others. Like children. This unknown twit running for President against Trump might as well be one of the 35 Democrats (I have lost count) running against Trump. The President will eat him alive. What alternative would Joe Walsh offer? Higher taxes? More regulation… Continue reading

Compromise Isn’t Always the Solution

…, the situation will somehow work out. At a minimum, she tries to strike a compromise—failing to note that it’s a compromise to which her siblings never did, and never will, agree. The ‘compromise,’ in Lizzie’s mind, is: ‘If I show you consideration, and do things like spend more time with Mother than I normally would, then you can at least meet me halfway and not be quite so resentful and hateful about the fact she’s leaving me the house.’ Yet Li… Continue reading

Couples Therapy: A Double-Edged Sword

…ons degenerate into courtroom-like dramas in which otherwise mature adults compete for the validation of the therapist. “I’m right and reasonable and my spouse is an idiot. Of course you see this, don’t you?” More often than not, I don’t. This is unhealthy and wrong on so many levels. First of all, why do you need a therapist – often a stranger about whose work you might not even have an informed opinion – to validate, in Pope-like fashion, that y… Continue reading