Bernie Sanders: “Socialist Surge”…or Last Gasp?

and more debt. New programs are proposed and likely to pass all the time — free college, free medical care, free everything. Like I said, promises are easy to make. Keeping them depends on the productive and the rational — not the people in Congress voting for them. We’re headed into exactly the same territory as Greece. The only difference? When and if America gets there (we will, on our current course), there will be no America in the background… Continue reading

Low Self-Esteem at Colleges (Even Harvard): What’s Going On?

…better. What’s the problem? Students are more prone than ever before to become offended. Once they become offended, they’re extremely angry and they threaten the offending teacher (even a liberal one, in his case) with rebukes, reprisals, formal complaints and even unemployment. Although Schlosser does not identify the basic problem, he’s talking about the primacy of emotions over reason, objectivity and truth. He’s also talking about the growing… Continue reading

Progressive Ideas: Not Just Wrong, But Potentially Deadly

…them. They’re motivated to do this because they have some kind of rescuing complex combined with the lust for power. Progressives in power turn victim groups into victims – even in defiance of the facts – because it satisfies their need to be seen as heroes and to acquire power. The typical progressive out of power applauds and approves these actions, because it makes the progressive feel good about him- or herself and virtuous in the eyes of thei… Continue reading

Mistrust and Forget About Verify

…. Maybe Obama and the ayatollahs of Iran can hold a support group. When it comes to their views on dissension in a free society, they have a surprising number of things in common.     Be sure to “friend” Dr. Hurd on Facebook. Search under “Michael Hurd” (Rehoboth Beach DE). Get up-to-the-minute postings, recommended articles and links, and engage in back-and-forth discussion with Dr. Hurd on topics of interest. Also follow Dr. Hurd on Twitter at @… Continue reading

Two More Traitors on the Supreme Court

…Coney Barrett. I know it won’t happen, which is why Texas should consider open defiance or even secession.     Follow Dr. Hurd on Facebook. Search under “Michael Hurd” (Charleston SC). Get up-to-the-minute postings, recommended articles and links, and engage in back-and-forth discussion with Dr. Hurd on topics of interest. Also follow Dr. Hurd on Twitter at @MichaelJHurd1, drmichaelhurd on Instagram, Michael Hurd Ph.D. on LinkedIn, @DrHurd on Tru… Continue reading

Sadly, Removing Omar from House Intelligence Committee No Panacea

…contradictory, but reformable. The very presence of someone like Omar — an open enemy of America, an open Jew hater along the lines of Hitler — in our government shows how far gone we are.     Follow Dr. Hurd on Facebook. Search under “Michael Hurd” (Charleston SC). Get up-to-the-minute postings, recommended articles and links, and engage in back-and-forth discussion with Dr. Hurd on topics of interest. Also follow Dr. Hurd on Twitter at @MichaelJ… Continue reading

There’s no denying the fact that “stuff happens”

…pen.’ A healthy person assumes he can do many things, but first checks out reality before forging ahead. A good example is the airline pilot doing all the pre-flight checks before takeoff. There’s nothing neurotically fearful about this. It’s eminently sensible. The pilot’s pre-flight checklist can be a metaphor for life: Fly as high and as far as you can—but first make sure everything’s in working order. Some people find it depressing or unsettli… Continue reading

It’s Time to Treat CHAZ/CHOP as a Hostile Occupying Force

…eath they scream, “Defund the police.” A few breaths later they proclaim, “Free college, free rent, guaranteed income for all!” How do you even enforce the latter without the former? By what right do you try? The Democratic Party endorses all this — either through its silence or, as with Seattle’s leftist mayor, open endorsement. She fondly calls these vapid brutes messengers of the “Summer of Love.” The officials responsible for aiding and abetti… Continue reading

The End of America’s Cities

…to surrender their power. They won’t. Either they never will let theaters open again, or they’ll run them like Communists would … because, as we know, they all are Communists. Or, even better, they’ll simply make everyone wear masks EVERYWHERE AND FOREVER, probably actors and singers too, thereby ruining the experience as virtually everything else has been ruined in four short months across the once civilized world. And now, if you live in a city… Continue reading

Why America’s Fascists are NOT “Afraid” of Trump

…done out in the open, expected to be taken as a legal act — is simply the latest evidence of how far gone we already are. I believe it will only get worse. Why shouldn’t it get worse? What’s to stop them? Trump will be looking at indictments, arrest and all the rest. Why not? What reason do the criminals in charge of everything have NOT to do this? People keep saying this position is wrong. “This is America. God and justice will prevail.” Man has… Continue reading

Thinking Outside Your Head

…ghts for the better?” Dear Reader, you answered your own question. “What’s really going on” is called reality. And the first rule of living is to pay attention to facts and reality. Many people spend their lives fleeing reality. Some do it with drugs and alcohol, some with compulsive spending or gambling. Still others, like your friend, do it by rewriting the facts to fit her wishes. But in the end, facts are stubborn things, and they have a way o… Continue reading

Compromise Isn’t the Only Answer

…“Wait a minute. We’re not enemies.” Listen. Assert. But don’t fight. Your real personality tends to come out in a romantic relationship. For example, are you the kind of person who cares most about winning and being right? If so, then your marital relationship will surely dissolve into adversarial games and one-upsmanship. The only real “win” is happiness for both parties. Some people love their partner so much that they’re happy to concede when… Continue reading