Americans Who Invite Their Elected Officials to Lie

…truth about Medicare or Social Security, because that would make people uncomfortable — and uncomfortable people will presumably throw them out of office. It’s an interesting psychology. Most Americans, particularly those already receiving Medicare and Social Security benefits, view those benefits protectively. “Don’t you dare touch my Social Security or Medicare.” For those who paid into this system equivalent to the benefits they’re now getting… Continue reading

Think Young, Age Gracefully! (DE Wave)

…. Take it from them, not from me. Elderly people who thrive with a positive point of view are the most interesting and admirable psychological entrepreneurs. We can learn so much from them. Be sure to “friend” Dr. Hurd on Facebook. Search under “Michael Hurd” (Rehoboth Beach DE). Get up-to-the-minute postings, recommended articles and links, and engage in back-and-forth discussion with Dr. Hurd on topics of interest. Also follow Dr. Hurd on Twitte… Continue reading

Love an Actual Person, Not a Potential Person (DE Wave)

…ithout people who were once important to you. But it’s better than acting out the psychological equivalent of banging your head against a wall over and over again. Life is too precious for that. You can follow Dr. Hurd on Facebook. Search under “Michael Hurd” (Rehoboth Beach DE). Get up-to-the-minute postings, recommended articles and links, and engage in back-and-forth discussion with Dr. Hurd on topics of interest. Also follow Dr. Hurd on Twitte… Continue reading

Why Chick-fil-A Will Lose in New York — But Shouldn’t

…y based. You’ll never find it honored in the USA as it is now. We’re not a free country. We’re a Uniparty run by Commiefascists who maintain that we have absolutely no rights or sovereignty over our minds, body and property. Except when it suits them. And only because they allow it. The powers that be don’t like Christians, and they loathe successful Christian companies even more. Chick-fil-A is too popular to put out of business. So they’ll force… Continue reading

Psychotherapists Can Change People: True or False?

…nships, though the emotions involved are not usually as intense. Here’s an example, utilizing a question I received from a website visitor: Dear Dr. Hurd, My wife wants me to change, on a very deep level. But I really believe I’m just fine. She’s insisting I go to therapy by myself to change. I’m not opposed to therapy. I’ve even gone to a therapist from time to time. But I don’t see that I need to do anything differently from what I’m doing now…. Continue reading

The Psychology of Trump

…is, in a sense, lawless. While Congress might be required to pass laws, he openly states that he will accomplish by executive order what Congress won’t do. He might as well be saying, “The Constitution be damned.” He’s almost a dictator, and in some respects already operates as one. Donald Trump comes along and is willing to call Obama, along with others (including Republicans) who comprise the “establishment,” the idiots they clearly are. Nice? N… Continue reading

Today’s Immigration is Not Real American Immigration

…willingness to come. There were no freebies, there were no free rides. The price of freedom was self-reliance. Without self-reliance, you could not be free. You could ask for charity, but NEVER compel or coerce it. Today’s warped concept of immigration is 100 percent the opposite. The less independent, the less self-reliant, the less responsible and the more corrupt you are — the better. Why? Because you’ll feed as a parasite off the state, and th… Continue reading

The Myth of Free Will is a Myth

…a substance, or gambling, or some other habit. If those uninvited and unwelcome compulsions are all powerful, caused entirely by the circuitry of the brain, then how in the world did this person stop the behavior—even for a day or month, to say nothing of a lifetime? Denying the reality of choice is like denying the reality of existence. Of course, philosophical subjectivists like Sam Harris do this all the time. They claim there is no reality, an… Continue reading

If 80 Percent of Voters Want Free Speech, Why Don’t We Have It?

…is Slavery”, as Orwell pointed out all those years ago. It’s the same with free speech. “Censorship is free speech.” Orwell couldn’t have said it better. The millions of left-wing or left-leaning Americans who get to say whatever they wish on social media, and have a sense of being shielded from speech they dislike, have no problem calling this brazen hypocrisy “free speech.” That’s how you get a poll that shows 80 percent of Americans want free s… Continue reading

Obama’s Kind of Immigrants

…. America offers ‘free’ education, ‘free’ health care, ‘free’ unemployment compensation, ‘free’ distribution of wealth for as far as the eye can see—or as far as a politically manipulated currency based on the arbitrary whims of politicians in Washington D.C. can manage to make it last. America’s present leadership, led by the hapless, arrogant Obama and humbly enabled by the likes of his Republican ‘opponents,’ stands ready to welcome and embrace… Continue reading

Health Insurance Premiums to Skyrocket: What Next, America?

…ability of private individuals to purchase medical care or insurance on an open, free market. Particularly since the formation of Medicare, this has been a growing problem in medical care. Nobody blamed it on the government. Instead, most people blamed it on the “free market.” They bought the idea that if we didn’t have a free market, then all would be solved. But we didn’t have a free market, not even close to one, after Medicare came along. Most… Continue reading

Chuck Schumer’s Revealing Display of Authoritarianism in a NYC Restaurant

…snatching defeat from the jaws of victory again, and again and yet again. (Latest example: Refusing to propose an outright repeal of Obamacare in Congress, as promised for the last 7 years). The rage and intolerance stems from the ideology of leftism itself. Think about what leftism is: force and compulsion. I won’t deny that the right is guilty of the same. But the right is more mixed. It’s a combination of liberty and compelling people to do thi… Continue reading