Why Repealing the Patriot Act Won’t Fix America

…e never been able to fully defend themselves and have always relied on the freer United States to come to the rescue (against the Nazis, the Japanese, and later the Communists). Who will rescue the United States when it comes time to defend us? Most of us are no longer willing to do it, and that’s the sad truth that violent parasites such as Islamic fundamentalists eagerly exploit. We yawn, we whine, and we direct our government to provide us with… Continue reading

Democrats & Leftists: Preparing Us for Dictatorship (Theirs, Not Trump’s)

…overnment. You can go to Facebook jail for not being a leftist, but not to real jail — yet. That will come in the form of “hate speech” (translation: dissenting speech) laws, if they ever pass. Under Democratic rule, they will. The second thing dictators count on? An unthinking, inattentive and uncritical audience. They already have that in the millions who still watch CNN, MSNBC and who also read The Washington Post and The New York Times. People… Continue reading

Get Ready for Google’s “Hate-Speech-Spell-Checker”

…to enact his vision of a new Internet. Well, yes and no. If Google were a completely private company operating in a fully free market, then it would possess no power at all, other than that created by willing customers. However, we all know that there are no totally private companies in America, at least not big ones. Once you become big in America, you become more subject than ever to the whims, preferences and even explicit demands and requirem… Continue reading

HATE is Where the Left Is

…k out what Antifa just did to Trump supporters at a San Francisco rally. The hate is ALL on the left. I don’t know what resistance under a Biden-American Communist regime would look like. I hope not to find out. All I know: Maybe Joe and his smug totalitarians shouldn’t be quite so complacent.       Follow Dr. Hurd on Facebook. Search under “Michael Hurd” (Rehoboth Beach DE). Get up-to-the-minute postings, recommended articles and links, and engag… Continue reading

Obama Exploits a Compliant America

…struction to awaken them from their psychological slumber. Fear is the greatest enemy in human nature. People become so afraid that they lose sight of what’s most important. For example, most people (rationally) dislike and fear terrorism. In their fear, they allow the government to do pretty much whatever it wants. Yet this raises the obvious question: Why should we fear terrorism in the first place? Because it can lead to loss of life and freedo… Continue reading

Trump Reverses Obama’s Moral Inversion on Iran

…cynical agnostic Manhattanites and D.C. swamp dwellers have a lot more in common than you think. The main thing in common is that they hate America, capitalism, liberty, freedom and individual rights. They hate us so much, they want us wiped out. Thank goodness we have a President, right now, who’s actually on the side of America. How that became such a controversial thing — and a stand only one of our two political parties seems willing to take… Continue reading

Edward Snowden: Traitor by What Definition?

…By ‘rational’ I mean: it objectively preserves order, and allows people to freely pursue commerce and personal happiness. If I’m not mistaken, Snowden, as a high security government employee, was obliged to uphold that Constitution in performing his job. He arguably did so, at great cost to his own well-being, by exposing the glaring contradictions between present/recent government activities and that very Constitution he’s obliged to uphold. For Continue reading

Exercise your Memory! (DE Wave)

…as going to say.” I remove the pressure by suggesting: “Don’t worry. It’ll come back.” It almost always comes back before the hour is over. Why? Because the stress is released and the subconscious has a chance to retrieve the lost thought, which most likely connects to our conversation. What about situations where you lose your keys? Or your wallet? You don’t have the luxury to simply “forget about it.” In these more urgent circumstances you obvio… Continue reading

Life and Death in America

…proof? That the leftists are still here.     Follow Dr. Hurd on Facebook. Search under “Michael Hurd” (Charleston SC). Get up-to-the-minute postings, recommended articles and links, and engage in back-and-forth discussion with Dr. Hurd on topics of interest. Also follow Dr. Hurd on Twitter at @MichaelJHurd1, drmichaelhurd on Instagram, Michael Hurd Ph.D. on LinkedIn, @DrHurd on TruthSocial   Why Get Help? Solution-focused life coaching with Dr. H… Continue reading

America Has a Gun to Its Head

…ke Kamala and EVERY SINGLE ONE of his fellow “Democrats,” is a proud, open Communist in search of power over others. He is doing all he can to destroy Minnesota, a beautiful place with a proud history. He locked down his state for no reason and weaponized the police against law abiding citizens and property owners to foster a race war. It’s what Marxists do: divide and conquer. He wants a shot at destroying America, just like Kamala. He says socia… Continue reading

Couples Therapy: Proceed With Caution

…cent of couples in therapy end up worse off than they started! Source: Search “Married With Problems? Therapy May Not Help,” by Susan Gilbert, The New York Times.   Be sure to “friend” Dr. Hurd on Facebook. Search under “Michael Hurd” (Rehoboth Beach DE). Get up-to-the-minute postings, recommended articles and links, and engage in back-and-forth discussion with Dr. Hurd on topics of interest…. Continue reading

“Children Make the Best Soldiers”

…at the only thing we have to fear is ideology. But Middle Easterners who detest America detest us for a reason. It’s much deeper than what our military has done over the years. It has to do with our attitudes, our principles (politically and ideologically), and our very way of life. In order to defeat an enemy you first have to understand it. You have to understand the core differences that could lead these enemies to crimes and actions, such as a… Continue reading