Hey–Where Did My Freedom Go?

…er going to work. People in the pro-freedom third must convince the wobbly third to start caring and wake up’before all liberties are gone, not just some of them.   Be sure to “friend” Dr. Hurd on Facebook. Search under “Michael Hurd” (Rehoboth Beach DE). Get up-to-the-minute postings, recommended articles and links, and engage in back-and-forth discussion with Dr. Hurd on topics of interest…. Continue reading

Obama: You Can Be Racist and Still Be Rational

…this overrides all of his other considerations.” [Sources: businessinsider.com 5/21/15, and TheAtlantic.com 5/21/15] How many things can you find wrong with this statement? I’m reminded of Ayn Rand’s idea that there are no conflicts among rational men. “Rational men,” in this context, refer to individuals who do not seek to initiate force or fraud against others. She’s right, that there need be no conflicts among rational people by this definition… Continue reading

Close Your Eyes and Think of England: Hillary’s Running

…the only hope for any civilization are the brains of the best and the brightest, left free to produce and make profits and create jobs, raising the standard of living for all in the process. They would shout “limited government” from the highest rooftops, for the sake of the working people, because they’d recognize that the only value that comes about in any society are from those who actually can produce. And those who produce are not to be found… Continue reading

Did Southwest Airlines Contribute to a Suicide?

…sons? Some will say, “Yes, Southwest employees should have done the right, common sense-oriented and compassionate thing, and let this woman call her husband despite the law.” But once the lawsuits, fines and bad publicity drove up costs, what then? Surely ticket costs would have to go up. Or perhaps employees would be let go. There has to be a consequence somewhere, if the airline is to keep on staying in business. Remember that making an excepti… Continue reading

Why Social Security is Not a “Promise” to Citizens

…don’t fall out of the sky. They don’t pass through a membrane from another reality. They come from American parents and American families, American homes, American schools, American churches, American businesses and American universities, and they are elected by American citizens… So, maybe, maybe, maybe, it’s not the politicians who suck. Maybe something else sucks around here… like, the public. Yeah, the public sucks. In other words: The fault u… Continue reading

What Americans Still Haven’t Learned from the Ebola Crisis

…or address Ebola — or any other health crisis — are two things: private research, and private medicine. Pharmaceutical companies who produce vaccines can be counted on to deliver the goods far better than any hack who knew Al Gore and Joe Biden who used his political connections to get himself elevated to being a “czar.” Throughout this crisis so far, private companies and private entities have demonstrated rational behavior in attempting to prev… Continue reading

Jihad Comes to Oklahoma

…thing whatsoever to do with religion, our leaders insist. Yet consider the latest beheading, this time in Oklahoma. Associated Press reports that FBI officials are investigating a beheading at an Oklahoma food distribution center after co-workers said the suspect tried to convert them to Islam after his own recent conversion. A spokesman for the Islamic Society of Greater Oklahoma City even admits, “They have this ISIS thing on their minds and now… Continue reading

“It’s All My Therapist’s Fault!”

…r, as I said. If you want to be angry with the therapist, be angry for that reason. But don’t blame anyone else for your wife’s decision. And perhaps consider why she was unhappy with you in the first place. Dr. Hurd’s book is available for sale at DrHurd.com and Amazon.com, including in the Kindle version.   Be sure to “friend” Dr. Hurd on Facebook. Search under “Michael Hurd” (Rehoboth Beach DE). Get up-to-the-minute postings, recommended articl… Continue reading

The Problem With Republicans

…g goes, those who “know the least know it the loudest.” And those who know nothing at all do so with unfounded personal attacks and hostility, to fill the void where rational thinking and logic might have been. Because so many of my clients and other well-meaning individuals use my website to communicate with me, I chose to remove the comment feature. Unfortunately, the good comments from many thoughtful readers (certainly in the majority) also di… Continue reading

Dealing with Job Loss

…t ‘having nothing to do;’ that usually clears itself up after a while. The real problem becomes, ‘I don’t feel useful.’ Relationships and emotional health can suffer until the retiree finds a new way to feel worthwhile. Like an unexpected death, losing your job prior to retirement can be sudden and devastating. Though traumatic, it can also present the opportunity to muster up the courage to try something different (since you really have no choice… Continue reading

What if ISIS Pushes Beyond the Middle East?

…are not doing that. Ironically, there seems to be nobody in official life really examining the ISIS point-of-view with respect to how they actually see the United States and the West. ISIS clearly sees us as nothing more than paper tigers, unwilling to take any risks or responsibility for defending ourselves. The entire operating premise of the Iraq War (and Obama’s policy since, even more so) has been: No civilian lives may be lost. That would m… Continue reading

“Detach With Love”: Not Yours to Fix

…I ignored it. When he landed in jail, I bailed him out. When he failed to come home, I searched the seedy parts of town where the junkies and prostitutes hung out. I could not carve myself loose from co-dependency. …Early on in my recovery program, I was introduced to the slogan, “detach with love.” While I grasped it intellectually, I couldn’t let go emotionally. As I learned more, I came to accept addiction as an illness that hijacks the brain…. Continue reading