Can the Internet Cure Loneliness?

…g that loneliness is inevitable and permanent. More than anything else, it comes down to a sense of abandonment. Mental health researchers speculate that abandonment is a universal human fear. Everyone wants to be loved, and the threat of not feeling loved is a powerful motivator to do things that might (or might not) be emotionally prudent. Some tell me that they secretly check their loved one’s email or voice mail — for no particular reason othe… Continue reading

What If It’s a “State of Emergency” … Forever?

…re’s nothing to stop them. It’s mind-boggling insanity. And it’s not going to stop. Unless or until people rise up and stop it. In order to do that, they will have to come out from under their couches and beds … sometime. Follow Dr. Hurd on Facebook. Search under “Michael Hurd” (Rehoboth Beach DE). Get up-to-the-minute postings, recommended articles and links, and engage in back-and-forth discussion with Dr. Hurd on topics of interest. Also follow… Continue reading

Gina Haspel’s Nomination for the CIA is About More Than Gina Haspel

…outrage over real or alleged torture tactics, like waterboarding, against open killers who seek to obliterate freedom, liberty and individual rights. Because that’s what we’re talking about here: Killers. Enemy combatants in a war, a war never declared by the United States, but relentlessly executed against the United States at least since 1979, the year the current Iranian regime (the world’s chief sponsor of terrorism) came to power. The “corre… Continue reading

Thinking Outside Your Head (DE Wave)

…ghts for the better?” Dear Reader, you answered your own question. “What’s really going on” is called reality. And the first rule of living is to pay attention to facts and reality. Many people spend their lives fleeing reality. Some do it with drugs and alcohol, some with compulsive spending or gambling. Still others, like your friend, do it by rewriting the facts to fit her wishes. But in the end, facts are stubborn things, and they have a way o… Continue reading

Ted Cruz’s Road to Hell is Paved With Wrong Intentions

…l (as they personally perceive and believe in it.) But how can it be both? Freedom either comes from God, or it is an integral part of our nature, and our basic entitlement, as human beings (the only entitlement that matters). Faith as the basis for something as profoundly rational, life-sustaining and life-supporting as freedom? This gives you a clue as to why religious and conventional conservatives keep losing battle after battle and, quite fra… Continue reading

Does couples therapy work? (DE Coast Press)

…s degenerate into courtroom-like dramas in which otherwise grown-up adults compete for the validation of the therapist. “I’m right and reasonable and my spouse is an idiot. Of course you see this, don’t you?” Well, more often than not, I don’t. This is unhealthy and wrong on so many levels. First of all, why do you need a therapist — often a stranger, and about whose work you might not even have an informed opinion — to validate, in Pope-like fash… Continue reading

Post-Election Democrats Go Full Islam

…in showing themselves, each other and the world-at-large how sensitive and open-minded they supposedly are, that they’ll open up their party to an ideological movement committed to the annihilation of many of their own members. Remarkable. Still, merging socially liberal and economically socialist Democrats into a party with infidel-hating Muslims will stretch the concept of a “Big Tent” beyond anything we’ve seen to date. Something tells me it’s… Continue reading

The Ugly American Left Now Ruling All of America

…on the spot. Joe Biden, the nominal head of our federal government, is an open ally of the Chinese Communist Party and a member of a criminal family. Sadly, our government is now on the side of the bad guys — and Maxine Waters is an ugly reminder of this fact.     Follow Dr. Hurd on Facebook. Search under “Michael Hurd” (Rehoboth Beach DE). Get up-to-the-minute postings, recommended articles and links, and engage in back-and-forth discussion with… Continue reading

Why I Have Lost Respect for Republicans and their Media

…a Republican governor, it doesn’t matter. Because Atlanta controls the outcome in that state — and Atlanta is run by Black Lives Matter terrorists and Communists. Pennsylvania has plenty of Republicans, but not enough to counter the out-in-the-open criminal fraud in leftist-run cities like Philadelphia. I wonder how many suspicious losses it will take for Republicans to start to realize we desperately need a Plan B — and an Electoral College corr… Continue reading

America’s Tragic Decline from “Don’t Tread on Me” to: “Governor, May I?”

…ernorship last time around? These governors (Colorado and Maryland are the latest examples) emphasize there will be no return to normal, for all practical purposes … ever. And the “new normal”, as they describe it, will be a lot like now, only with a few more places open and with everyone wearing a face mask at all times. With people being fined, jailed or arrested for doing anything the Governor says they may not do today. The governor of New Jer… Continue reading

Greta’s Elders Didn’t Give Her Quite Enough Information

…can be producers by learning from their elders. You are understandably social and ecological ballast. You are not yet cognitively advanced to replicate the structures of survival of which you are the beneficiaries.” [from an open letter to Greta by a college professor] Find the rest of the “Open Letter” to child environmentalist Greta HERE.   Follow Dr. Hurd on Facebook. Search under “Michael Hurd” (Rehoboth Beach DE). Get up-to-the-minute posting… Continue reading

Why Obama Wants an Anti-Gay Defense Secretary

…knows that everyone else knows the real truth is reflected in his earlier comments on the subject. The compelling question for today is: Why does Obama want Hagel as defense secretary? Fresh from his reelection triumph, Obama can appoint almost anyone he wants and the Democratic-controlled Senate will approve almost any nomination. Why Hagel? Obama, after all, credits himself with reversing the official ban on gays serving in the military. (Gays… Continue reading