How to Make American Health Care Great Again

…it: When you want to buy a car, you shop around, comparing the quality and price of competing models and the offerings at different dealerships. The same is true for practically everything else Americans buy: refrigerators, houses, office supplies, washing machines, computers, and on and on. Why is health care the big exception? Because the prices are obscured. Particularly if you’re covered by health insurance, you never know the true cost of tre… Continue reading

Is Frank Underwood the GOOD Guy?

…he common good” is solely about the good of real-life versions of Frank Underwood, then you had better reconsider now. We’re talking here about the exercise of power for power’s sake. If you choose to laugh this off just like everything else our governments do, then just remember, when it comes your own time to pay the price for the death of individual freedom and private property in America: You asked for it. Be sure to “friend” Dr. Hurd on Faceb… Continue reading

Most Americans are CLUELESS about Gas Prices, Economics — and Morality

…uct rises massively while supply remains the same, you will see a spike in prices. If the government came in and froze the prices while demand rose and supply remained the same, you would find shortages and long lines. That’s what happened in the 1970s with long gas lines and shortages. When the government repealed price controls in the early 1980s, the gas lines went away. So it’s not “ridiculous” that gas prices are going up. It’s logically inev… Continue reading

College … It’s the New High School

…overnment intervenes in other markets—such as health care or mortgages—and prices become inflated, it’s the ‘greedy doctors’ or ‘greedy bankers’ who get the blame. In fact, it’s the government creating the problem by artificially increasing demand for a product or service and thereby driving costs up, relative to supply. Interestingly, ‘greedy universities” are not getting the blame for tuition inflation the way ‘greedy insurance companies’ and ‘g… Continue reading

The Two Top Reasons for Hope in the Coronavirus Panic

…ct only intensify their controls and restrictions, people are going to get really, really frustrated and pissed off. That’s not necessarily a bad thing. Anger can be healthy. Remember, America was started by people who got really, really pissed off but were rational yet strong about it. I think something like that is going to happen with coronavirus panic. Not right away. But before long. I am counting on it. No, I cannot guarantee it will happen…. Continue reading

Grow Up, America

…chalance, they communicated to their enemies that they did not value their freedom. Their communication was heard. Aside from the bombing of Pearl Harbor—which ignited the United States’ role in World War II sixty years earlier—the United States had never sustained any real damage from warfare. Until September 11, they did not know what it was like to have their cities bombed, or to have their most cherished cultural symbols destroyed before their… Continue reading

Why It’s Actually in Good Taste to Criticize John McCain While He’s Ill

…icans who continue to evade the fact that we are the ones permitting and encouraging our government to turn the most productive of us into victims. Listen to tons of BRAND NEW podcasts HERE! Just Posted! Follow Dr. Hurd on Facebook. Search under “Michael Hurd” (Rehoboth Beach DE). Get up-to-the-minute postings, recommended articles and links, and engage in back-and-forth discussion with Dr. Hurd on topics of interest. Also follow Dr. Hurd on Twitt… Continue reading

Fourteen Years Later

…chalance, they communicated to their enemies that they did not value their freedom. Their communication was heard. Aside from the bombing of Pearl Harbor—which ignited the United States’ role in World War II sixty years earlier—the United States had never sustained any real damage from warfare. Until September 11, they did not know what it was like to have their cities bombed, or to have their most cherished cultural symbols destroyed before their… Continue reading

Not Your Granddaddy’s Democrat Party — Nor Even Your Daddy’s

…. Totalitarians have a way of sticking, no matter how much people like you come to detest them. Heaven help us all if it’s too late to roll back the tide of totalitarianism about to sweep America now.     Follow Dr. Hurd on Facebook. Search under “Michael Hurd” (Charleston SC). Get up-to-the-minute postings, recommended articles and links, and engage in back-and-forth discussion with Dr. Hurd on topics of interest. Also follow Dr. Hurd on Twitter… Continue reading

Thirteen Years Later

…chalance, they communicated to their enemies that they did not value their freedom. Their communication was heard. Aside from the bombing of Pearl Harbor—which ignited the United States’ role in World War II sixty years earlier—the United States had never sustained any real damage from warfare. Until September 11, they did not know what it was like to have their cities bombed, or to have their most cherished cultural symbols destroyed before their… Continue reading

Leave your fears on the runway (DE Coast Press)

…ss control over your independence in exchange (hopefully) for intimacy and compatibility. For some, flying comes with a psychological cost, whether it’s a fear of terrorism, being cooped up, or crashing. Well, let’s look at the facts. Airlines, at least as long as they are required to make a profit and are held legally accountable for passengers’ lives, have a vested interest in sending up a safe airplane. U.S. Airways, for example, had a number o… Continue reading

Why the Elusive Political “Center” is So Elusive

…ld never approach real life this way. Or if we did, we’d certainly pay the price. Consider examples from daily life. “Should I buy this house, or should I buy a different one? Or should I wait and not buy a house at all?” There are many different factors involved in making this decision. However, the end game of weighing those factors would be to determine — to the best of your ability and knowledge — the right decision to make. You wouldn’t seek… Continue reading