Gifting Shouldn’t be a Chore (DE Wave)

…brightly wrapped presents under the tree. But in the interest of a stress-free holiday, you can propose other options. For example, suggest that each person draw a single name for whom they will buy. Or what about a memorable experience like a cruise or a trip – anything that isn’t doomed to collect dust in the attic. I’m not advocating any particular way to exchange gifts. What I am saying is that we have a choice. Psychologically speaking, the… Continue reading

What Dictatorship Looks Like in America (Contd.)

And they said, ‘What are they? I said, ‘Those are Hunter Biden’s hard drives. And they said ‘no, no, no.” Giuliani said he offered to turn over the hard drives three times before the agents got visibly “perturbed.” [Source: Fox News]   Follow Dr. Hurd on Facebook. Search under “Michael Hurd” (Rehoboth Beach DE). Get up-to-the-minute postings, recommended articles and links, and engage in back-and-forth discussion with Dr. Hurd on topics of intere… Continue reading

Yes, Democrats Want You Imprisoned for Disagreeing With Them

…much of it they’re going to get. They may abandon Biden, but then they’ll search for a REAL dictator to do the job. If you doubt me, then just watch to see what happens with the supposed upcoming elections. Especially as frightened statists pull out ALL the stops to cling to power.   [Headline/photo credit: Breitbart, 1-17-22] Follow Dr. Hurd on Facebook. Search under “Michael Hurd” (Rehoboth Beach DE). Get up-to-the-minute postings, recommended… Continue reading

Imagination: Uniquely Human (DE Coast Press)

…alls and emails just to say “Thanks” for taking the time to comment on the latest topic. Not all the comments are positive, either. And that’s a good thing. As a psychotherapist, my aim is to challenge people to think — whether it’s in the quiet of my office or in the public forum of this newspaper. There’s no rule that says everybody has to agree with me. (I wouldn’t be doing my job if they did.) In fact, many of your reactions, both negative and Continue reading

Jump-Start your Memory (DE Coast Press)

…as going to say.” I remove the pressure by suggesting: “Don’t worry. It’ll come back.” It almost always comes back before the hour is over. Why? Because the stress is released and the subconscious has a chance to retrieve the lost thought, which most likely connects to our conversation. What about situations where you lose your keys? Or your wallet? You don’t have the luxury to simply “forget about it.” In these more urgent circumstances you obvio… Continue reading

It’s No Longer a “Witch Hunt”, It’s a Literal Coup

…ce. Democrats and other anti-Trumpers sneer and jeer with delight over the latest attempt by Mueller and company to quite literally stage a coup in the United States of America. But it’s a classic case of “careful what you wish for”. If the goons running the parasitical D.C. Swamp, the narcissistic media and the sinister Deep State Obama holdovers get their way, what will they have accomplished? The roar of anger that resulted in Donald Trump gett… Continue reading

THEIR Liberty is YOUR Liberty Too

…ecting my house, and I’m sitting here on television tonight instead of dead or putting out the smoldering embers of my home.” Unspeakably bad. If you are indifferent to their individual rights, you are indifferent to your own.     Follow Dr. Hurd on Facebook. Search under “Michael Hurd” (Rehoboth Beach DE). Get up-to-the-minute postings, recommended articles and links, and engage in back-and-forth discussion with Dr. Hurd on topics of interest. Al… Continue reading