Isn’t an Islamic State Even Worse than al-Qaeda?

…to Islamic totalitarianism. Yet consider these words on the website, explaining Obama’s recent policy of becoming militarily involved in Iraq: Is ISIL more dangerous than al-Qaeda right now? While both are terrorist forces, they have different ambitions. Al-Qaeda’s principal ambition is to launch attacks against the west and U.S. homeland. That’s the direct threat that we have taken direct action against for many years. Right now, I… Continue reading

The Ingredients of a “Win-Win” Romantic Relationship

…“Wait a minute. We’re not enemies.” Listen. Assert. But don’t fight. Your real personality tends to come out in a romantic relationship. For example, are you the kind of person who cares most about winning and being right? If so, then your marital relationship will surely dissolve into adversarial games and one-upsmanship. If that outcome isn’t desirable, then your basic approach must be reconsidered. The only real “win” is happiness for both par… Continue reading

The Mind-Boggling Hypocrisy and Stupidity of Our Times

…middle class. Their visions of immigration are not the old-style ones, of coming to a land of freedom to take responsibility for making their own way. They want to infantilize these immigrants. It makes them feel superior, and it makes them feel powerful.     Follow Dr. Hurd on Facebook. Search under “Michael Hurd” (Charleston SC). Get up-to-the-minute postings, recommended articles and links, and engage in back-and-forth discussion with Dr. Hurd… Continue reading

Leftists Got a Dictatorship — Without Firing a Shot

and consistency than any actual dictatorship could ever hope to attain by open force. The fear and retribution for dissension doesn’t come from some federal office (at least not yet). It doesn’t need to. The fear and retribution of our present American dictatorship — we currently call it “cancellation” — comes from the corporate board rooms of Hollywood, or Coca Cola, or Nike, or Delta Air Lines, or Twitter, or Facebook, or YouTube. The left got… Continue reading

Can Internet dating be successful (and safe)?

…You can click your way through hundreds of potential partners, all in the comfort of your bunny slippers. The main disadvantage is the random aspect (after all, cyberspace is a vast, open area where anybody can go). Traditionally, you would meet people in a context where you share one important value or interest in common, and then take it from there. But, especially in a rural area, there aren’t many opportunities to do that, so it makes sense t… Continue reading

PTSD and the American Trauma Industry

…s began to apply it to just about anything a particular individual finds uncomfortable. For example, there’s ‘non combat PTSD’ and PTSD following years in an abusive childhood. While it’s unhealthy to ignore or minimize the effect of a genuine trauma, it’s equally unhealthy to make the past experience of trauma the defining characteristic of the person. It saddens and angers me to think of people approaching a psychiatrist or therapist for help sa… Continue reading

Why It’s No Longer “The Economy, Stupid!”

…rica, which started out as a fearless and wild frontier, rising to the greatest industrialized civilization ever known, has come to this. Please understand … This is not the rant of an uncaring capitalist. We’re Americans, and we agree on most things: We want our country to be safe; we want our children to be safe; we want the freedom to speak our minds and to worship as we please. And we’re a caring people. We want to lend a hand to the less fort… Continue reading

Can predatory behavior be cured with a pill?

…are getting anything like “treatment”. What they are getting is a dose of reality simply by being exposed and therefore paying the price for transgressions. They’re counting on others to ignore or forget their behavior. The fact remains that you’re only as sick as your secrets – or perhaps the unwillingness of those around you to call a spade a spade. It’s less an issue of psychology than it is an issue of accountability. These people and others… Continue reading

Israel Goes to War

…thy for leftists and anti-Trumpers. Zero.     Follow Dr. Hurd on Facebook. Search under “Michael Hurd” (Charleston SC). Get up-to-the-minute postings, recommended articles and links, and engage in back-and-forth discussion with Dr. Hurd on topics of interest. Also follow Dr. Hurd on Twitter at @MichaelJHurd1, drmichaelhurd on Instagram, Michael Hurd Ph.D. on LinkedIn, @DrHurd on TruthSocial   Why Get Help? Solution-focused life coaching with Dr. H… Continue reading

Is Ukraine the New COVID?

…mportant to the leftist statists who still dominate us. One, it raises the price of gas. Environmentalists want gas high so people will stop using it and use battery or solar power instead. Two, war with Russia will provide an excuse to impose more controls on the population. Starting with the military draft, and moving on to rationing, and the like. Leftists LOVE controls and sacrifice. Not their own sacrifice, of course. Wealthy, elite and conne… Continue reading

Facts and Logic Over Fear: The Best Way to Cope

…s, for most people, feasible and justified, then why must it stop now? For example, let’s assume that you really need a new car. If you’re making the same amount of money you did last year, then how does it make sense to not buy a car this year? Well, CNN, Fox News, MSNBC and all the rest are shrieking (every minute of every hour) that the economy is in a tailspin. Well, of course it is. Nobody’s spending anything. News flash: People don’t HAVE to… Continue reading

College Tuition: The Next Great Bubble

…mply by demanding it. (It hasn’t happened up to now.) The most probable outcome is that higher education, as we know it, will price itself out of existence, or at least limit itself to a select minority who can afford it (ironic, given the populist intentions of making education “affordable for all”). While this might be a cause for despair and the educational ruin of a society, it might not end up that bad. As colleges simply go out of business b… Continue reading