“Can You Help Me?”

…on and yourself a chance. And stop trying to do the impossible. What I’m recommending is more than enough work, and it applies to the possible. Drop the search for “a cure for my mental illness” and replace it with a never ending quest for solutions, thought — and consistency in your daily life.   Be sure to “friend” Dr. Hurd on Facebook. Search under “Michael Hurd” (Rehoboth Beach DE). Get up-to-the-minute postings, recommended articles and links… Continue reading

How to Talk to an Alcoholic (DE Wave)

…y. She returned to see me a few months later. And, surprise, surprise, after her prodding, he had checked himself into rehab. Did she save him? I’ll never know. But at least I was able to help her convince him to try.   Follow Dr. Hurd on Facebook. Search under “Michael Hurd” (Rehoboth Beach DE). Get up-to-the-minute postings, recommended articles and links, and engage in back-and-forth discussion with Dr. Hurd on topics of interest. Also follow D… Continue reading

San Bernardino: Another Inconvenient Fact for the P.C. Narrative

…unless we grasp this fact, we will never respond effectively. Consider the latest shooting in San Bernardino, CA. Right now, from the available evidence, it looks like it was probably Islamic-inspired. Now there’s a surprise! Shooter Syed Rizwan Farook had become increasingly radicalized, CNN reports, and had been in touch by phone and via social media with more than one international terrorism subject under investigation by the FBI. No, we are no… Continue reading

Dreaming of a Second Career? Dream no More.

…disappear. Don’t fall for false alternatives. Years ago, a man told me he really wanted to become a presidential press secretary. And if that didn’t happen, he would have to end up as a greeter for Walmart. After I picked myself up off the floor, I realized this guy genuinely believed that there was simply nothing in between. In reality, there’s everything in between. All he had to do was to take off his blinders. Beware the foolish false alterna… Continue reading

Why Columbus Mattered

…red, and history may have told a different story. Instead the entire world benefited from the eventual creation of an independent group of united states, operating as a Constitutional Republic, called America. 🇺🇸”     Follow Dr. Hurd on Facebook. Search under “Michael Hurd” (Rehoboth Beach DE). Get up-to-the-minute postings, recommended articles and links, and engage in back-and-forth discussion with Dr. Hurd on topics of interest. Also follow Dr…. Continue reading

Kevin Hart, the Oscars & the Death of Humor in America

…letely different space in my life.” I know nothing about Kevin Hart or his comedy. I enjoy comedy, but tuned it out when it all became totally political, all on the left side of the spectrum. It’s noteworthy that Hart’s fellow comedian Ellen DeGeneres — who’s usually politically correct and is a lesbian herself — stood up for Hart in this instance. I used to love Ellen DeGeneres’ form of humor, but once she started taking up for Obama and all his… Continue reading

Do Readers Make Better Lovers?

…e is representative of emotion without reference to reason. Somehow, the incomplete halves are to come together to form a perfect union, a state of perfection rarely, if ever, to be found. (Interestingly, I’ve noticed the same dynamic at work in same-sex romantic relationships, where two partners similarly recreate the male-female dichotomy by this standard of the emotion-reason dichotomy.) From this traditional yet still rather prevalent mindset,… Continue reading

Fear: The Great Inhibitor

…ake it on? People talk about deliberately and regularly going out of their comfort zones — rationally, of course, when something makes sense and when it really has the possibility of advancing your life in some way. This is a good strategy. “Getting out my comfort zone” is a recipe for confronting your irrational fears deliberately, and actually growing and learning throughout all of life. Fear is too often motivated by the search for an impossibl… Continue reading

Outlawing “Cyber Violence” — the Next Big Thing?

…e their “licensing prerogative” (translation: the FCC) to ensure that “telecoms and search engines” are only “allowed to connect with the public” if they “supervise content and its dissemination.” What kind of content? Are we talking about videos of people where actual victims are raped, murdered and assaulted against their will and the videos of the victims’ trauma are then made public? No, that’s not what concerns the U.N. in this report. From b… Continue reading

Why Not to Call an Alcoholic “Selfish” (DE Coast Press)

…few months later. And, surprise, surprise, after her prodding, he had checked himself into rehab. Did she save him? I’ll never know. But at least I was able to help her convince him to try. Be sure to “friend” Dr. Hurd on Facebook. Search under “Michael Hurd” (Rehoboth Beach DE). Get up-to-the-minute postings, recommended articles and links, and engage in back-and-forth discussion with Dr. Hurd on topics of interest. Also follow Dr. Hurd on Twitt… Continue reading

Life Is An End in Itself — and Addiction Is Not Living

…wly wasting away. She returned to see me a few months later. And, surprise, surprise, after her prodding, he had checked himself into rehab. Did she save him? I’ll never know. But at least I was able to help her convince him to try.     Follow Dr. Hurd on Facebook. Search under “Michael Hurd” (Rehoboth Beach DE). Get up-to-the-minute postings, recommended articles and links, and engage in back-and-forth discussion with Dr. Hurd on topics of intere… Continue reading