Twitter’s Dorsey: The Face of Evil

…ey is a supporter of America’s Marxist movement, the Democratic Party. His company openly silences dissent from dissidents who challenge his embrace of total statism. Hyperinflation occurs when the government enacts massive and abrupt spending (via central banking) after a government takeover of most economic activity, which happened in 2020-21. We are getting the exact policies that Dorsey, as a Communist, wants. Being as wealthy as he is, he can… Continue reading

“Affordable Care” Means: Medicare or Medicaid Only

…tees that will never exist. What does deregulation do? Deregulation spawns freedom of competition, innovation, and a celebration of diversity: a recognition of the fact that one size cannot fit all. Privatization of medicine, including the ability of citizens to opt out of Medicare and Medicaid, should have been the standard in health care reform. Instead, everyone is being herded under one federal umbrella, propped up by a gang of narcissistic po… Continue reading

I’ll Take Drug Companies Over Parasitic Politicians Any Day

…awful or sinful; by permitting this freedom, we simultaneously permit drug companies the freedom to innovate, produce and manufacture the medications we need to survive. If drug companies did not do this, who would – or could? If we took away the incentive of profit, how would the goods get to market? It takes a lot of time, money and energy to get those pills to your pharmacist, or on the pharmacy shelves. Do you think it happens by magic? Most o… Continue reading

Scared to fly? Let’s Take a Closer Look

…control over certain things is less than the pleasure of a trip to a far-away place, then think of it as the price you pay for living a more interesting life. Then work to keep your fears from tarnishing this benefit.     Follow Dr. Hurd on Facebook. Search under “Michael Hurd” (Rehoboth Beach DE). Get up-to-the-minute postings, recommended articles and links, and engage in back-and-forth discussion with Dr. Hurd on topics of interest. Also follow… Continue reading

Socialism Won’t Lower the Cost of Gas

…d be on the market now and demand for them would be massive. Biofuels, for example, are only in the research stage and there’s no guarantee they’ll ever do the job. What are we supposed to do: Give up gasoline (as many will start to do when it approaches $6, $10, $15 a gallon) and simply wait for better technology, technology that Obama approves of? Everybody says that it’s wrong to be ideological, and that instead we should simply concentrate on… Continue reading

Obama’s Targeted Tax Increases

…his figure deemed too much? People who have life or death power over the income of private companies — oil companies or otherwise — ought to be required to state what they consider a reasonable limit on profit, and why they chose that amount. They also should be obliged to explain what gives them the right to decide and impose this limit. The only kind of tax cuts that are moral, as well as economic in the long-run, are across-the-board tax cuts…. Continue reading

So How Are We Supposed to Cope Living Under Tyranny?

…edom and liberty. We were the last of a rare few generations who knew what freedom was really like. I will always remember the cities, the airports, the grocery stores, the amusement parks, the openness of towns, the country, suburbs, the public arenas, the restaurants, the shopping malls — none of those things, in my view, will be like they were, not again. COVID was merely the excuse — the first of many — to implement what we now have: a society… Continue reading

Economics in One Lesson … via The Today Show

…ther the owner is able to pay more isn’t even the main point. The owner is free to choose — or at least should be free to choose — based on what the going rate is. If the owner pays too little, he’ll suffer economically because he won’t be able to find the best possible staff (or even any) to serve his customers. If he pays his staff too much, by the going rate, then he’ll suffer by losing profits and ultimately having to let some of his employees… Continue reading

Fear of Flying? Let’s Look at Facts.

…your fears from tarnishing this benefit.     Follow Dr. Hurd on Facebook. Search under “Michael Hurd” (Charleston SC). Get up-to-the-minute postings, recommended articles and links, and engage in back-and-forth discussion with Dr. Hurd on topics of interest. Also follow Dr. Hurd on Twitter at @MichaelJHurd1, drmichaelhurd on Instagram, Michael Hurd Ph.D. on LinkedIn, @DrHurd on TruthSocial   Why Get Help? Solution-focused life coaching with Dr. H… Continue reading

We Don’t Need Health Care & Education “Systems”. We Need Markets.

…t what’s best for them in education. We need them to SHOP. We need them to price-compare and quality-compare. We need schools so accountable they can go out of business — something the behemoths we have created in the public school system will not do, not until someone has the courage to shut them down by cutting off their funds. It sounds brutal, but you can phase the government-run system out over a few years. Even ten years if you like, but it… Continue reading