The “Dream Act” is a Politician’s Dream

…United States of the past, not the entitlement-crazed place that it has become. Left free and held to the standard of rationality, human beings are capable of almost anything. Coddled and controlled by a growing world welfare state is the worst thing that can happen — to immigrants and Americans born here. The solution is not to reform immigration. It’s to fundamentally reverse course, and replace socialism and “spread the wealthism” with capital… Continue reading

Can You Be Happy While Not Being Free?

…ication we presently have. I do know it could only happen if the economy becomes bad enough and people, as a result, become more fearful than ever and are willing to tolerate such outrages. Frankly, it’s inevitable without major course reversals in our present economic decline. I don’t assume freedom of speech would go down without a fight, although it would probably result in secession or other forms that the disintegration of a constitutional re… Continue reading

One of America’s Worst Presidents Ever Now Lectures Trump Supporters

…ica remains to be seen. However, one thing is certain: You will not foster free trade — or freedom of any kind — with the likes of the presidents of France and Germany. “We cannot wish globalism away,” Bush said, noting that the United States must sustain “wise and sustained global engagement” for the future of the country. “Wise” global engagement — according to whom, George? According to the left-wing advocates of a world socialist order, the on… Continue reading

Bosch Fawstin vs. Facebook and The Religion of “Peace”

…subscribes to the standard “party line” of today’s cultural attitudes. The latest example? Bosch Fawstin. Fawstin is a very talented satirical cartoonist and winner of The Muhammad Art Exhibit & Contest, in Garland, Texas, where pro-Islamic gunmen attempted to open fire late last weekend to show their protest. The politically correct establishment, including those who run companies like Facebook, unfortunately have seen fit to shut down Fawstin’s… Continue reading

Love, Romance and “The Shock of Recognition”

…en article by Peter Cresswell entitled, ‘Don’t Cry for me Aristotle.’ [see] The author was writing about the experience of art — whether it be movies, novels, television drama, paintings, sculpture, opera, etc. But what he’s saying has implications for romantic love, as well. Cresswell writes, ‘We experience a performance of Tosca, for example, or we look at a statue of David or a painting of Icarus Landing, and we say to o… Continue reading

Hypnosis: Fact or Fantasy? (DE Wave)

…at sounds like cognitive-behavioral therapy to me! I enlarge on this in my latest book, ‘Bad Therapy, Good Therapy: And How to Tell the Difference’ (available at I’ve heard people say, ‘I went to a hypnotist and stopped smoking — for a few weeks.’ Of course, these people were already motivated to quit. How necessary is ‘suggestion’ when you’ve already suggested to yourself that a certain change is necessary? And it’s interesting t… Continue reading

Beware of Vacation Syndrome! (DE Wave)

…lace doesn’t go away. It may be suppressed, but when vacation time finally comes, the resentment is set free. With no boss or co-workers to take it out on, the anger is directed at other drivers (‘co-workers’), and authority, symbolized in part by traffic laws (‘the boss’). Yes, it’s a rebellion against authority, but it’s misplaced. People who feel that they have too little control over their lives certainly need to address the issue — but not on… Continue reading

Environmentalism and Psychology: A Marriage Made in Hell (Part 2 of 2)

…t me: Psychology has done enough damage to the human cause with its theories of Freudianism, behaviorism, subjectivism, group dynamics and now biological determinism. Add to all that the toxicity, irrationality and deceit of environmentalism, and it’s almost too much to bear. To see the psychologists’ statement, go here: ‘Letter to Congress on Mental Health Impacts of Climate Change.’  … Continue reading

Medicating the Mind (Part 2 of 3)

…atient has objective psychological or even character problems. (See Mental health is not primarily achieved through individuality and independence. As crucial as these qualities are, they are the byproduct of something more fundamental: The determination to be rational, objective and live in reality. A drug addict who rebels against a society of sober, non-drugabusing people, for example, is being independent in a… Continue reading

Review of Dr. Hurd’s New Book, Bad Therapy, Good Therapy: And How to Tell the Difference

…llow his lead and find it unnecessary to seek professional help at all. By examining the value of introspection, the importance of identifying expected outcomes, setting a time frame for verification of progress toward stated goals, understanding determinism vs. free will, reason vs. emotions, feelings vs. facts, and learning how to use logic and common sense, any individual will have a good blueprint to follow toward solutions to any and all prob… Continue reading