Matt Damon’s Search for the Truth

…the health care ‘priorities’ for millions of Americans for generations to come—Soviet-style—is the most graphic implementation of this principle. You’ll become very familiar with the IPAB as it sets collective goals for health care spending (translation: rationing) in the years to come. And if you think medical goals set by the government will have nothing to do with preferential politics, I have some federally protected swampland to sell you. Re… Continue reading

The Never-Ending Search for (Online) Validation

…acquire it on their own. As a result, they will tend to look elsewhere for validation of reality. In extreme cases, they might fall prey to cults or substance abuse. Or, perhaps less extreme though on the same faulty principle, they will be prone to what “significant others” say is true or right. They might care first and foremost about the opinions of their peers, their town, the culture, “society” or a supernatural entity, secular or entertainme… Continue reading

Why Pope Francis Adores Islam

…sary.” He described this “demographic emptiness” as a result of “a selfish search for well-being.” If a selfish search for well-being leads to emptiness, then what’s the alternative? Should we all be in a selfless search for death and destruction, since the Pope finds the search for well-being empty? If happiness is empty, then are misery and suffering meaningful? Speak for yourself, Pope Francis. You might relish being miserable, but some of us s… Continue reading

The Search for Love

…arily eliminate loneliness. It’s psychologically healthy to enjoy your own company and the company of friends whether or not you’re in a relationship. That positive point of view can play a big part in attracting equally healthy partners. Sounds like a paradox, but it’s true: In order to find the love you want, you have to be content with being on your own. If you’re OK in your own company, it’s easier to attract somebody who will be just as happy… Continue reading

Ideas and Principles in Search of a Party

…is new program, Republicans will be in a stronger position if they stay in the fight, make a principled case, and lay out a competing vision.” (Columnist Karl Rove) “…What happens if the U.S. switches spending from defense to social welfare? Who will protect what used to be known as the ‘Free Word’? Who will police the sea lanes, stop the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction, combat terrorism, and deter rogue states from aggression? Those… Continue reading

Liberty in Search of a Nation

…people who don’t want it. Of course in an abstract sense, all people want “freedom” or liberty. But how the person defines freedom is not necessarily how liberty is properly defined. Liberty is properly defined as the absence of force. If you are free, and enjoy liberty, you answer to nobody unless you choose to make such a person your associate. If you voluntarily sign a legally binding contract, you are legally bound to honor it. But nobody has… Continue reading

The Approach of America’s Breaking Point

…sts running the show want that civil breakdown. They are not businesses in search of profit; they are monsters in search of power.     Follow Dr. Hurd on Facebook. Search under “Michael Hurd” (Charleston SC). Get up-to-the-minute postings, recommended articles and links, and engage in back-and-forth discussion with Dr. Hurd on topics of interest. Also follow Dr. Hurd on Twitter at @MichaelJHurd1, drmichaelhurd on Instagram, Michael Hurd Ph.D. on L… Continue reading

Alan Dershowitz vs. Ben Franklin: The Twit vs. the Radical

…ershowitz said in a recent interview for “We need to have some compromises. We’ve made compromises over the years.” Think about this. Examining phone records is the modern equivalent of—from Benjamin Franklin’s time—police entering the house and looking through your drawers or closet. At issue is not whether the government of a free society sometimes has a right to do this, when investigating violent criminals. At issue is whether the… Continue reading

How the Unemployed Spend Their Days: Revealing Research

…Enabling, in this context, refers to subsidizing self-negligence. My heart really does go out to people — the minority, according to this research — who struggle to find employment for themselves, and who spend the equivalent of full-time weeks in the attempt to do so. It’s admittedly not an employee’s market, not in much of the country, not anymore. It’s an employer’s market, because the government has imposed so many controls, taxes and regulati… Continue reading

A Moving Goodbye from Someone Who Faced Cancer

…able to say this: I’m so proud of how I lived. May you, dear reader, feel the same when you head out on your soul journey, too. Until then, enjoy the ride. And always eat dessert first, especially if there’s pie!”     Follow Dr. Hurd on Facebook. Search under “Michael Hurd” (Rehoboth Beach DE). Get up-to-the-minute postings, recommended articles and links, and engage in back-and-forth discussion with Dr. Hurd on topics of interest. Also follow Dr…. Continue reading