Why Chick-fil-A Will Lose in New York — But Shouldn’t

New York state plans to force Chick-fil-A to open on Sundays. They said it’s an “inconvenience” for road travelers not to have their chicken sandwiches while traveling on Sundays.

With the debate framed that way, at least half of Americans will say, “Yeah, sure, that is inconvenient. There awwta be a law making them open on Sundays.”

Senator Lindsay Graham of South Carolina has vowed federal intervention to stop New York state. He will lose, because New York state will say, “This is a local matter.” Because when it suits them, it IS a local matter. Only when it suits them. If a local town or state refused vax mandates, then they’d say, “It’s a public health emergency. It’s a national matter.”

The Democrats are Communists very good at their game. They pull out the principle that suits them when it suits them. The media, overwhelmingly on their side, never challenges them.

The real reason — and the only reason — Chick-fil-A has a right to open and close when they want? BECAUSE IT’S THEIR BUSINESS. It has nothing to do with religion. And it has nothing to do with convenience. Religion is a personal matter, as well as convenience. The only thing that should matter to the government of a free country is: SOVEREIGNTY over your own mind, body and property.

This is what you call a principle. It’s the principle upon which the U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights were originally based.

You’ll never find it honored in the USA as it is now. We’re not a free country. We’re a Uniparty run by Commiefascists who maintain that we have absolutely no rights or sovereignty over our minds, body and property. Except when it suits them. And only because they allow it.

The powers that be don’t like Christians, and they loathe successful Christian companies even more. Chick-fil-A is too popular to put out of business. So they’ll force them to open on Sundays; first in New York and then in all other blue states. They’ll try nationally, if it suits them.

It’s as simple as that. If you don’t like it, I suggest peaceful secession.



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