Mitt Romney, the Hollow Man, Bows to Trump’s Supreme Court Pick # 3

…subjective test of ‘fairness’ which, like beauty, is in the eye of the beholder,” Romney said in a statement. “It is based on the immutable fairness of following the law, which in this case is the Constitution and precedent.”     Follow Dr. Hurd on Facebook. Search under “Michael Hurd” (Rehoboth Beach DE). Get up-to-the-minute postings, recommended articles and links, and engage in back-and-forth discussion with Dr. Hurd on topics of interest. Al… Continue reading

It Can’t Happen in America! Can It?

…d, goofball placeholder; he will be gone soon. Our Putin is the Democratic Communist Party. They seek to crush freedom. But millions of Americans, in Texas and Florida, WILL be fighting back, to the end. *************** “Wokeness gives people a shield to be mean and cruel, armored in false virtue.” — Elon Musk *************** “Unvaccinated people did their homework early on, and this is precisely why they are still unvaccinated.” [a Facebook meme]… Continue reading

Self-Sacrifice Does not a Marriage Make

…ce. You won’t eat somewhere you hate – that would be a sacrifice, but this compromise is made willingly. Compromises like this do not lead to resentment. You agree to them freely because you love someone. And, more importantly, you enjoy putting a smile on the face of the person you love. A quick little test is to ask yourself, “Is it more important for my partner to do such-and-such than it is for me NOT to?” If so, and assuming you love the pers… Continue reading

The Potential Pitfalls of an Affair with a Married Person

…decision to tell her husband, with no pressure from you. This will be the test to demonstrate her willingness to move on. If one really wants something, one must first have to pay for it. If she can honestly tell you – and herself – that she would have left her husband anyway, with or without you in her life, then there’s no reason not to pursue a relationship with her. Beware of the term “homewrecker.” It’s often used to intimidate and create un… Continue reading

Verify Your ‘Gut Feelings’ with Reality & Reason

…be, “I trust my instincts.” Such an approach overlooks two crucial areas: reality and reasoning. Reality always exists, no matter what we think, analyze, and no matter what our “gut” or instincts tell us. Reasoning is similarly inescapable. It’s not that you have to reason. You are free to go by gut, impulse, what others say (or what you think others say), what you believe God tells you, etc., etc. But the inescapable fact is that everything is b… Continue reading

Mutual Interest: Prescription for a Stalled Relationship

…even good people cannot always reconcile their differences. They both want valid, reasonable things; but those things contradict one other. In these cases, there really is a conflict of interest. One side or the other will have to sacrifice his or her happiness in order for the relationship to work. This is not a solution for either party! Going one’s separate ways, however hard it might be, could be preferable to this. Be sure this is indeed the… Continue reading

Pay Attention to What You Say

…you’re clear and consistent in everything you say, think and do. And feel free to examine the words of others in the same way. A lot of this has to do with thinking. People often ask me what a cognitive behavioral psychotherapist does, and I say that he or she invites you to look objectively at what you’re doing, saying and thinking. By subjecting your thoughts and statements to the honesty test, a therapist helps you to help yourself. Another ph… Continue reading

Where Was THIS Bill Maher 2 or 3 Years Ago?

…eporter with Deadline said to Maher. “Listening to you, it sounds like you really don’t think Dr. Anthony Fauci or the medical establishment really know what they are doing, that this is more whack-a-mole?” “They don’t know a lot about anything,” Maher responded. “That’s not a criticism of them like they’re being corrupt, although there certainly is plenty of corruption in the medical establishment. But I’ve always maintained that the big, overarc… Continue reading

Gotta Love the Condo Association

…ation, power often includes a desire to get reactions from other people. A comedian, for example, elicits reactions through professional techniques that bring joy to people. Your power-hungry condo president, on the other hand, just wants to get a reaction, not really for any constructive purpose. Why? Because it makes him feel alive. Neurotic, unhealthy behavior is fueled in part by a need to shock, anger or irritate others just for the sake of d… Continue reading

Can We Agree to Disagree?

…This beats wasting precious hours doing something you don’t enjoy. When it comes to disagreement, it depends on the degree. For example, perhaps someone you know doesn’t believe in honesty, but you do. She lies whenever she feels like it. This can have very real consequences for your friendship. Why would you want to be friends with a liar? There are also political, religious or philosophical disagreements among friends. The reader asks at what po… Continue reading

The Ayn Rand Institute: An Institute, Perhaps, But NOT Ayn Rand

…ement, not a moral collapse in the face of cultural pressure. Has ARI been in California too long? ARI promotes as their COVID expert, alleged Objectivist … [for the rest of the article go to the American Thinker]     Follow Dr. Hurd on Facebook. Search under “Michael Hurd” (Rehoboth Beach DE). Get up-to-the-minute postings, recommended articles and links, and engage in back-and-forth discussion with Dr. Hurd on topics of interest. Also follow Dr…. Continue reading

The Vaccinated vs. The Unvaccinated

…ut they want YOU to believe it. Because if YOU believe it, then you can be compelled to do anything they wish and command. And look how it’s working, at least so far. Flawlessly. Without even having to fire a shot (at least yet). Remember: Everybody is being told to self-sacrifice. Everyone is being told that it’s precisely because something does NOT make sense (even on its own terms), and precisely because something is NOT in your interest, that… Continue reading