Robert Irvine: Restaurant Science PLUS Therapist

…adictory emotions. He then encourages them to act in a way consistent with reality and common sense. Whether it works over time is of course up to the owner. But Irvine, like any good cognitive psychotherapist, understands that thinking and active follow-through are the only ways to resolve any human problem. Irvine’s muscular stature presents an almost comic-book hero image of the kindly tough guy. However, he’s less brawn and more brain as he se… Continue reading

2020: If It’s Not One Thing, It’s Another! (BRAND NEW PODCAST)

…. If it’s not one thing, it’s another! Our country is on the edge … and it’s stressful! Join Dr. Hurd, Rob Arlett (Trump-Pence 2020 for Delaware) and our panel for some tips on making sense of it all.   CLICK HERE TO LISTEN NOW.   Follow Dr. Hurd on Facebook. Search under “Michael Hurd” (Rehoboth Beach DE). Get up-to-the-minute postings, recommended articles and links, and engage in back-and-forth discussion with Dr. Hurd on topics of interest. Al… Continue reading

Robert Irvine Provides Genuine Food for Thought (DE Coast Press)

…adictory emotions. He then encourages them to act in a way consistent with reality and common sense. Whether it works over time is of course up to the owner. But Irvine, like any good cognitive psychotherapist, understands that thinking and follow-through are the only ways to resolve any human problem. Irvine’s muscular stature presents an almost comic-book hero image of the kindly tough guy. However, he’s less brawn and more brain as he seeks out… Continue reading

Visibility, Please!

for well-adjusted children, wherein you stated the goal of childhood is to come out feeling loved and visible. When I thought about my own childhood, I realized that was entirely lacking. These days I’m concerned that my emotional troubles, and particular hardships such as sustaining focus on my goals, being ambitious, and serene, are deeply connected to feelings of psychological invisibility. It might raise my level and performance to great heigh… Continue reading

Nine Steps Toward Successful New Year’s Resolutions

…avoid “resolution paralysis” by setting goals you can keep! Here are nine tips for doing just that: Be realistic. Just as you shouldn’t make promises to others that you’re not prepared to keep, you shouldn’t make false promises to yourself either. You’re the only person you can’t fool, and you’ll probably be the most unforgiving. Examine past attempts. Try to identify what didn’t work in the past. Don’t just go on “gut feelings.” Gut feelings can… Continue reading

Dealing with Difficult People and Difficult Situations

…ith Difficult People,” “4 Ways to Cope in the World of Business,” “Romantic Relationships” and “Coping with Death,” all together in an attractive, soft-cover format. Essays include helpful advice on immunizing yourself from toxic people, including 4 tips for being more assertive. Learn to cope with romance and differing philosophies, including the eternal question: How do I tell my wife she’s fat? A straight-ahead Q&A on God & death, and how faith… Continue reading

Keeping Spirits Up in the Depressing Era of Obama

…with power do everything they can to bring down the world. Biographies are real-life examples of real people who struggle and fall, and then rise again; and who fall again, and then rise again. Regardless of the cultural and social-political context, you always have the ability to make a comeback. It’s true, the options for your comeback are somewhat shaped by the context in which you live, and circumstances over which you do not have immediate an… Continue reading

Avoid Arguments by Communicating Well

…g that something is true—when you know full well that it is—can be the greatest sin you can commit against yourself or your loved one. Make-believe is insulting, hurtful, and the damage is permanent. 10. Follow this absolute rule: Feelings and facts are not necessarily the same thing. (Isn’t it interesting that so many psychological issues end up boiling down to this one fact?) You have no right to declare your feelings as truth, without valid and Continue reading

Twelve Steps to Less Stress

…make? 12. Exercise frequently. Regular exercise, based on your doctor’s recommendations, doesn’t need to be elaborate. Even a daily walk can do wonders for your mind. The whole ‘endorphins’ thing is true and really works. The feelings of composure and well-being brought on by exercise will help you clear your mind and detach for a while. You’ll live a happier life, both mentally and physically…. Continue reading

Age gracefully by thinking young

…es. Yet, how you manage things emotionally counts for more than most of us realize. Psychologists who specialize in work with cancer patients have told me that recovery, or at least longevity, is more likely in people with happy, realistic attitudes, than in people who engage in denial, self-pity or who feel constantly depressed. We can’t simply wish away negative things, of course, but at the same time, good attitudes are easier on the body than… Continue reading

Getting rid of “stinkin thinkin” can help reduce your stress

…e who work by appointment fret and fume over cancellations or unexpectedly free hours. I keep a pair of sandals in my office for just that occasion. A short walk on the beach in the middle of the day can really work wonders! So if you’ve been told to ‘reduce stress,’ think about how to modify your attitudes and belief system. It’s a powerful way to control unnecessary and unpleasant feelings. Why do some people make things more difficult for thems… Continue reading