The Truth Hurts, But It Also Sets You Free

…e best and the brightest, and to keep them free. Keeping the best and brightest free is part and parcel of keeping everyone free. Only outright criminals are restrained. That possibility still exists in America probably more than any other place in the world right now. If only the people would set themselves free, we’d be on our way. Prosperity and happiness are more possible than most of us know. Most people don’t grasp this. That’s not depressin… Continue reading

The Glorious, Untapped Potential of Capitalism

…a place of free trade where individuals — customers and owners alike — are free to communicate with one another through transactions, currency exchange, contractual arrangements, pricing mechanisms (supply and demand), and in any other way they wish, so long as there’s no force or fraud. If force or fraud is discovered or suspected, then courts, police, investigative bodies and armies are properly in place to protect individual rights, within a fr… Continue reading

How stupid do they think we are?

…BI Director James Comey has yet again “vindicated” Hillary Clinton for the latest email snafu involving notorious sexter Anthony Weiner and who knows who else. Hillary operatives have already been caught calling her supporters “stupid,” and I guess she has convinced the FBI director of the same thing. So let’s review the facts. Hillary Clinton was investigated for compromising national security while Secretary of State. Evidence was found to suppo… Continue reading

The Giuliani Backpedal and What It Says About Republicans

…essives deem improper, apologies inevitably follow. Giuliani is merely the latest. This is precisely how it would work in a dictatorship. Or even worse, dissidents would be jailed or killed. Legally and literally, we don’t yet appear to be a dictatorship. But psychologically, we’re already there. It’s kind of a self-imposed dictatorship. Not a political one so much as an emotional one, propped up by the almost-stated premise, “Please, please like… Continue reading

Obamacare Architect’s Comments On “Stupid” Americans

…ing voters,” 11/12/14], as well as other sources including and On Tuesday, Gruber went on MSNBC to offer a mea culpa. “I was speaking off the cuff and I spoke inappropriately, and I regret making those comments,” he said. Evidently he really believes people are stupid to think they would actually buy such a faux apology, particularly on a network with no known opposition to anything Obama-related. But then more… Continue reading

Pro-Islam/Anti-Gay Violence: Where’s the Outrage?

and that he had “opined that homosexuals should be exterminated.” [8/25/14] comments: This incident should have been the impetus for a national discussion of violent Sharia [Islamic law] enforcement in the U.S., and an examination of what could be done to stop Sharia vigilantism. Instead, the mainstream media largely ignored the obvious motive; in this report, it is discussed as “homophobia,” with no hint that this was one of the firs… Continue reading

Don’t Forget China

…terrorists — don’t see this. Nothing makes a nation safer or stronger than freedom. Economic freedom leads to the most robust and thriving economy possible, and must be part of the mix. It also means more money to fund a military for strictly defensive purposes. Perhaps most importantly, free people care about their lives and have more “skin in the game” than anyone suffering under a dictatorship. The naive fools who think, “The Chinese are just l… Continue reading

Religion of Peace? ISIS Begs to Differ

…ayla was deceased,” Meehan said. Based on information reported in this story, as well as blog postings dated from 2010 published at another website (, 2/9/15, “UPDATED: ISM honors Kayla Mueller”), the victim of ISIS killers sided very much against Israel and with the Palestinian and other anti-Israeli and anti-American movements in the Middle East. She wrote, for example, Oppression greets us from all angles. Oppres… Continue reading

Barack’s Plan to Equalize Wealth in 23 Months or Less

…e enriching the wealthiest Americans, according to an interview he gave to website During his presidency, the government has done all it can to equalize income. Taxes have been raised, federal regulations have been increased to unprecedented levels, government intervention in the marketplace (e.g., Obamacare) has reached new levels, domestic spending (mostly borrowing) has risen more than at any time in human history, and high-income earn… Continue reading

A Little Bit of War is a Dangerous Thing

…or bad. It’s the guns, stupid. Obama will give us a little bit of war—just a little. But war without principle or ideals (of any kind) to back it up is a truly unjust thing. And a very dangerous one, too. [Sources of news items: and]   Be sure to “friend” Dr. Hurd on Facebook. Search under “Michael Hurd” (Rehoboth Beach DE). Get up-to-the-minute postings, recommended articles and links, and engage in back-and-forth discussion… Continue reading

Be Real

…y. Pick out any confident or successful person in the world (someone who accomplishes something real), either from the headlines or your own personal circles and you’ll find that confidence. I guarantee it. These are the kinds of things you don’t find with a great number of people, sadly. Why is that? My view: It takes self-confidence to say these things. Without it, you won’t go that far. Why not? Because someone might reject you for saying such… Continue reading

REAL Capitalism Will Wash the “Cronies” Away

…utlaw what Ayn Rand called the aristocracy of pull. How? Bring on economic freedom. Real capitalism, not all-out socialism, will wash the cronies away. Follow Dr. Hurd on Facebook. Search under “Michael Hurd” (Rehoboth Beach DE). Get up-to-the-minute postings, recommended articles and links, and engage in back-and-forth discussion with Dr. Hurd on topics of interest. Also follow Dr. Hurd on Twitter at @MichaelJHurd1 Dr. Hurd is now a Newsmax Insid… Continue reading