Why Being Honest About Your Feelings is Not Always Right

…ifference” (link to the right) talks about how to be a more rational person with yourself, and consequently in your relationships, while not sacrificing emotions.   Be sure to “friend” Dr. Hurd on Facebook. Search under “Michael Hurd” (Rehoboth Beach DE). Get up-to-the-minute postings, recommended articles and links, and engage in back-and-forth discussion with Dr. Hurd on topics of interest…. Continue reading

Personal Responsibility and Attention

…t disorder.” The label ADD is widely popular and universally recognized as valid, as valid as the common cold. The problem is that ADD’s supposed to be a disorder. A “disorder” refers to an abnormality, or an exception to the norm. If almost everybody identifies with ADD, then isn’t something else going on here?  I maintain that the widespread identification of most people with “ADD” is a symptom of the fact that most people are simply not paying… Continue reading

Love and War in the State of Kentucky

…ith “God’s will” or “God’s authority,” it would be the ruin of liberty and freedom. I realize that we have replaced the standard of rights, increasingly, with subjective standards. Those standards are determined largely by the will of the government, and critics of that subjective approach to government are right to oppose it. But religious standards will simply replace one form of subjectivity with another. Where you stand on religion, or whether… Continue reading

Researchers Say Meditation Cures Racial Prejudice: Science or Silliness?

…cal change requires active thought and work, not passive receptiveness and compliance. The researchers also assume that emotions are what cause bias and prejudice. Exactly wrong. Racial prejudice refers to emotions. Emotions can be based on rationally true or irrationally wrong ideas, or a mixture of the two. You don’t change an emotional reaction by somehow infusing opposing emotions into a person’s psyche (or your own psyche). It does not work t… Continue reading

The Pros and Cons of First Impressions

…can’t expect to rely on emotions alone, because emotions can be rationally valid or completely groundless — even by your own reasoned out conclusions. Emotions are neither automatically and inherently right, nor automatically wrong. Conscious, clear-headed thinking has to be utilized to sift out fact from fiction in one’s emotions. Many of us swing between two false extremes. On the one side, we try not to judge people because we sense — accuratel… Continue reading

Figure Out Your Feelings and Then Control Them (DE Wave)

…eelings that arise from these thoughts and perceptions give you the opportunity to use your mind to discover what they are, compare them to the facts, and then act on them – with or without a therapist. Follow Dr. Hurd on Facebook. Search under “Michael Hurd” (Rehoboth Beach DE). Get up-to-the-minute postings, recommended articles and links, and engage in back-and-forth discussion with Dr. Hurd on topics of interest. Also follow Dr. Hurd on Twitte… Continue reading

Coping With Rejection in Business

…s is my moment in the spotlight, the chance to make my envisioned future become reality, and I better not screw it up. Of course, that’s exactly what I do. Fumbling for not just words, but ideas to further dialogue, entire concepts become temporarily brainwashed out of my consciousness and are replaced by a paralyzing pressure to impress. With my personal future hanging on the outcome of these conversations, I’m succumbing to the fear of rejection… Continue reading

Why Young People Go Socialist in 2019

…to live for others. This fits with socialism. It’s all the socialists talk about. That’s pretty much it. Try out this theory with young people you know. See where it fits, where it doesn’t fit or what it does or doesn’t leave out.   Follow Dr. Hurd on Facebook. Search under “Michael Hurd” (Rehoboth Beach DE). Get up-to-the-minute postings, recommended articles and links, and engage in back-and-forth discussion with Dr. Hurd on topics of interest…. Continue reading

Are First Impressions Really Trustworthy?

…ecomes a problem when you relegate your assessments of other people to the realm of unexamined emotions. It’s like flying an airplane without eyesight. You can’t expect your judgements to be based on emotions alone, because emotions can either be valid or groundless. They are, by nature, neither automatically right, nor automatically wrong. Conscious, clear-headed thinking must be used to separate fact from fiction. Many of us swing between two fa… Continue reading

Therapists Who Lie to Their Clients and The Clients Who Pay Them

…mainstream of our psychotherapeutic culture has to offer, I can only say: Reality is not your enemy. Reality is where you live. It’s where you’ll survive, or perish. It’s where you’ll flourish and be reasonably happy and content, or where you’ll lead a miserable existence. Declaring war on objective reality by buying into the crazy attitudes of psychotherapists and others who consider the “burden” of cognition to be too “clinical” and therefore i… Continue reading