Color Me Free

…Americans happens to be. All I care is that America becomes, once again, a free country. A free country benefits all people “of color.” (And, by the way, isn’t white a color, too?) When I hear that America is becoming less white and therefore more socialist (or ‘progressive’ if you prefer the euphemism), I become angry. Why? Because it’s insulting to assume that just because someone isn’t white that they must be socialist and statist. Maybe most n… Continue reading

It’s the First Amendment … or NOTHING!

…er private. When Twitter acts at the behest of the FBI, it’s not a private company; it becomes, at that moment, an agency of the government. Ditto for any other previously private company. Government should be kept out of all private, noncoercive interactions such as speech. The moment it steps in — even once, even a little — is the moment your Bill of Rights and Constitution are no longer in operation. Speech is never violence. The diatribes of a… Continue reading

Freedom Comes From Something

…e? Another problem today is envy. Instead of wanting the best and the brightest to be free to flourish, accomplish and make money, probably about half the country resents them and wants them hampered in their efforts. To them, it feels good to see the successful brought down a notch. And what does this accomplish, exactly? These attitudes are not the emotions and viewpoints of a nation that will be free. If America is to reverse course in its poli… Continue reading

The Dalai Lama’s a Marxist? Of Course He Is

…success of capitalism — even hampered capitalism — suggests that when left free to think, and free to trade, human beings do exceedingly well, particularly compared to the alternatives. Communism, Nazism, primitive tribalism, democratic socialism — none of these have come close to producing what capitalism in America produced, particularly in its most inventive and economically free period, the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. The Tibetan… Continue reading

Why Get Help?

…though there is probably much evidence to the contrary … Discover how to become an independent judge of reality rather than a passive recipient of what others tell you to do and think … And much more you won’t find in what passes today for “spirituality” or “self-help.” Grief, Loss, Divorce Learn how to weather these rough periods, and most of all accept that they are temporary transitions to something better if you approach it this way … Discover… Continue reading

Mark Caine

…The first step toward success is taken when you refuse to be a captive of the environment in which you first find yourself…. Continue reading

Stop & Think

…eing something on paper makes it more real than merely thinking it. It all comes down to living the examined life. We live in an age of insipid acronyms like LOL and OMG, superficial sound bites, half-baked ideas and televised misinformation that generates not-fully-thought-out emotions. It’s the mental equivalent of eating only fast food. Everybody’s capable of deeper thinking, and everybody has a need to be reflective. In fact, a lot of the symp… Continue reading

A Narcissist Goes to War

…e now. And, until recently, it would have been difficult to imagine a more compelling example of his narcissism than that of Obamacare. The law that ‘has to be passed before anyone will read it,’ the law that you’re supposed to take on faith—on the faith of His word, that is, regardless of objective facts or consequences; if this isn’t an example of narcissism in practice, I don’t know what is. As excellent an illustration of narcissism as Obamaca… Continue reading

Was Freud Right? Are We All Criminals at Heart?

…might be difficult to confront consciously, during your waking hours. For example, in a dream you might punch your boss. You’d never do this in reality, because you have no right to do so, and it would violate your own rational interests. Did your dream make it more likely you’ll punch him tomorrow morning? If so, we’d better find a way to block out our dreams, so we don’t lower our inhibitions for wanting to do improper things. A similar argumen… Continue reading

Programming the Brain (DE Wave)

…eup of the brain determines your emotions. Period. It just isn’t so. As an example, think of a computer. The machine consists of hardware and software. It’s true that the software cannot operate without the hardware; if the hardware is damaged or destroyed, the software is worthless. At the same time, the output of the computer — everything that makes it useful — comes from the software. Imagine your laptop without any programming — no Windows, no… Continue reading

Is your kid an adult? (Delaware Wave)

…adult by treating him as a child if he has, in fact, been functioning as a competent member of a college community. Some discussion about boundaries will be inevitable, but don’t say ‘You’re in my house, and you’re going to live by my rules.’ If you’ve figured out how to enforce rules against a nineteen-year-old’s will, then my hat is off to you. But I suggest simply treating them as you would a fellow adult. Say something like, ‘I realize you liv… Continue reading