“Never Discuss Politics or Religion.” True or False?

…ave brought you two together in the first place). Some people might not be open to your political opinions, but will be open to other sorts of philosophical ideas that are more fundamental than politics. Different friends offer us different things. Don’t choose people just because you fear loneliness. It’s not fair to them, and you won’t enjoy it anyway. If someone’s viewpoints really disgust you, and they otherwise have little else to offer, then… Continue reading

ObamaCare is America’s Fault

…y, that people are responsible for purchasing their own medical care in an open, competitive and deregulated marketplace? You’ve got to be kidding. Maybe these politicians who are afraid to run on such a platform for health care are underestimating the rationality and self-responsibility of the vast majority of the American people. I honestly don’t know. But there must be a reason they’re afraid to “go there” on this issue. They know they’ll be ki… Continue reading

“Take What You Want — And Pay For It” (DE Wave)

…career while I still retain what I have, perhaps with a few changes.” This combination of circumstances might not exist, especially if real estate issues are factored in. Though monumentally significant, none of these are reasons to not have an ongoing discussion where “…we don’t stop until we’ve exhausted every possibility.” Here’s how it should work: (1) Partner A wants a change that Partner B does not initially want. (2) Both partners take the… Continue reading

Spanking Children: Pro or Con?

…ears of being exposed to adults who state one set of principles and act in completely different ways, it becomes hard to take. If you’re a parent and you believe spanking is OK, then ask yourself this question: Are you comfortable if a teacher or day-care worker smacks or slaps your child? I bet many of you will say ‘no.’ What are the reasons for this? If smacking or spanking is acceptable, then why not let an otherwise trusted teacher or authorit… Continue reading

You Don’t Owe Anybody Unless You Choose To

…that you’re never automatically obliged to anyone unless it’s of your own free will and it makes you happy to do so.     Follow Dr. Hurd on Facebook. Search under “Michael Hurd” (Charleston SC). Get up-to-the-minute postings, recommended articles and links, and engage in back-and-forth discussion with Dr. Hurd on topics of interest. Also follow Dr. Hurd on Twitter at @MichaelJHurd1, drmichaelhurd on Instagram, Michael Hurd Ph.D. on LinkedIn, @DrH… Continue reading

Beware the Entitlement Mentality (DE Coast Press)

…s to feel or believe that you deserve it. So a sense of entitlement can be valid. For example, you pay money for a car. You’re entitled to have that car work as advertised and promised. You sign a contract with a real estate agent or a home builder. You’re entitled to have that contract honored. Someone gives you their word they will do something. Whether or not that word is legally binding, you’re morally entitled to expect them to keep their wor… Continue reading

The Post-American Republic: Where Elections No Longer Matter

…g the election. Twenty-one percent of Trump voters believe the results are valid and 79 percent believe the election was stolen. Wow. This will be a real challenge for the Biden regime, should it succeed with its seizure of power. On top of that, millions and millions of Trump voters will know that going forward, elections will be meaningless. I guess the “unity and healing” will have to be coerced and manufactured.       Follow Dr. Hurd on Facebo… Continue reading

The Kansas Anti-Gay Law and the Pandora’s Box It Opens

…want. I don’t think the Kansas law is good because its basis is religious freedom, and not just freedom itself. It’s backwards in some ways that I can’t put my finger on. It’s anti-gay, not pro freedom. It’s like… A little right by accident and with all the wrong intentions. Do you know what I’m trying to say? My reply: Yes, I think I know what you’re getting at here. First of all, as you said, there should be no laws (or threats of lawsuits) for Continue reading

Emotions, Thoughts and Facts Sometimes Don’t Agree

…ct on them – with or without a therapist.     Follow Dr. Hurd on Facebook. Search under “Michael Hurd” (Charleston SC). Get up-to-the-minute postings, recommended articles and links, and engage in back-and-forth discussion with Dr. Hurd on topics of interest. Also follow Dr. Hurd on Twitter at @MichaelJHurd1, drmichaelhurd on Instagram, Michael Hurd Ph.D. on LinkedIn, @DrHurd on TruthSocial   Why Get Help? Solution-focused life coaching with Dr. H… Continue reading

Compromise isn’t always good

…career while I still retain what I have, perhaps with a few changes.” This combination of circumstances might not exist, especially if real estate issues are factored in. Though monumentally significant, none of these are reasons to not have an ongoing discussion where “…we don’t stop until we’ve exhausted every possibility.” Here’s how it should work: (1) Partner A wants a change that Partner B does not initially want. (2) Both partners take the… Continue reading

What’s Your First Impression? (DE Wave)

…ecomes a problem when you relegate your assessments of other people to the realm of unexamined emotions. It’s like flying an airplane without eyesight. You can’t expect your judgements to be based on emotions alone, because emotions can either be valid or groundless. They are, by nature, neither automatically right, nor automatically wrong. Conscious, clear-headed thinking must be used to separate fact from fiction. Many of us swing between two fa… Continue reading