Not Every Problem is a Disease

…ngressman or presidential administration. Many powerful people – huge drug companies come to mind – have a vested interest in prematurely labeling things “conditions.” After all, how else can they get money from the politicians who control the purse strings? Yes, it’s good to have a name for something, but it’s also psychologically healthy to remember that there’s no basis for making it one’s entire identity. In the case of hyperacusis, I suggeste… Continue reading

Dr. Hurd vs. Dr. Phil (Part 1 of 2)

…n interests and activities. I see no reason why married spouses can’t have common interests and activities as well. Get real, Dr. Phil! D.P.: ‘If approached properly, arguing can actually help the relationship by (a) releasing tension and (b) instilling the sense of peace and trust that comes from knowing you can release feelings without being abandoned or humiliated.’ D.H.: This can be true, but it’s crucial to know what you mean, exactly, by ‘ar… Continue reading

Free Speech No Excuse For Muslim Ideology of Violence

…m are not defending themselves against dictatorship. They are fighting — literally bombing and killing — for the “right” to impose dictatorship on others. They feel it is a violation of their rights to be forced to live on a planet with people who don’t practice their faith. People openly committed to the destruction of free speech are not the victims. They are the victimizers. They are not in violation of the law for holding their irrational beli… Continue reading

Not Every Problem is a Disease

…ngressman or presidential administration. Many powerful people – huge drug companies come to mind – have a vested, financial interest in prematurely labeling things “conditions.” Yes, it’s good to have a name for something, but it’s also psychologically healthy to remember that there’s no basis for making it one’s entire identity. In the case of hyperacusis, I suggest that the client avoid trigger situations that are easy to avoid. For example, so… Continue reading

Jill Biden Embraced by NEWSMAX?

…t not surprising. Has NEWSMAX joined The Swamp too? I abandoned my column there because a junior editor protested I was too critical of Islam. Something is wrong at NEWSMAX, I fear. Cancer starts small, and grows.     Follow Dr. Hurd on Facebook. Search under “Michael Hurd” (Rehoboth Beach DE). Get up-to-the-minute postings, recommended articles and links, and engage in back-and-forth discussion with Dr. Hurd on topics of interest. Also follow Dr…. Continue reading

What the Heck is Misophonia? (DE Wave)

…ngressman or presidential administration. Many powerful people — huge drug companies come to mind — have a vested interest in prematurely labeling things ‘conditions.’ After all, how else can one get research money from the politicians who control the funds? Yes, it’s good to have a name for something, but it’s also psychologically healthy to remember that there’s no basis for making it one’s entire identity. In the case of hyperacusis, I suggest… Continue reading

Giving up Smoking? Check This Out

One of the subjects that comes up very often at this website is smoking. A website visitor emails that she has successfully reduced her cigarette intake from 22 to only 6 a day. Now she’s stuck, and asks for advice on how to end the habit altogether. I emailed back: Your mistake was that you set a partial goal rather than a total goal. You have to treat this as all or nothing. You’re either going to stop, or you’re not. Though it’s obviously bett… Continue reading

Single-Payer Health Care is Next

…e or less ‘one size fits all’ approach mandated by the federal government. Freedom of competition wanes as fewer companies (maybe just one or two) operate to fulfill the narrow government requirements. Even today, when a sense of dispirited helplessness and demand for government intervention is perhaps at an all-time high, I don’t think the vast majority of Americans would tolerate such a law. But a majority permitted it with health care, and now… Continue reading

When Aversion to Noise Becomes an Extreme

…ngressman or presidential administration. Many powerful people – huge drug companies come to mind – have a vested interest in prematurely labeling things “conditions.” After all, how else can they get money from the politicians who control the purse strings? Yes, it’s good to have a name for something, but it’s also psychologically healthy to remember that there’s no basis for making it one’s entire identity. In the case of hyperacusis, I suggeste… Continue reading

New York State Wants to Whack Popular Airbnb

…ut protecting anyone — other than threatened competitors. Big Government’s latest casualty? The popular, innovative guest house service known as Airbnb. (See their website here.) The New York Times reports: On June 17, the State Legislature passed what would become one of the most stringent home-sharing laws in the country, if not the world, should Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo approve it. The measure would forbid not only landlords, but also tenants, to l… Continue reading

Only the Gloomy Want Socialism in Medicine

…it inspiring and benevolent to live in a world where the best and the brightest are free to be all that they can be. It’s also of immense practical value. Leaving a free market free — or restoring one, as is now necessary in the US — means leaving people free to be the best that they can be. Is it really in the interest of doctors and drug companies to keep people sick? If so, then it’s in the interest of doctors to find the most ineffective treat… Continue reading