Not Sure About Climate Change? RFK Jr. Wants You in Prison

…olitical equivalents count on in ramming transformative (translation: anti-freedom) legislation down our throats in the name of “the environment.” What throws petty little mini-fascists (offspring of the real deal) like Robert F. Kennedy Jr. into a mind-numbing rage is a soul-draining terror that not everyone will believe them. People, especially people like the Koch brothers who have a lot of money and can therefore spread opposing ideas, seem li… Continue reading

Brian Williams vs. The Truth

…legitimate state of confusion, or something else. [Reported at and 2/5/15] To quote a reader and associate of mine: “Hey, it’s a mistake anyone could make. Why, just last week I spent a day and a half thinking about nearly dying in a Kabul firefight before I realized that I’d just driven through the car wash.” Exactly. The question here isn’t why Williams did this. He’s a liar and a fraud, and we know that liars and frauds… Continue reading

Republicans are Imploding, But So Are Progressives: Look at Hollywood

…essive leftists who try to make them feel guilty and ashamed for wanting a free society, including an economically free society. In their current rage, expressed by Donald Trump and others, still left unsaid are the things the Republicans should really be talking about: What they are for, and why. How to make America great again, with the restoration of economic liberty and freedom not seen for over a century. The problem with most of these Republ… Continue reading

I’m So Sorry!

…e action I want to take, and I’m going to evaluate whether my emotions are completely valid, or only partially valid — or even groundless.” This is what people who “apologize” for wrongdoing don’t get. The premise of controlling and managing your emotions is that reason trumps feelings. This doesn’t mean feelings are always bad and wrong, while reason is always valid and correct. People can engage in flawed or faulty reasoning, and emotions are pa… Continue reading

Generation Snowflake: Why It Happened

…one thing: The false conviction that feelings are automatically and always valid. Sadly, we have a real-life laboratory to provide support for my assertion. Going back to the early 1990s, I wrote about the dangers of telling children that their feelings were valid, their feelings represent who they are, and they have a RIGHT to their feelings and emotions above all else. I suggested that if you raise children to believe these things, they will tur… Continue reading

Why The Second Amendment Has Become So Controversial

…n state – Soviet Russia, Nazi Germany, in the past; or Islamofascist Iran, Communist North Korea or Communist Cuba of today. In such countries, the government also claims that only the government may own guns. That should tell you something about the true intentions of those who twist the Second Amendment to argue in favor of its repeal. According to such a mentality, rights are collective in nature. There’s no such thing as an individual right in… Continue reading

Compromise isn’t always good (DE Wave)

…sed on your career, but we can’t live off of what you make,’ then that’s a valid consideration. But it’s not a valid reason to end the discussion. The next step might be, “Let’s look at places we could move where you could have a sustainable career, while I can retain what I have, perhaps with a few changes.” This combination of circumstances might not exist, especially if real estate issues are factored in. Though monumentally significant, none o… Continue reading

What Marital Compromise Is Really All About

…f time — in fact, almost this entire article — on the idea of what marital compromise really means. I do this because I have found, again and again, that the conversations never had, and the thinking never engaged in, about this issue are the root cause of the kinds of dilemmas you describe. What it really boils down to is, “If you don’t treat my career wants and needs as visible and as important as your own — we have a serious problem. It’s not j… Continue reading

“Medicare For All”…YAY! What Happens to the Doctors?

…nsiders the doctors. Only “will my medical care be paid for”? Payment is a valid concern, although it’s not valid to force others to pay your bills (which is what government does). But even more valid concerns are the people who will PROVIDE you with that medical care. Rest assured, doctors will not be treated well by the government when the government has NO competition. That’s what “Medicare for All” means … no private insurance, no private sect… Continue reading