Marriage Counseling Isn’t Always a Sure Thing

…ons degenerate into courtroom-like dramas in which otherwise mature adults compete for the validation of the therapist. “I’m right and reasonable and my spouse is an idiot. Of course you see this, don’t you?” More often than not, I don’t. This is unhealthy and wrong on so many levels. First of all, why do you need a therapist – often a stranger, to validate, in Pope-like fashion, that you’re right about everything and that your spouse is wrong? If… Continue reading

Benefits vs. Costs and COVID-19 (by Walter Williams)

…recovery efforts. It’s going to be challenging; once a politician, and his bureaucracy, gains power, he will fight tooth and nail to keep it. Walter E. Williams is a professor of economics at George Mason University.     Follow Dr. Hurd on Facebook. Search under “Michael Hurd” (Rehoboth Beach DE). Get up-to-the-minute postings, recommended articles and links, and engage in back-and-forth discussion with Dr. Hurd on topics of interest. Also follow… Continue reading

Your Ignorance is Not an Excuse to Trample on MY Rights

…things like freedom of association, private property, freedom to engage in commerce and freedom to worship. You don’t ask permission to do these things. You do these things because it’s your inalienable right to do so; the government may only stop you if you initiate force or fraud against others. We do NOT answer to the government. The government answers to US. Nothing in the Constitution permits open-ended dictatorship for any elected official…. Continue reading

Biden’s Permanent Lockdown & Mandatory Masks Will NOT “Unify” America

…untry down again. But we did that back in March. Things still aren’t fully open in most places. What will a new lockdown accomplish that the first one didn’t? What will a national mask mandate accomplish that state mandates didn’t? It’s magical thinking: the basis for insanity. That’s what dictators and people insulated from reality their whole lives do. Biden’s life, and the lives of the corrupt cartoon caricatures he calls his family, will be to… Continue reading

An Intellectual Breath of Fresh Air Blows Through Cornell

…hy, psychology or economics? Shout them down until they no longer agree to come. Even comedian Jerry Seinfeld, who has never been especially political, is afraid to come to a college campus for fear of offending someone. There isn’t any idea that ought not to be tested and questioned. (says Garrett) Absolutely right. Colleges should be debating the pros and cons of socialism, capitalism and other economic systems. Instead of screaming “Shame, sham… Continue reading

Congress Shows (Rare) Backbone, as Joe Biden Rages

…they prove themselves to be, time and again. Iran is an enemy that both political parties have created through decades of appeasement, vacillation and head-in-the-sand evasion. But if some members of our government have finally awakened to this fact, our pretentious President and his testy Vice President have no business complaining about it.   Be sure to “friend” Dr. Hurd on Facebook. Search under “Michael Hurd” (Rehoboth Beach DE). Get up-to-the… Continue reading

Reality Isn’t “Mean” … It Just IS

…ghts for the better?” Dear Reader, you answered your own question. “What’s really going on” is called reality. And the first rule of living is to pay attention to facts and reality. Many people spend their lives fleeing reality. Some do it with drugs and alcohol, some with compulsive spending or gambling. Still others, like your friend, do it by rewriting the facts to fit her wishes. But in the end, facts are stubborn things, and they have a way o… Continue reading

I’m happy when you’re happy

…‘Wait a minute. We’re not enemies. Listen. Assert. But don’t fight.’ Your real personality tends to come out in a romantic relationship. For example, are you the kind of person who cares most about winning and being right? If so, then your marital relationship will surely dissolve into adversarial games and one-upsmanship. If that outcome isn’t desirable, then your basic approach must be reconsidered. The only real ‘win’ is happiness for both par… Continue reading

It’s OK to Say It: The Lockdown Was a Catastrophic Error

…. “Reopening” is a sham. Shops, restaurants and small businesses, under “reopening”, are being micromanaged by the government–Communist-style. There’s no way they can make a profit and stay open this way. Hair salons can’t survive on two customers at a time, with everyone wearing a gas mask. Retail stores don’t survive on curbside service. You’ve got the Internet for that! Restaurants have the thinnest of profit margins to begin with, and can’t af… Continue reading

Tyrants Have Power (if We Let Them), But They Are Not Strong

…supreme. Biden, Pelosi, all of them are moral weasels. They’re inferior to open thugs, because at least open criminals and thugs don’t mask who they are. Politicians are parasites. Their constituents are their fellow parasites, for whom they bring home the loot; and the host of all parasites are the productive, honest and decent people without whom there would be no loot to distribute. So these rotten, horrible people in charge are not truly stron… Continue reading

Hillary Clinton Suggests “Inflammatory” Speech Caused Charleston

…wer. But people like Hillary Clinton are fundamentally at war with reason, reality, common sense and basic justice. It’s not possible to be serene when you espouse the ideas she claims; not if you’re playing political games to acquire power, and even less so if you really believe them.   Be sure to “friend” Dr. Hurd on Facebook. Search under “Michael Hurd” (Rehoboth Beach DE). Get up-to-the-minute postings, recommended articles and links, and enga… Continue reading