Wrong, AOC: America IS a Private Club!

…e of wealth distribution. Slavery is wrong, AOC. YOU are the one who must go on the defensive. I am SICK of you, and sick of your evil, tired ideology. So are millions of others. And we are growing in number by the day.   Follow Dr. Hurd on Facebook. Search under “Michael Hurd” (Rehoboth Beach DE). Get up-to-the-minute postings, recommended articles and links, and engage in back-and-forth discussion with Dr. Hurd on topics of interest. Also follow… Continue reading

Hey, Teachers: No Work, No Pay

…e will not go back to work until we feel 100 percent sure nobody can ever, ever get a cold–and yes, that may be never. Oh, and we still want full pay and benefits. Forever.” I say let’s defund these schools until further notice.   Follow Dr. Hurd on Facebook. Search under “Michael Hurd” (Rehoboth Beach DE). Get up-to-the-minute postings, recommended articles and links, and engage in back-and-forth discussion with Dr. Hurd on topics of interest. Al… Continue reading

Ideology is not Optional

…lies: The answer to all of your questions is simple: Medical care is not a free market. In a free market, supply and demand determine prices. Under socialized medicine, which the VA certainly is, there are no laws of supply and demand; there are only arbitrary government regulations. Because some of what takes place in medical care and technology occurs in a marketplace, albeit a heavily regulated one, there still exists a notion of prices. But th… Continue reading

America in Reverse

…ense of being self-responsible? Not so much. Too many Americans now define freedom as the elimination of discomfort. This isn’t true of all Americans, but it must be true of most of them. This is why we keep getting the politicians we do. This is why there’s no serious uprising, even at the ballot box, against them. Politicians merely reflect what’s going on in the culture. And they keep doing self-evidently outrageous and irresponsible things, kn… Continue reading

Your Fear Does Not Trump My Right to Be Free

…o still trade and earn a living, does not cause someone else to die. Under freedom, you are FREE to stay inside and never leave the house. Nobody is trying to deny anybody that. You are free to be so terrified of any and all germs that you never work again. But you don’t have a right to force others to indefinitely bend to your will. Don’t tell me you’re a “patriot”. Patriotic about WHAT? I don’t know what you even mean by that. But it certainly h… Continue reading

Who Says We’re Still a Free Country?

…ere are still 5,000 troops this huge perimeter with razor wire. This isn’t really a great image for a free country or for our country.” — U.S. Senator Rand Paul. What’s the evidence we are still a free country? We are not a free country. We are an occupied country, whose citizens are under relentless attack unless they support all the fascist and socialist policies of a government indifferent to the rights of the individual. The look of an occupat… Continue reading

“Threats to Democracy” Are Not Threats to Freedom

…egal. Treason is about the gentlest term to apply to the people who have become our rulers in this “democracy.” If we’re ever to be free again, they all have to be removed from power, appropriately punished and never permitted to ruin any of our lives again.     Follow Dr. Hurd on Facebook. Search under “Michael Hurd” (Charleston SC). Get up-to-the-minute postings, recommended articles and links, and engage in back-and-forth discussion with Dr. Hu… Continue reading

Religion Does Not Lead to Liberty

…e between either a Michele Bachmann or a Barack Obama for President, if it comes to that. The truth is that freedom, individual rights and capitalism are the most rational things in the world. Thinking people are the ones who should embrace them. Individual rights, consistently applied, keep government out of people’s private affairs. Government only concerns itself with objective fraud and violent criminals (foreign and domestic). That’s plenty,… Continue reading

Staying Upbeat When the News is Bad

…of one. When I talk about what’s wrong with Obama, or—since he’s only the latest in a centuries-long line of authoritarian twits—my underlying premise is: It doesn’t have to be this way. People have the capacity to think, to change, and reverse course, any time they wish. Sometimes, the best way to make a course correction is to identify what you’re doing wrong. I actually find it liberating—not depressing—to conclude, ‘Wow, I have been on the to… Continue reading

The Socialist Snowflake Princess Hates Her Health Care Options

…nd Democrats propose. The solution is privatization — not nationalization. Freedom of choice, not command-and-control, Soviet and Venezuelan style. If you think AOC and the ignorant fools who support her are complaining now, just wait until we have Medicare for All.     Follow Dr. Hurd on Facebook. Search under “Michael Hurd” (Rehoboth Beach DE). Get up-to-the-minute postings, recommended articles and links, and engage in back-and-forth discussion… Continue reading

Free Speech Will Soon Be on Trial at Supreme Court

…sually means. Regulation usually means manipulating and controlling the outcome of economic transactions. The classic example was government intervention in the mortgage and lending industry. The federal government decided that more Americans should own houses. Government regulated and interfered in the economy in such a way as to encourage private lending companies (whose policies are largely controlled by the government anyway) to give out easy… Continue reading

Last Call to Squelch Obamacare!

…e continues: Thanks to ObamaCare, Cheesecake Factory medicine is already becoming a reality. Irving Levin Associates, a research firm that tracks health-care mergers and acquisitions, reports that M&A hit $61.2 billion in the second quarter and the highest annual levels since the 1990s. Three of five hospitals now belong to a parent company’s network, while more than half of physicians are employed by hospitals or systems, not independent practiti… Continue reading