Why Liberals and Environmentalists Want High Gas Prices

…don’t care that this reduces supply and raises prices. In fact, they want prices to rise. Rising prices means fewer people will buy gas. Fewer people buying gas means less energy is consumed, and the earth is closer to its pristine and also barbaric state that environmentalists irrationally yearn for. Obama and his socialist/liberal/environmentalist friends are at an interesting crossroads. In election year 2008, they capitalized on voter unhappi… Continue reading

“Domestic Terrorism” Will Be the New Excuse for Censorship

…on our government to initiate force against citizens to surrender their income, and to pay for things which they do not believe in, as in (just to name one example) forcing citizens to pay for Planned Parenthood against their will. If Obama and his cohorts want a “national conversation,” let’s have one about initiating the use of force against citizens. Something tells me this is a conversation they do not wish to have. You can follow Dr. Hurd on… Continue reading

Obamacare’s Free Medical Care — Only $50,000 a Head!

…n. Privatization. Lifting controls. Deregulation. Phasing out of subsides. Completely and totally opening up the market for health care. Put a time limit on Medicaid and Medicare. Debate what the time limit should be, but have one, and mean it. (The demise of these programs is inevitable given their unsustainable numbers; so privatization means accepting facts.) Let profit rule, and only fraud should be prosecuted. Let doctors, hospitals and healt… Continue reading

The Real Problem is Not Immigration; It’s American Communism

…from not being the norm even in America, can only occur in an economically free country. Communist countries and socialist countries do not generate billionaires. Nor millionaires. Nor even a middle class. In Communist and socialist countries you have (1) an elite ruling class (perhaps 1 percent); and (2) otherwise impoverished people engulfed by economic stagnation and despair. We are transforming into that society as we speak. The early indicato… Continue reading

Why Socialism Fails–Every Time It’s Tried

…had studied even less and the ones who studied hard decided they wanted a free ride too so they studied little. The second test average was a D! No one was happy. When the 3rd test rolled around, the average was an F. The scores never increased as bickering, blame and name-calling all resulted in hard feelings and no one would study for the benefit of anyone else. All failed, to their great surprise, and the professor told them that socialism wou… Continue reading

“Permission to Speak, Sir?”

…ry existence of the FCC in the first place. Back in the 1930s, the Federal Communications Commission was created, unconstitutionally by Congress, to regulate the airwaves. The rationalization at the time, and more or less since then, has been that the FCC exists to protect property rights. The reality, of course, was just the opposite. It was only a matter of time before the government decided who is, and isn’t, worthy of having those property rig… Continue reading

When Noises Drive You Mad

…loud swallowing) have driven me mad. They make me squirm and feel really uncomfortable and angry. Doing a little bit of research I’ve found that this is a “condition” called Misophonia. I have to confess, it felt really good to have found this information because I no longer feel “it’s just me” and that I’m just a spoiled finicky brat. My question to you is, do you know if is this a real condition or is it just another fibromyalgia (all in my head… Continue reading

“Don’t Be a Quitter”–Valid, or Not?

…just ‘letting it go.’ She asks at what point does being a quitter end, and common sense begin. ‘Not being a quitter’ is a valid sentiment, as far as persistence is concerned. But the question remains: Persistence at what? Does what you’re doing make sense? Are you seeing progress? If so, then carry on. But if your efforts are failing, stop, figure out why and make corrections. And if that doesn’t work, cut your losses and chalk it up to a bad idea… Continue reading

Frustration Management

…cuses. A man molests children because he was molested as a child. That’s a valid explanation; but not a valid excuse. A woman lies to her husband, cheats on him, because he’s not a very attentive or nice husband. That’s a valid explanation; but not a valid excuse for deception. Sometimes people with strong moral standards get frustrated. They don’t distinguish enough between explanations and excuses. Someone speeds by them in traffic. A mentally h… Continue reading