Iraq the Sequel: Bush’s Fault?

…ain, before long. Incredibly, we’re told that this is the fault of the oil companies. Yes, the oil companies are greedy and want to make even more money. So what? In order to make more money, they have to invest in producing and supplying oil on North American soil. That can only increase the supply of oil, drive down the price of gas and — most important of all — make us that much less dependent on the hysterical religious tyrants who continue to… Continue reading

Bring the First Amendment Back to Life

…sent President routinely defies Constitutional authority every day. As the latest example, he plans to defy the Supreme Court’s decision in the Hobby Lobby case and enforce Obamacare as he pleases. The Constitution states he has to honor the decisions of the Supreme Court, and seek out legislation if he doesn’t like a particular decision. To him, it doesn’t matter, and this isn’t the first time. When you have a President who won’t listen to the Su… Continue reading

Marijuana Safety NOT the Issue

…, and then issue regulations accordingly. It’s precisely the opposite of a free country. In a free country, an individual may do absolutely whatever he or she pleases—so long as he does not impose force (or objective fraud) on another. In today’s world, more of us have come to understand only an inversion of this principle: We can do it—if the government approves, at least. It’s little wonder that Obama and others of his ideological persuasion sho… Continue reading

The People’s Republic of California Goes After Volunteers

…ent laws favoring “social responsibility”…control. Wineries who don’t like freedom of competition — not when it possibly hurts them — utilize the force of government to get their way. They do so in the name of altruism. It shuts people down cold. “Well,” they might otherwise think, “it’s really not nice or fair for some wineries to shut down others just because they don’t want the competition.” But then the claim is made, “It’s mean to deny the wo… Continue reading

What to Do About Dysfunctional Co-Workers

…e boss or supervisor to hold such a person accountable. For one thing, the complaint about gossiping isn’t related to the job. If you complain about such a problem to your boss, it might seem like you’re bringing personal concerns into the workplace. My suggestion here? First, do a little thinking on your own. Ask yourself: “How can anyone ruin my relationship or friendship without my consent?” If you think about it, nobody can. If you’re aware th… Continue reading

Under Pressure: The Frantic Need to Keep Kids Busy

…ild will want to be busy with different productive activities—but not in a compulsive way. Compulsive activity does nothing but lower anxiety, but it’s not activity pursued for its own sake. Some students work hard in school to avoid shaming themselves or their family; others work in order to achieve and accomplish. The second option carries a lot less baggage. The basic psychological difference between compulsive activity and healthy activity is… Continue reading

Is Bruce / Caitlyn Jenner Happy?

…ople likewise gain a sense of faux self-esteem from being seen as liberal, compassionate, open-minded and so forth. In these two contexts, people fawning over Jenner and talking about what a victim she is, and how evil (capitalist, American, materialistic) forces have prevented her from being her real self, are really doing this just to be acceptable in the eyes of their like-minded friends, because those are the socially acceptable and “cool” att… Continue reading

Record Teen Suicides and The Questions We’re Not Asking

…hildren walk away from school life with an uplifted sense that the mind is competent at discovering reality? Or do children walk away with something different? Ditto for family life. Granted, many families are dysfunctional and some are even emotionally toxic. Children do not ask for this; it’s simply what they get when they’re born. In such unhappy family contexts, the life of the mind — their educational world, and things related to it — becomes… Continue reading

Make Your Second Career a Reality

…ll spending money. New businesses are still opening, and profit is still a reality. One example is food. The Food Network recently expanded to a second cable network that’s selling advertising and attracting a whole new demographic. Another example is the pet industry. Vets are charging more than ever before, and pet services and products are at unprecedented levels. I’m not suggesting a career in food or livestock, but those are just two vast are… Continue reading

The Child Within is Sometimes an Idiot

and beliefs. Thoughts, ideas and beliefs can be true or false; valid or invalid; common sensical or ridiculous. Everyone knows this. What most don’t get is that the same thing applies to their emotions! So if you’re feeling low or insecure about life, it’s not because your father was depraved or your mother was depressed. The proper attitude is, ‘I accepted this depraved or depressed way of looking at things. I didn’t have to accept this view, an… Continue reading