Long Live America: The REAL America

…to see there ARE young people who aren’t brainwashed, vapid little spoiled Commiefascists. Long live America–the REAL America. Photo: Max Meyer @mualphaxi on Twitter/X     Follow Dr. Hurd on Facebook. Search under “Michael Hurd” (Charleston SC). Get up-to-the-minute postings, recommended articles and links, and engage in back-and-forth discussion with Dr. Hurd on topics of interest. Also follow Dr. Hurd on Twitter at @MichaelJHurd1, drmichaelhurd… Continue reading

The Real Domestic Terrorists are Merrick Garland and Joe Biden

…ainable situation. If you are confident that courts and elections will be enough to stop these tyrants, then you fail to grasp that the real terrorists are in power. Like I keep saying, we are an occupied country.     Follow Dr. Hurd on Facebook. Search under “Michael Hurd” (Rehoboth Beach DE). Get up-to-the-minute postings, recommended articles and links, and engage in back-and-forth discussion with Dr. Hurd on topics of interest. Also follow Dr…. Continue reading

The “Spirit” and Psychology of July 4th

…In other words, the purpose of a soul is to make us not concerned with our real selves, with our real and objective circumstances in this life — but with something other than ourselves, and with something other than this life. I don’t know about you. But if I were to seek advice, perspective or some pretext of rationality from a psychotherapist, I would not want them to tell me how to be concerned about the afterlife, or with something other than… Continue reading

Kindly Be Real

…. If you think about it, when you lie to another to spare his or her feelings, you’re trying to get something for nothing—just like any other thief. You’re trying to create the impression that you like the person more than you really do, or that you want to retain their good will under circumstances you will not reveal to them. That’s extremely dishonest, if you ask me. Be as kind as you can be, and as nice as another deserves. But be real, above… Continue reading

The Problem With Donald Trump

…out John McCain are not totally wrong. CNN.com reports: “The spark for the latest political firestorm came when the New York real estate billionaire questioned on Saturday whether Arizona Sen. John McCain, a Vietnam War veteran who languished in a prisoner of war camp for more than five years, was a genuine ‘war hero because he was captured.’” What Trump appeared to be saying was that we should not worship someone solely because they were captured… Continue reading

The Real Reason Violence Isn’t the Answer

…emerging but still incomplete dictatorship. Under an emerging but still incomplete dictatorship, people have two recourses: Freedom of speech, and passive resistance. When and if the American government begins to restrict freedom of speech, then people will increasingly have no choice but to go underground and fight back by whatever means necessary. We’re not there yet, but I sincerely believe there are those in power right now who would not mind… Continue reading

The Real Radicals Today Are Rational People

…future of your children and grandchildren–then you must be prepared to challenge ALL of the lunacy and dishonesty. Our culture has gone mad. Many of the people in America are not insane; but our culture truly is.     Follow Dr. Hurd on Facebook. Search under “Michael Hurd” (Rehoboth Beach DE). Get up-to-the-minute postings, recommended articles and links, and engage in back-and-forth discussion with Dr. Hurd on topics of interest. Also follow Dr…. Continue reading

Warning: What You FEEL Might Not Be REAL!

…age of “attention deficits” — real OR imagined. But instant gratification comes with a price. You could end up feeling foolish (at best), or (at worst) damaging a relationship. To make sure you can stand behind your feelings, pay attention to the subject of thought. Thought provides the “big picture” that feelings can never provide. Feelings tend to focus on “right now,” but thought helps us focus on facts that might not feel relevant at the mome… Continue reading

“If I Don’t Think About It, It’s Not Real” … WRONG!

…unpleasant, they’re shocked. Sometimes we run up against others’ denial. A common example involves older parents, assisted living and the like. I have a friend whose father, living alone in his late eighties, will face both financial and logistical difficulty if he doesn’t make a change in his living arrangements. Dad’s (very understandable) reaction was, at first, classic denial. “I’ve lived in the same house for years. I don’t need to change now… Continue reading

The REAL “January 6” May Be Coming in 2025

…t Trump would do — but never did. They have suppressed free speech through compliant social media companies. They have locked down the country multiple times, because of the flu. They have forced medical experimentation on people, something they opposed when Trump was in office, but gleefully did themselves until stopped by some courts. They have arrested political enemies, including Trump himself, and made every possible effort to get his name re… Continue reading

Real News — Not Fake News — About Social Security

…result, even more people are dependent on the federal government for an income. It may be a meager income, but for some it’s all the income they have, and it’s often combined with moving in with family members who could easily support them without the Social Security income. From a middle class point-of-view, which is most of us, it never made sense to count on Social Security as all or most of your retirement income. However, given these numbers… Continue reading

Tax Increases (or Cuts) Not the Real Issue

…al spree of a reckless and out-of-control addict. Soon we’ll either “hit bottom” and begin that course reversal, or be finished for good. Before long, we’ll know.   Be sure to “friend” Dr. Hurd on Facebook. Search under “Michael Hurd” (Rehoboth Beach DE). Get up-to-the-minute postings, recommended articles and links, and engage in back-and-forth discussion with Dr. Hurd on topics of interest…. Continue reading