10 Steps for Choosing a Therapist

…w sessions for you to establish if this is someone with whom you can speak openly and comfortably. Look for someone who wants to understand your strengths, and who wants you to know your strong points and potential. I heard recently about a therapist who made the client feel she was on the witness stand, being interrogated to find out what was wrong with her. No thought or comment made by the patient was trusted. Behind the therapist’s every word… Continue reading

Bipolar: Valid Label or Excuse?

…e is whether one allows himself to recognize that there is such a thing as free will, and that free will resides in his choice to think, exercise judgment, and validate or refute basic ideas. To paraphrase psychiatrist Aaron Beck: man is a practical scientist and, like a scientist, he possesses the capacity to form and reject hypotheses about everyday events and issues. In other words, reason and logic are not just for the ivory tower or the resea… Continue reading

Islam’s Latest Tactic: Sue Non-Believers Into Submission

…t, and to prevent psychological turmoil in its staff, and to make the work environment a comfortable place to practice one’s religion? Or is it the job of an airline to safely, and with comfort, profitably fly people from one location to another? I bet that the vast majority would answer the second. But I also bet that the majority, when asked, “Should a business discriminate against its employees for any reason, including religion?” will usually… Continue reading

No Price Tag on Individual Rights

…don’t do this, in the end, we will have zero rights and no say in what happens,” co-owner Frank Trumbetti said in a video posted on the gym’s Facebook page. Morally paralyzed twits love to lecture, “You should care more about HEALTH than about money.” The heroic souls behind this truly American protest in NJ grasp that there is no price tag on individual rights.     Follow Dr. Hurd on Facebook. Search under “Michael Hurd” (Rehoboth Beach DE). Get… Continue reading

Didn’t Government Create the Internet?

…quently stood a chance against the Germans and the Japanese. It was also a free and open country, allowing the best and brightest to apply their brains to the cause of victory. Self-interest corresponded with patriotism in the U.S. more than anywhere else. Not surprisingly, the U.S. won. In fact, many economists now argue that the Great Depression finally ended precisely because President Franklin D. Roosevelt lifted controls on business in order… Continue reading

We All Hate “Hate Speech” But Does Anyone LOVE Free Speech?

…any anti-Muslim cartoon someone else might draw to make a point. The true test of free speech is when someone says things you don’t like, but you’re left free from violence, just the same. Is it too much to ask even one of our candidates for president to recognize this? Shame on Donald Trump for his response to the Garland TX massacre. Shame on Ted Cruz for his response to Trump. Now where can the rest of us go to find a candidate who will stand… Continue reading

Would It Still be a Catastrophe If Donald Trump Was not the President?

…It’s all his fault. Diseases are not political. But reality is objective. Under the rule of the leftist media, we have no objectivity. Even if Donald Trump is the President, and he’s far more rational than any of them.   Follow Dr. Hurd on Facebook. Search under “Michael Hurd” (Rehoboth Beach DE). Get up-to-the-minute postings, recommended articles and links, and engage in back-and-forth discussion with Dr. Hurd on topics of interest. Also follow… Continue reading

Let’s Spread the Wealth Around — to Drug Addicts

…al right to destroy their lives with drugs if they wish to do so, and in a free country they are left free to do so. But they don’t have the right to do so on another’s dime — or trillions, or anything in between. Lies lead to more lies. The myth that the welfare state is morally justified, much less economically prudent, is a horrendous lie. The lie that stealing from productive Peter to pay for unproductive Paul, and using government force to do… Continue reading

Education Reimagined by Salman Khan

…henever the latter has been attempted with adults (Nazi Germany and Maoist Communist China or Soviet Russia come to mind), they have been spectacular and tragic failures for this reason. So why on earth do we expect it to turn out any better for children? Follow Dr. Hurd on Facebook. Search under “Michael Hurd” (Rehoboth Beach DE). Get up-to-the-minute postings, recommended articles and links, and engage in back-and-forth discussion with Dr. Hurd… Continue reading

Maybe What You Need is a Good … Failure!?

…achievement. Life is a series of steps: hypothesis developing, hypothesis testing, and observation/analysis of failed or successful outcomes. Not just in science, but in any arena important to you. Failure is an emotionally laden term because of the globalization issue I mentioned. Sometimes it’s better to replace that term with words like, “error” or “mistake” or “disappointment.” It’s even OK to say you failed in a certain activity, if you did…. Continue reading

“Common Core” Public Education vs. Critical Thinking

…lic schools) was similar to the education she received growing up in Mao’s Communist China. “Common Core, in my eyes, is the same as the Communist core I once saw in China,” Williams said. “I grew up under Mao’s regime and we had the Communist-dominated education — nationalized testing, nationalized curriculum, and nationalized indoctrination.” In a post at FreedomWorks, Williams wrote about her experience with the Chinese education system: “Our t… Continue reading