#SkipTheStraw? Seriously?

…show stopper, because nobody wants to be seen as daring to question, “The Environment”. Environmentalism is an urban religion. It’s a fanatical and fundamentalist religion. We’re talking about the Puritanical, man-hating, life-on-earth hating kind of religion. There’s no reason or logic to it. It’s not about human welfare. It’s about supporting the environment for the sake of supporting the environment. Translated this means: “You have to leave e… Continue reading

10 Tips for Well-Adjusted Kids (DE Wave)

…Don’t count on teachers and day-care workers to communicate these virtues. You must do the bulk of the work if your kids are to grow into healthy and happy adults. Be sure to “friend” Dr. Hurd on Facebook. Search under “Michael Hurd” (Rehoboth Beach DE). Get up-to-the-minute postings, recommended articles and links, and engage in back-and-forth discussion with Dr. Hurd on topics of interest…. Continue reading

10 Tips for Navigating Children Through Childhood (DE Coast Press)

…ey behave irrationally. Don’t count on teachers and day-care workers to communicate these virtues. You must do the bulk of the work if your kids are to grow into healthy and happy adults.   Be sure to “friend” Dr. Hurd on Facebook. Search under “Michael Hurd” (Rehoboth Beach DE). Get up-to-the-minute postings, recommended articles and links, and engage in back-and-forth discussion with Dr. Hurd on topics of interest. Also follow Dr. Hurd on Twitte… Continue reading

Tips for raising emotionally healthy kids

…motional repression, which can lead to psychological problems. 10. Promote reality Reasonable punishment does not damage self-esteem. It demonstrates the nature of reality. Adults have to work and make rational choices in order to enjoy life. A child is not born with a built-in grasp of these principles. He won’t learn them unless you teach him to think logically and to accept responsibility. Challenge him intellectually. Encourage him to think cr… Continue reading

Nine tips to help you keep promises to yourself

…paralysis? The key lies in setting goals that you can keep. Here are some tips for going just that: Be Realistic Be prepared to follow through. Just as you shouldn’t make promises to others that you’re not prepared to keep, you shouldn’t make a false promise to yourself either. You’re the only person you can’t fool, and you will probably be the most unforgiving. This can spark psychological problems. Examine Past Attempts Try to identify what did… Continue reading

Ten tips for raising emotionally healthy kids

…motional repression, which can lead to psychological problems. 10. Promote reality Reasonable punishment does not damage self-esteem. It demonstrates the nature of reality. Adults have to think, work and make rational choices in order to survive and enjoy some measure of happiness. A child is not born with an automatic grasp of these principles. He will not learn them unless you teach him to think logically and to accept responsibility. Challenge… Continue reading

6 Tips for Dealing with Teenagers

…ndependence and find her own way in life. 6. Create a climate conducive to open communication. No subject should be off-limits or taboo. Don’t say things like, ‘That’s stupid,’ or, ‘When you’re my age, you’ll see it differently.’ Instead, listen carefully to his arguments and point out what you think is right or wrong, and why. Seek the same from him. He’s now a young adult, and needs to reason and argue. In fact, it’s a good mental exercise for y… Continue reading

10 Tips for Good Communication (DE Coast Press)

…right to declare their feelings as truth without valid facts to back them up. When people ignore this rule, true happiness in a relationship will never be possible. Be sure to “friend” Dr. Hurd on Facebook. Search under “Michael Hurd” (Rehoboth Beach DE). Get up-to-the-minute postings, recommended articles and links, and engage in back-and-forth discussion with Dr. Hurd on topics of interest…. Continue reading

9 Tips for Keeping Resolutions (DE Coast Press)

…ression. Avoid that paralysis by setting goals you can keep! Here are nine tips for doing just that: 1. Be Realistic. Just as you shouldn’t make promises to others that you’re not prepared to keep, you shouldn’t make false promises to yourself either. You’re the only person you can’t fool, and you’ll probably be the most unforgiving. 2. Examine Past Attempts. Try to identify what didn’t work in the past. Don’t just go on “gut feelings.” Gut feelin… Continue reading

Tips for Keeping Resolutions (Delaware Coast Press)

…f failing. Success with anything, from New Year’s resolutions to financial commitments, comes down to one vital element: Setting goals. And procrastination can be the biggest enemy of effective follow-through as our forgotten goals gather dust on the psychological shelf — out of sight and out of mind. Learning to convert your desires into reality is important to your psychological well-being. As this becomes a habit, you’ll feel better about yours… Continue reading

All Children Left Behind

…f students would pass this year’s tougher Florida Comprehensive Assessment Test exam, compared with a passing rate of 80 percent or more last year. What does this say about education as we know it? And what does it say about public education in particular? Florida is a pretty wealthy state and pours plenty of tax money into public education. Plus, the federal Department of Education spends billions of federal taxes every year. We’re led to believe… Continue reading