Presidential Temperament: Is Calmness the Answer in a Dangerous World?

…oritarian or totalitarian dictatorships. The only countries left defending freedom—or freedom’s remnants, at least—are places like the United States and Western Europe. These are the nations getting attacked, and these are the nations underreacting to it all. Under Obama, the free nations have been leading the charge on underreacting. The price of liberty is eternal vigilance, as Thomas Jefferson once said. Vigilance does not mean paranoia. It doe… Continue reading

As Obamacare Threatens, Where Are the Doctors?

…inertia. Yes, even moral cowardice. They will be the ones who pay the greatest price for continuing to let the bulldozer of “compassionate government” run over their rights. Doctors will pay the price, along with the rest of us — presuming we plan to be patients one day. Just as doctors are the primary victims of Obamacare, they can also end up being our salvation. When and if enough doctors get fed up with socialized medicine, they will fire the… Continue reading

Afraid to Fly? (DE Wave)

…ss control over your independence in exchange (hopefully) for intimacy and compatibility. For some, flying comes with a psychological cost, whether it’s a fear of terrorism, being cooped up, or crashing. Well, let’s look at the facts. Airlines, at least as long as they are required to make a profit and are held legally accountable for passengers’ lives, have a vested interest in sending up a safe airplane. U.S. Airways, for example, had a number o… Continue reading

Universal Health Scare

…iticians may applaud themselves for “giving” everyone health insurance for free, doctors pay the biggest price by being at the mercy of the bureaucracy and injustice created by this monolithic system. Also, once the private insurance sector (or what’s left of it) is completely out of business, which will be inevitable if not outright mandatory, doctors will have no choice but to follow government dictates. As it stands now, medical reimbursement r… Continue reading

The Fading Dream of American Individualism (Part 1 of 3)

…conformity to his own political and ideological goals. ‘Green’ automobile companies who support environmentalism are ‘in’; the rest are out. Companies that support his plan for socialized medicine are ‘in,’ and are given exemptions from the law. Others are out. Companies that give money only to Republicans are guilty of oppressive speech, subject to campaign finance rules, while companies that are decisively pro-Obama are ‘service-oriented’ and g… Continue reading

Obama’s Manipulation of Drug Companies: A Scandal, But No Surprise

…is actually a form of communication between customer and producer. A drug company prices its products based on supply and demand, just like any other company. If prices are high, this is an indication that the drug company must produce more. In a free market, a drug company would be glad to produce more—because it would mean more profit. As supply caught up with, and even surpassed, the demand of doctors and patients for certain drugs, the price Continue reading

Hillary Clinton’s Orwellian Reference to “Wage Theft”

…et — and a twisted, profound lie — our whole society and government have become. The real thieves who should be jailed are politicians like Hillary Clinton. Instead, we morally attack and legally prosecute their victims. Be sure to “friend” Dr. Hurd on Facebook. Search under “Michael Hurd” (Rehoboth Beach DE). Get up-to-the-minute postings, recommended articles and links, and engage in back-and-forth discussion with Dr. Hurd on topics of interest…. Continue reading

Reality 101 in a City Where Objectivity is Illegal

…tax rates are the highest in the industrialized world. No matter, because reality doesn’t matter. Paul Ryan possibly does care about reality, which is why he keeps bringing it up. But if you look more closely at his budget, it postpones cuts or reforms required for the programs eating up the vast majority of the federal budget: Social Security and Medicare. To his credit, Ryan at least proposes some nominal and partial privatization of these prog… Continue reading

Fear of Flying

…0 million flights a year, and the overwhelming majority land safely. These examples could, theoretically, reduce your fears somewhat. But I realize they probably won’t. Why? Because, for most people, fear of flying raises issues of control and cost. Not financial cost, but psychological cost as stated earlier. When you get on an airplane, you are also forced to confront the fact that you have no control. You are placing your life totally into the… Continue reading

Gaetz and Mace: Dead Wrong on Ilhan Omar

…blicans leaves one speechless (not in a good way). Their defense basically comes down to: You can’t kick people off committees merely because you disagree with them. But are there no rational distinctions? I’m reminded of the story about making a trade with another person. If you have an item that you believe is worth $50 and the potential buyer believes is worth $30, that’s a disagreement. It’s possible to split the difference and settle on a pri… Continue reading

It’s Not Wise to Laugh at Inflation

…So now the demand cannot keep up with the supply. What do you get? Rising prices. It’s complicated, but that’s part of the story. The other part of the story is what free market economists have said for decades. When the government puts “too much” money into the economy, because they think that by doing so they can stimulate economic growth, then you get inflation. Inflation is not defined by rising prices. Rising prices are a symptom of inflatio… Continue reading

If College is a Natural Right, Then Why Is It So Expensive?

…government must make sure everyone has one.” Even if we don’t establish a free market for education, sooner or later college tuition will price college education out of existence for most people. There’s only so much most people will pay (or can pay) for college, and the continuing tuition inflation rates are not sustainable. Government will keep intervening by paying for more and more of it (or perhaps forgiving loan debts at some point), but th… Continue reading