Dr. Hurd’s Website of “Truth & Rational Thought”

…force. Both Recieving & inflicting. Our economy is ruined now that the hottest commodity is political pull. The PC culture is not only eliminating free speech but is wiping out critical thinking altogether by regurgitating the hottest hashtags. “I’m not racist, all I care about is race.” It’s all contradictory & without thought. Anyways, we agree with you 100% & enjoy reading your assessments on society…Thanks again & keep up the good fight for R… Continue reading

The Fallacy of “Capitalism Is Unfair”

…et straight what a ‘price’ actually is. There is no such thing as a ‘fair’ price. A price is something that happens primarily as a result of the relationship between supply and demand. In other words, the more demand goes up for something while the supply of the product/service stays the same, the higher the cost will be. A classic example is the cost of gas. Another one? Medical care. In both of these areas, there is rising demand without rising… Continue reading

How to Talk (and Not Talk) to Your Kids

…ithout heat, air conditioning, cars, doctors, hospitals and televisions or computers. Let’s examine what life is like in countries without these benefits. People who accuse us of raping the environment want us to return to those times, even though they deny it. Is that what you want? Q: Daddy, why do some people have more money than others? Wrong answer: There are unfair advantages that some people have in our society over others. For example, wom… Continue reading

The Price Democrats Will Pay for their Unreasoning Hatred

…the welfare state for the entire world. And it’s not just “welfare”. It’s free college, free medical care, free everything for everyone as far as the eye can see. It’s socialism on a scale and with a price tag that Karl Marx himself never dared envision. THESE are the policies and principles of the Democratic Party that they must attempt to implement — once they succeed at destroying President Trump, assuming they can even do it. And keep in mind… Continue reading

The Fatal American Hypocrisy

…city to think, reason, and take responsibility for being productive in the realm of reality. This is a tall order, indeed. But applied consistently, it can and will lead to a prosperous life—however you define prosperity, and so far as your abilities can carry you. Freedom, rational self-interest, and a commitment to productivity: This is all the purpose you will ever need. And this is what makes any country or society work. Obama could not be mor… Continue reading

NYC Mayor de Blasio Takes Aim at Uber and the Free Market

…ticians’ cronies. It’s not a local issue between cab drivers and an up and coming car rental company. It’s about economic freedom, private property, and individual sovereignty over one’s own mind, dollars and judgment. Everyone should care about those things, and not let bully politicians stand in our way.     Be sure to “friend” Dr. Hurd on Facebook. Search under “Michael Hurd” (Rehoboth Beach DE). Get up-to-the-minute postings, recommended artic… Continue reading

Top Ten Dream Themes (DE Coast Press)

…again — this time for real. People share some dream themes. An interesting website, www.dreams.ca, suggests that the top ten subjects are (in no particular order): 1. being in an out-of-control car (is life maybe too hectic and out of control?); 2. falling (am I feeling “unsupported” or worried?); 3. arriving late or unprepared for an exam (am I lacking confidence, or feeling unprepared for an upcoming event?); 4. being chased or attacked (is ther… Continue reading

Truth Time: Obama Wants “Truthiness” Test for the Internet

…West. It evolved naturally and gradually, primarily due to the actions of free-thinking and economically free individuals, particularly in the 19th and early 20th centuries. Social engineers like Obama and Hillary Clinton are certain they can do better than we can on our own. They have moved from the realm of health care, business and education to the last area where they may gain full control: Free speech. Good-bye, Internet. Unless we’re ready… Continue reading

Bad Therapy is Worse than No Therapy

…w sessions for you to establish if this is someone with whom you can speak openly and comfortably. 10. Look for someone who wants to understand your strengths, and who wants you to know your strong points and potential. I heard recently about a therapist who made the client feel she was on the witness stand, being interrogated to find out what was wrong with her. No thought or comment made by the patient was trusted. Behind the therapist’s every w… Continue reading