Interestingly, in spite of our current health scare and how some people are reacting, the topics of conversation in my office haven’t changed all that much. We’re still exploring day-to-day ways to make it through life when it’s easy to get overwhelmed. All this interaction over the years has helped me come up with six basic things you can do to help relieve pressure.
- Don’t answer your phone if you don’t want to! Few things are more annoying than somebody who breathlessly answers their phone but is too busy to talk. It’s irritating for BOTH parties. If you value a person enough to answer (most everybody has caller ID), then you should value him enough to speak. If you don’t (or if it’s not a good time), then don’t answer. That’s why we have voicemail.
By the way, the same applies to other technological interruptions like texts, emails, messaging or whatever. Though easy access can be convenient, it also includes the responsibility to grant others only as much as you’re willing to give them. It’s stressful for everybody when you try to “be nice” by resentfully giving somebody time you don’t have. Nobody benefits, and it’s certainly NOT nice.
- If you really want a dynamic occupation or career, “good enough” won’t do. Try to choose work you can be passionate about. Experiment with different jobs or activities until you find one that really makes you happy. Of course, in the meantime you’ll probably have to make a living, but the time it takes to find your passion will be worth the effort. Don’t settle.
If you’re retired, don’t assume that you no longer need a purpose in life. Retiring means slowing down, but it doesn’t mean brain dead. If you feel anxious, think about volunteering. It doesn’t necessarily have to be about money. The key is to keep using your mind by doing something you find meaningful.
- If you’re still working, concentrate on the job, not the personalities around you. People often focus on office politics rather than their individual competence. Trust me: In spite of the cute posters on the office wall, “teamwork” is not as important as individual proficiency.
Individuals are the dynamic of human progress, and excellence is achieved by taking risks and trusting in your own judgment. People respect individuals, not followers, and you can certainly be a leader and still get along with others. The “team” will certainly follow and everybody will benefit.
- Allow yourself time-outs. If you love what you do, you probably don’t mind working long hours. But your body and psyche need an occasional break; a walk, a chat or maybe even a little time alone. Don’t overlook the psychological benefit of music, movies and other forms of entertainment. Mental “refueling” should be uplifting and positive. Remember the old saying, “You are what you eat”? Well, it’s equally true that you are what you read, watch and think. Emotional nutrition is just as important as physical nutrition.
- If your work is mental or sedentary, find time to exercise, jog, swim … whatever. The ancient Greeks advised “a sound mind in a healthy body.” Heed the advice of those who gave us Plato and Aristotle.
- Seeking a relationship? Try to develop a connection with somebody who respects and understands your desire to work. This might mean a partner who is willing to stay home and run the household, or it could be a spouse who shares your desire and passion for work. Either way, if he or she doesn’t understand and respect what you do, you’re setting yourself up for one battle after another, where life becomes a frustrating compromise instead of pleasurable achievement.