Anti-Discrimination Laws: Really Good For Gays/Lesbians?

…t on theirs. “Discrimination” is something we do with our minds. It can be valid or invalid, rational or irrational, mean-spirited or benign, or perhaps just a matter of opinion. Regardless, we do it with our minds. The government has no right to rule our minds. We must all be free to make our own decisions, without government interference, so long as we do not interfere with the right of another to do the same. Refusing to do business with someon… Continue reading

School Brainwashing in the Age of “Common Core”

…ury. Real minds and lives are at stake here, and “Common Core” is only the latestand more ridiculous — of programs to make it look like the federal government really knows what it’s doing for education. The joke is on those who think it actually has a clue. Common Core is nothing more than a command-and-control monopoly emanating out of Washington DC — mouthing the words for a field they have no ability to manage, and no right to control.   Be… Continue reading

Care enough to have an opinion

…opinion, and delivering that opinion with sincerity and integrity. The greatest compliment someone can pay to you is to render a thoughtful, well-delivered assessment of some situation he sees you possibly handling wrong. You don’t have to agree. Your friend may, in fact, be mistaken or not be seeing the whole picture. But if he took the time to put that kind of thought into your life, then surely it counts for something. At the core of this is yo… Continue reading

Might Makes Right: Censorship the New Normal at Philadelphia High School

…wrong (at least when from any non-leftist point-of-view), then what’s to become of civil discourse, to say nothing of free speech, in American society? It’s mob rule, with the rule of the mob being group emotions. No free society will last for long with people acting, thinking and feeling this way. Not if Philadelphia’s Central High School is any guide. Follow Dr. Hurd on Facebook. Search under “Michael Hurd” (Rehoboth Beach DE). Get up-to-the-min… Continue reading

Diversity Dies in Darkness

…hing other than what they are. Tired, insincere clichés about “serving the community” are really code for enjoying one’s clique without having to pay taxes for it. No, none of it is illegal. But perhaps taxpayers (and donors) need to take a second look. “Democracy dies in darkness” is a phrase peddled by the leftist Washington Post, a publication that these “social justice warriors” treat as their progressive scripture. Somebody needs to tell thes… Continue reading

Can You Have Your First Amendment and Eat it Too?

…endment. We’re just going to protect people from the effects of hate.” But freedom of speech refers to freedom of thought. Since emotions are forms of thoughts, then hate (like any other emotion) is protected by the First Amendment. To state this fact is not to endorse hatred; it’s simply to uphold an individual right. By the way, why is hatred always irrational or wrong? Isn’t it possible for a lover of individual rights to hate fascism or totali… Continue reading

Democratic Senator Chris Murphy: “Take Down” Conservative Websites

…(D-CT) is calling on social media companies to “do more than take down one website,” meaning take down more websites on top of InfoWars, which was de-platformed by YouTube, Facebook, and others on Monday. “Infowars [sic] is the tip of a giant iceberg of hate and lies that uses sites like Facebook and YouTube to tear our nation apart,” Murphy tweeted Monday afternoon. “These companies must do more than take down one website. The survival of our dem… Continue reading

Don’t Rush to Label People (DE Coast Press)

…ngressman or presidential administration. Many powerful people – huge drug companies come to mind – have a vested interest in prematurely labeling things “conditions.” After all, how else can they get research money from the politicians who control the purse strings? Yes, it’s good to have a name for something, but it’s also psychologically healthy to remember that there’s no basis for making it one’s entire identity. In the case of hyperacusis, I… Continue reading

Not All Millennials Are Idiots

…s to improve my life myself, and refer others to your website when appropriate. Still, I’d like you to know that there’s one more rational, independent (and ambitious as hell) mind out there on your side. Sincerely, J   Follow Dr. Hurd on Facebook. Search under “Michael Hurd” (Rehoboth Beach DE). Get up-to-the-minute postings, recommended articles and links, and engage in back-and-forth discussion with Dr. Hurd on topics of interest. Also follow D… Continue reading

How Smart is SMART Recovery?

…rt group. Our participants learn tools for addiction recovery based on the latest scientific research and participate in a world-wide community which includes free, self-empowering, secular and science-based, mutual-help support groups.” Notice how an ideology is implicit here. The ideology is: Reason, science, rationality, self-preservation. I like this ideology. But from what I can see, the organization doesn’t drive at the core (i.e. underlying… Continue reading