“Change For Me!” (DE Coast Press)

…ong with that should come respect. The odds of your relationship surviving open communication are much greater than if you perpetuate a lie. I knew a man years ago who took great pleasure in eating. He was only moderately overweight, and took small doses of medication for blood pressure and cholesterol. His wife was constantly on his case about eating. Finally, out of frustration, he told her, calmly and logically, “I like eating. I’ll curb it her… Continue reading

Politics Got You Down?

…ave brought you two together in the first place). Some people might not be open to your political opinions, but will be open to other sorts of philosophical ideas that really are more fundamental than politics anyway. Different friends offer us different things. Don’t choose to spend time with people just because you fear loneliness. It’s not fair to them, and you won’t enjoy it anyway. If someone’s viewpoints so disgust you—and they otherwise hav… Continue reading

The Supreme Court Has Been Attacked

…won EVERY battle and EVERY war. Wherever you stand on abortion, this forthcoming ruling will make them insane. It’s an open attempt to fully politicize the judicial process at its highest levels. Insane people with power are very, very dangerous. It’s easy to believe that somebody on the left is responsible for this breach, as the Breitbart comment suggests. After living through COVID fascism (still in place) and brazen, out-in-the-open election… Continue reading

Breaking Up Like You Have a Brain (Part 1 of 2)

…to open, and now it’s closing forever. But feelings do not describe all of reality. Reality consists of positives too. Reality consists of as-yet unexplored territories on the relationship terrain. You have no concept of what might be coming and of what you might yet experience. Right now you grieve, but it’s also quite reasonable to hope. Blame is no longer of primary relevance. Blame and responsibility were important when you both were trying to… Continue reading

How Net Neutrality Is Already Ruining the Internet

…rs who can deal with the crazy and contradictory rules. Smaller and up-and-coming companies cannot afford this; so we never get to see the full benefit of what they might have done for the ISP industry. We keep regulating the economy and expecting it to improve things — and it never does. It only makes things worse. The damage of Net Neutrality has already been done. Efforts are underway to block the order by a court order, but these distortions o… Continue reading

America’s Faulty Zero-Risk Premise

…all the facts. Do REASON and rationality really tell us to hunker down — becoming poor, becoming slowly ever-more insane, even starving if necessary — to ensure near-ZERO risk of attaining the coronavirus? Is our risk tolerance that low? And must that OCD-level tolerance level be imposed from a central authority in our nation’s capital, or our state capitals? So far, it seems so. Dr. Fauci keeps saying, “We’re not playing games here.” Nor are the… Continue reading

Politics Got You Down? (Delaware Wave)

…ave brought you two together in the first place). Some people might not be open to your political opinions, but will be open to other sorts of philosophical ideas that are more fundamental than politics. Different friends offer us different things. Don’t choose people just because you fear loneliness. It’s not fair to them, and you won’t enjoy it anyway. If someone’s viewpoints so disgust you, and they otherwise have little else to offer, then sto… Continue reading

The # 1 Thing People Don’t Get About “Self-Esteem”

…hat’s what I mean by “reason.” “Will doing such-and-such lead to a good outcome, or an outcome that makes myself and/or relevant others worse off?” Others are to be left alone, not to be objects of one’s concern — unless they’re friends, in which case they’ll presumably want you to be happy and to have good, logical outcomes to your actions. The deeper issue with self-esteem is: How do you use your mind, not just in momentous decisions but in all… Continue reading

A Nation Actively Seeking to Eliminate Its Borders

…h else — we already knew that, didn’t we?     Follow Dr. Hurd on Facebook. Search under “Michael Hurd” (Charleston SC). Get up-to-the-minute postings, recommended articles and links, and engage in back-and-forth discussion with Dr. Hurd on topics of interest. Also follow Dr. Hurd on Twitter at @MichaelJHurd1, drmichaelhurd on Instagram, Michael Hurd Ph.D. on LinkedIn, @DrHurd on TruthSocial   Why Get Help? Solution-focused life coaching with Dr. H… Continue reading

Couples Play “The Sacrifice Game” At Their Peril

…t.’ When you’re in a romantic relationship, your real personality tends to come out. For example, are you the kind of person who seeks to understand reality? Or are you the kind of person who cares more about being right and winning? If you’re the latter, then your marital relationship will surely dissolve into an adversarial series of games and ‘one upsmanship.’ Perhaps on some level this is what you want, but if you don’t like the inevitable out… Continue reading

Do It For Yourself

…ong with that should come respect. The odds of your relationship surviving open communication are much greater than if you perpetuate a lie ‘for his sake.’ I knew a man years ago who took great pleasure in eating and was somewhat overweight. He took moderate doses of medication for his blood pressure and cholesterol. His wife was constantly on his case about eating. Finally, out of frustration, he simply told her, calmly and logically, ‘I like eat… Continue reading

It’s Wise to Pick Your Battles

…ave brought you two together in the first place). Some people might not be open to your political opinions, but will be open to other sorts of philosophical ideas that are more fundamental than politics. Different friends offer us different things. Don’t choose people just because you fear loneliness. It’s not fair to them, and you won’t enjoy it anyway. If someone’s viewpoints really disgust you, and they otherwise have little else to offer, then… Continue reading