What Real Leaders Do (and Don’t Do)

The best way to inspire hope in another is to show how the use of his or her own mind is efficacious, powerful and valuable. True leaders inspire individualism, not dependence. The kind of leaders to avoid are the ones who promise to make things all better for you. This is almost always a lie or, worse, a pretense at benevolence masking a desire for control. You’re better off alone and not knowing what to do than under the “care” of someone who w… Continue reading

Philosophy Made Visual and Real

You are the first person I have read or spoken to who is able to apply Objectivist principles to life. Most of us cannot explain this at all, let alone as well as you have been able to. Every Objectivist I know always asks how can we apply these principles to life and we spend hours discussing this when all we needed was “Grow Up America!” “Atlas Shrugged” describes Objectivism but it is you who puts it in easy enough terms for all of us to under… Continue reading

It’s Official: Biden Regime Pulls the Plug on Free Speech in America … FOR REAL

…sm again Friday after press secretary Jen Psaki said that once users are banned from one social media platform for spreading coronavirus “misinformation,” they should be expelled from all others as well.” [Rest of the story here] “Intense criticism”? It’s the literal end of free speech in America.     Follow Dr. Hurd on Facebook. Search under “Michael Hurd” (Rehoboth Beach DE). Get up-to-the-minute postings, recommended articles and links, and eng… Continue reading

Real Liberals Would Oppose Planned Parenthood Funding

…rcing them to pay for controversial things of which they disapprove. It’s a recipe for endless dissension and even civil war. Grow up, America: All of you, liberals and conservatives alike.   Be sure to “friend” Dr. Hurd on Facebook. Search under “Michael Hurd” (Rehoboth Beach DE). Get up-to-the-minute postings, recommended articles and links, and engage in back-and-forth discussion with Dr. Hurd on topics of interest. Also follow Dr. Hurd on Twit… Continue reading

THIS is the Real Insurrection

…” — that’s the worst insurrection of all.     Follow Dr. Hurd on Facebook. Search under “Michael Hurd” (Charleston SC). Get up-to-the-minute postings, recommended articles and links, and engage in back-and-forth discussion with Dr. Hurd on topics of interest. Also follow Dr. Hurd on Twitter at @MichaelJHurd1, drmichaelhurd on Instagram, Michael Hurd Ph.D. on LinkedIn, @DrHurd on TruthSocial   Why Get Help? Solution-focused life coaching with Dr. H… Continue reading

The Real Reason Leftists Hate Chick-fil-A

…orld view of leftists, politeness and work are offensive. It makes the mediocre and increasingly dysfunctional, irresponsible society they have created look bad. By the way, the frosted lemonade shake is phenomenal.     Follow Dr. Hurd on Facebook. Search under “Michael Hurd” (Rehoboth Beach DE). Get up-to-the-minute postings, recommended articles and links, and engage in back-and-forth discussion with Dr. Hurd on topics of interest. Also follow D… Continue reading

The Ideal, Once Real, Lives On

…he individual right to pursue happiness. Eventually, we became a nation based on the right of many to HAVE happiness at the expense of individuals who must surrender their rights. We might not be a dictatorship. But we are no longer a free country. The ideals and policies which animated the original United States of America will always be achievable. The United States, as it once was, is proof that it’s possible. Not proof that it will last — but… Continue reading

America’s Real Virus: Apathy

…start seeing a lot less apathy and a lot more healthy anger, energy, initiative and willingness to take SOME risks. And soon. Otherwise, we’re done. And it won’t even all be the government’s fault. It will be our own.     Follow Dr. Hurd on Facebook. Search under “Michael Hurd” (Rehoboth Beach DE). Get up-to-the-minute postings, recommended articles and links, and engage in back-and-forth discussion with Dr. Hurd on topics of interest. Also follow… Continue reading

Unlimited Rights, Except for REAL Rights

…e…yet these very same gay people will enjoy NO right to own a gun…to speak freely on social media… to keep most of their income…to walk outdoors without a mask EVER again…to buy fossil fuels…to operate a small business during a government declared crisis…Sure, you have a right to compel others to accept your sexuality. And no rights of any other kind. These nasty sociopaths like Pelosi care nothing for rights; only power. Gay people are pawns in t… Continue reading

“It’s All in Your Head” Can Still Feel Very Real

…irrational, then what’s really bothering you is the anticipation of the discomfort that comes with the fear. So it’s OK to tell yourself that it’s all in your head, because, in fact, it is.     Follow Dr. Hurd on Facebook. Search under “Michael Hurd” (Charleston SC). Get up-to-the-minute postings, recommended articles and links, and engage in back-and-forth discussion with Dr. Hurd on topics of interest. Also follow Dr. Hurd on Twitter at @Michael… Continue reading

Don’t Forget China

…itizens can. The Chinese people cannot rely on their government to protect free speech, freedom of thought, freedom of association; nor can they count on their government to uphold private property rights, not when the business plans fail to uphold the goals of the central government. The fact is that the United States is moving in the direction of China — towards that of a fascist-like regime that permits business enterprise for the purpose of “s… Continue reading