On Health Care, Donald Trump Sounds Like Bernie Sanders

…the marketplace for health care. If Trump were a free market advocate who really understood free markets, he’d propose something like this: Go ahead and leave the programs we have in place. Phase them out with a time limit. People will know that Medicaid, Obamacare and even Medicare (headed for bankruptcy anyway) will be gone at a certain point. Totally deregulate the marketplace. Liberalize and “decontrol,” from permitting insurance to be sold a… Continue reading

Let’s Really Understand What Freedom of Speech Means

…as on their own property. Why a rational university would want to restrain free thinking remains a valid question, but it’s still a private entity’s right to decide this. That’s why the real answer – and ultimately the only answer – for ensuring freedom of speech on college campuses is to withdraw government funding completely and, if possible, immediately. We will always have irrational, Marxist, politically correct and otherwise anti-intellectua… Continue reading

“The Free World Isn’t Free” (Daniel Jupp)

…f excessive response, your faith in the fundamental mechanisms that prevent tyranny only shaken, not broken, your chief desire that of peace, and compromise, and moderation….then you are no fucking use to anyone.”     Follow Dr. Hurd on Facebook. Search under “Michael Hurd” (Rehoboth Beach DE). Get up-to-the-minute postings, recommended articles and links, and engage in back-and-forth discussion with Dr. Hurd on topics of interest. Also follow Dr…. Continue reading

Liberty: The License to Be Free

…without liberty, where reason is underground and the best and brightest cannot create, produce or profit, these people who waste their talents are much worse off than they would be in a free society. At least in a free society, they’re more comfortable. Freedom and rationality lift the standard of living for all: Those who are in the arena of creation, and those who merely benefit, passively, from the creations. Everybody should be in favor of lib… Continue reading

No Gun-Free Zones for Hillary

…want to be seen as hating guns to do so. Hillary Clinton, who supports gun free zones, is a classic example. “Look at me. I support gun free zones. I’m morally superior.” Yet this very same Hillary Clinton expects armed protection when she wants it. She knows full well that weapons, in the right hands, save more lives than they kill. Guns are neither inherently good nor inherently evil. It all depends on who owns the gun. We have to stop letting o… Continue reading

Even Free Speech Troubles Some People

…hey paid for. By using this stale and unoriginal example, you imply that a compromise of freedom of speech is required in order to outlaw the violation of the theater owner’s property rights. Excuse me? Fraud and trespassing are NOT the exercise of free speech. And I know you know that. It’s not your intelligence I hold in question; it’s your intellectual honesty. Quite frankly, like anybody who uses this rationalization to curb or restrict freedo… Continue reading

Left-Wing Tech Giants are NOT the Product of a Free Market

…far appears to be happening.) So how can you have it both ways? (1) “In a free market, a company may do what it wants. Stop criticizing Facebook and Twitter.” (2) “It’s bad that Twitter is now owned by Elon Musk, and it’s bad that this means something to you.” It’s one thing for woke, Commie-fascist leftist snowflakes to say this. But now the supposed advocates of free markets are saying the same thing. We live in truly maddening, insane times.  … Continue reading

Command-and-Control vs. Free Market: Doctors, the Choice is Yours

…ubstitute itself for the mechanisms of a free market for health care. In a free market, prices and costs would go up and down, based primarily upon the variables of supply and demand. Customers would communicate needs/wants as well as satisfaction/dissatisfaction based on numerous factors over time, and the profit-seekers in the marketplace would be forced to adapt in order to survive or economically flourish. That’s distasteful to most when appli… Continue reading

The G.I. Bill vs. a Free Society?

…moment the Supreme Court upheld Obamacare in 2012. Even advocates of semi-freedom no longer really have a majority on the Supreme Court, and that’s unlikely to change in the foreseeable future. We’re a socialist democracy, plain and simple. If you’re someone who, like me, believes that the initiation of force is always wrong, and that no government has a right to engage in it, then you’re living under this socialist democracy by force. Other nati… Continue reading

Why Dr. Ben Carson is NOT the anti-Obama on Health Care

…ould be set by supply and demand, and all the other factors operative in a free market. As prices for medical care and technology went up, suppliers – profit-making doctors/hospitals and profit-making producers of medical technology – would flood the market with products and services, thereby bringing the cost down. Profit is the lifeblood (economically, morally, psychologically) of supply; and without supply, there is nothing of value to socializ… Continue reading