Addiction, contd.

…y as an alternative, something that can be done in conjunction with an individual therapist. These would need to be forms of after care whether there was hospital/rehab or not. That’s where a lot of people go wrong. They have their hospital stay or rehab, but lose interest in follow up. But the real test of stopping an addiction is when you’re no longer in a controlled type of setting. In the end, you’re the only person with yourself 24/7, and whi… Continue reading

Compelled to Control

…ther it involves our personal space or our workplace, we usually feel most comfortable and competent when things are ‘in order.’ The need for tidiness and organization is often nothing more than a need for control, and this is not necessarily a bad thing. Those of you who read this column regularly know that I equate control with confidence and self-responsibility. Without it, the path leading to our goals (and happiness in life) can be burdened b… Continue reading

No ObamaCare, No Status Quo

…We are now accepting your feedback about health insurance reformvia: (in reply to RCPT TO command) At first, the White House refused to back down from the email address or the principle behind it. Now they have. Obama will have to come up with a plan B for restricting freedom of speech. One of Dr. Hurd’s associates replied: What is the difference between the 2 sites other than a change in name? Is not the inte… Continue reading

The Fish Rots From the Head Down

…official statements of our government. Are you going to take this lying down? At a minimum, write your representatives and express outrage over the use of the White House web site for purposes of inhibiting freedom of speech on the Internet–while you’re still free to do so. (Go here to obtain information on contacting your representatives in Congress:… Continue reading

Are you a Child Whisperer?

…t the dog naturally requires, then it’s another story. As he states on his website (, ‘Dogs are animals, and they respond to calm, assertive leadership—not emotional arguments or negotiations.’ Wow! How many parents of young kids would do well to remember that advice? Unlike dogs, we expect children to develop beyond the programming of childhood and advance to the conceptual sophistication and independence of adulthood. Thou… Continue reading

Is it healthy to strive for perfection?

…ne perfectionism as a series of false beliefs, which include (according to, ‘Striving to be the best, to reach the ideal and to never make a mistake.’ I have a problem with the negative implication here. There’s nothing unhealthy about striving to be the best. People accomplish great things and feel proud of it. That’s good for self-esteem. But the negative implication is that NOT trying is actually a good thing. Sounds like a conv… Continue reading

Please pardon the interruption, but–

…re devaluing the speaker’s point by offensively cutting in before they can complete their thought. The temptation to interrupt is greatest during disagreement. One of the hardest—yet most adult—things to do is to stop and think, ‘I’m going to let her finish. I’m going to listen to what she has to say, even if it’s familiar. If I don’t agree, I will still let her finish. Then I’ll respond.’ There’s an added value to this, too: When you choose to li… Continue reading

Is it “selfish” to want a true friendship?

…portant to you, then why do you never ask how I’m doing?’ A contributor to writes under the subject, ‘How to Get Rid of Friends:’ ‘Chances are, if your friends are not treating you right, you are probably doing something to encourage and reward that treatment. Identify your enabling behavior and stop it.’ Amen! Before ditching a friend, consider what YOU may be doing to encourage the behavior you don’t like. For example,… Continue reading

Beware of the dangers of “Vacation Syndrome!”

…es not go away. It is suppressed, perhaps, but, when vacation time finally comes around, the resentment is set free. With no boss or co-workers to ‘take it out on,’ the anger is directed at other drivers (co-workers?) and authority, symbolized, in part, by traffic laws (the boss?). It’s most surely a rebellion against authority, but it’s a misplaced rebellion. People who feel that they have too little control over their lives need to address the i… Continue reading