Five Tips for Landing a Second Career

…disappear. Don’t fall for false alternatives. Years ago, a man told me he really wanted to become a presidential press secretary. And if that didn’t happen, he would have to end up as a greeter for Walmart. After I picked myself up off the floor, I realized this guy genuinely believed that there was simply nothing in between. In reality, there’s everything in between. All he had to do was to take off his blinders. Beware the foolish false alterna… Continue reading

Price Gouging Saves Lives (Insert Deep Breath Here)

…e blame for that too, but it’s simple economics. You can’t get around this reality. By raising prices after a hurricane, it forces people to conserve during a tight time generated by the unfortunate disaster. I don’t have stock in oil companies and don’t really care about them one way or the other, although I want them to function so I won’t have to live in a third world country without energy. Here’s how the free market Mises Institute puts it: T… Continue reading

Tips for Better Sleep

The following are based on a review of the research and the experiences of many people I have encountered over the years: Get up at the same time every day. Wake up by the clock. That should be within one or two hours of the same time, workdays as well as on weekends. Go to bed at night only when you think you can fall asleep. Wake by the clock, but go to bed when your body tells you to. People often find that if they fight their minds in this co… Continue reading

Four Tips for Good Parenting

…o what you say. But good parenting prepares children for reality, not just open-ended commands. Mistake # 2: Saying, “Everything will be all right,” when no such thing is true. Of course, you don’t share information with your kids that they don’t need to know or can’t understand, but lying can have worse consequences in the long run. Mistake # 3: Promoting myth as reality. One big example is telling children to believe in Santa Claus. Here’s one o… Continue reading

Four Tips for Good Parenting (DE Coast Press)

…you say. But good parenting should prepare children for reality, not just open-ended commands. Mistake #2: Saying, “Everything will be all right,” when no such thing is true. Of course, you don’t share information with your kids that they don’t need to know or can’t understand, but lying can have worse consequences in the long run. Mistake #3: Promoting myth as reality. One big example is telling children to believe in Santa Claus. This is one of… Continue reading

Tips to avoid conflict over the holidays

…fference between asking someone to interrupt you less and asking them to become generally more polite. Generalized complaints are vague and lead to defensiveness. Specific, polite requests tend to work better. You wouldn’t approach a stranger with vagueness or rudeness — at least not if you wanted something out of them. So why should it work with the one person you profess to love? The worst thing a spouse can do is to top the anger with the accus… Continue reading

Tips for Attracting a Truly Compatible Partner

…arily eliminate loneliness. It’s psychologically healthy to enjoy your own company and the company of friends whether or not you’re in a relationship. That positive point of view can play a big part in attracting equally healthy partners. Sounds like a paradox, but it’s true: In order to find the love you want, you have to be content with being on your own. If you’re OK in your own company, it’s easier to attract somebody who will be just as happy… Continue reading

Sharia Law Comes to Texas: The Price of Philosophical Disarmament

…rulings on disputes involving family and business issues. [Source:, 1-27-15; also see 1/28/15] In the words of a reader of mine, “Islamic/Sharia law in Texas? WTF??” Here’s the problem. Advocates of fundamentalist religion, which includes full integration of church and state, understand one thing that most others do not. They grasp that philosophical issues are not resolved in the middle. Most Americ… Continue reading

What “Anger Management” and Emotional Control Actually Mean

…fear or terror in a situation that is actually not dangerous, then one is free to test a new hypothesis. ‘I feel that there’s a danger here. I feel that I’ll be humiliated if I talk to this woman, and that I’ll be worse off than I was before. This may or may not prove true. I can put it to the test, despite my fear, and see what happens—not after just one try, but numerous tries in different cases.’ Reason does not consist only of thinking. It al… Continue reading

Pulled my Heartstrings

…parents. My children grew up to be emotionally healthy kids. One of my greatest accomplishments in my life! On behalf of all the teachers in the entire country, we say thank you for the tips. These are the things we want to say to parents all of the time. Your column should be required reading for EVERY parent. What teachers know is that for the most part the parents that are not raising their children to be emotionally healthy are usually the one… Continue reading