Food Stamp Withdrawal

…t U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) data on food stamp enrollment. The latest USDA data shows that since Trump’s first full month in office in February 2017—when food stamp enrollment was at 42,289,366— participation in the program decreased by 2,257,235 to 40,032,131. If you asked most people, “Should food stamps be discontinued?” their answer would be: “Of course not. Are you crazy?” Yet if you asked the same people, “Should charity be force… Continue reading

Toronto Shows Us Why We’ve Got to Look Deeper Than Guns

…dment don’t want us to realize. But ideas have consequences. Wrong, unhealthy and irrational ideas, once adopted by the mainstream, can bring down a civilization. If you wonder why civilization is in such obvious decline, you’ll have to look deeper than guns. Toronto is the latest reminder. Follow Dr. Hurd on Facebook. Search under “Michael Hurd” (Rehoboth Beach DE). Get up-to-the-minute postings, recommended articles and links, and engage in back… Continue reading

The Religion of Peace Strikes Again

…ut also in the name of religion and morality. Assuming the reports of this latest atrocity are authenticated, one can only imagine the horror and grief for the journalist’s loved ones. But removing oneself from the personal level, it’s plain to see that we keep attempting the same moral relativism over and over again in the Middle East, always expecting different results and always getting the same ones — only worse than the last time — in the end… Continue reading

Criminalizing Dissension

…c priorities. To those of us who still value Constitutional freedoms, this latest revelation about Senator Whitehouse is a genuine scandal. But it’s not a scandal to most Americans. Most Americans are still more concerned about getting more benefits and services from an already bankrupt, lying federal government. “Where’s my college tuition? Where are my health care subsidies? Give me my bailout!” The cries for liberty and rights that heralded the… Continue reading

Diets don’t work

…ever begin to address. The old adage, ‘the dose makes the poison’ is true. It’s not the food that kills you. It’s too much food. You and your love of life — not the latest fad diet — can work to achieve your target weight, once and for all. Now pass the eggnog, please…. Continue reading

Fort Hood: The Sequel

…yesterday and 2009.” The parent of a soldier who was an eyewitness at the latest shooting called his son and others in the military “defenseless, sitting ducks.” That sums it up honestly, and accurately. [Source for quotes: 4/3/14] Most Americans probably don’t realize that soldiers at Fort Hood are subject to the same gun controls that many politicians want to impose on the country at large. It supposedly makes citizens safer for the… Continue reading

About Dr. Hurd

…ws, Arizona Republic, Washington Times, Chicago Tribune, Human Events, The Freeman (Foundation for Economic Education), The New Republic, COSTCO Connection, The Week (The Best of the U.S. and International Media), Delaware State News, Cape Gazette (Lewes-Rehoboth Beach DE). Quoted in Forbes, Woman’s World, For Women First, Washington City Paper, and numerous other publications. Dr. Hurd’s Article on Patient’s Rights is on pages 42-43 of “Showdown:… Continue reading

Government “Researchers” in Newsrooms?

…ling in the free press rankings? Ajit Pai, a commissioner with the Federal Communications Commission, warned this week in a Wall Street Journal op-ed that a plan to dispatch researchers into radio, television and even newspaper newsrooms called the “Multi-Market Study of Critical Information Needs” is still going forward, despite the grave danger it presented to the First Amendment. Pai warned that under the rationale of increasing minority repres… Continue reading

Come Clean, Costco

…not the point. I’m waiting to see if the founder of Costco, or his present company management, comes clean. This is a perfect opportunity for him to state the obvious, given his openly pro-Obama views. His integrity demands it, as well as the concerns of probably half his customers, now inclined to take their business elsewhere. Of course, I’m not holding my breath. If Costco’s leadership came clean, they’d have to admit that running your business… Continue reading

Gallup Poll: Black “Well Being” Down Since Obama

…t economic growth (the only kind of economic growth there is, by the way.) Free minds and free markets lift everyone willing to work, and even those unwilling (or genuinely unable) to work, because there’s more charity in a prosperous society than a poor or stagnant one. Socialism is not about compassion; it’s about control. Obama’s time in office has been one long string of victories for control freaks and light dictators, but it has been a devas… Continue reading

IRS and Benghazi Scandals Get Yawns: Is America Becoming Stupid?

…in the presidential campaign. And it’s carrying over into the hearings.” [ 10/22/15] Krauthammer is right — whether it’s Benghazi, the IRS scandal or so many other things. People we put in charge routinely and blithely lie and get away with it. Is it because most people are stupid? In a sense, yes. But what does “stupid” mean? In this context, “stupid” means unable or unwilling to think in logical and objective terms. As Krau… Continue reading

Regulating Doggie Day Care

…a government employee who’s not accountable for much and a private-sector company competing to give their dog the best possible care, I believe the vast majority would choose the latter. Yet the overwhelming majority assumes that “regulation” is a must, and that government is the only thing standing between themselves and imminent death and destruction. They appear not to grasp how much they’re really counting on the good will, rational self-inte… Continue reading