Leftism vs. the First Amendment: It’s For Real

…ssenters and give them what they supposedly deserve? Now get a load of the latest, from a story at Breitbart News: Researchers at the UK’s University of Cambridge have created a new software technology that treats online “hate speech” as a computer “virus” or “malware.” The “Hate O’Meter” warns users they are about to view “hate speech” and gives them the option of viewing the content in advance. Authors of the research Stefanie Ullmann and Marcus… Continue reading

The Real Radicals are the Radicals for Individualism

…l revolutionary, look toward liberty and rationality. Freedom–undiluted, uncompromising freedom–is the only antidote to the collapse of civilization we now witness on a daily basis. Pick a side. And do not blink.     Follow Dr. Hurd on Facebook. Search under “Michael Hurd” (Rehoboth Beach DE). Get up-to-the-minute postings, recommended articles and links, and engage in back-and-forth discussion with Dr. Hurd on topics of interest. Also follow Dr…. Continue reading

New Podcast! Dropping the Q: Is It for Real?

…give us things for free — things it had no right to give us, and could not really provide anyway. Victims of Communist regimes learned this the hard way. In that context, imagine the following: A conspiracy of good guys. Of good guys who want to tip off the right people (e.g., President Trump) at the right time, and to help protect Americans from their own government. It may seem like a stretch, but it’s more evidence-based than you think. Take a… Continue reading

Trump in a Double Wide Cell?

The latest horror: Former FBI director James Comey (fired by Trump when Trump was President) — has spoken to the media about how Trump can be placed in a double wide trailer, for confinement in his prison sentence, possibly even without Secret Service protection. He’s not concerned about Trump’s safety, but the safety of other prisoners in the jail where Trump will presumably be placed, after sentencing. That’s where we are. And if you think the… Continue reading

Classes Don’t Exist in a Free Society

…oney. We keep hearing about ‘class warfare.’ But there are no classes in a free society. The only classes in a free society, if you want to call them ‘classes,’ are the productive and the unproductive. In a welfare state society, such as ours, the unproductive live off the productive. Those who do not, will not or cannot work live off those who make an unusually large amount of money. Those who cannot or will not produce rely instead on subsidies,… Continue reading

Is the Housing Crisis Really and Truly Over?

…l, uncritical wisdom. For example, the following was reported at moneynews.com and Yahoo Finance on 2/22/15: Home prices have rebounded since bottoming in 2012, but it hasn’t exactly been a soaring recovery. The S&P/Case-Shiller index of home prices in 20 cities rose only 4.3 percent in the 12 months through November. It’s almost nine years since home prices peaked, notes Nobel laureate economist Robert Shiller, co-creator of the index. “This is t… Continue reading

Earth to Chris Cuomo: “Hate Speech” Still IS Speech

…rictly emotional reasons, is the moment that free speech is over. At root, freedom of speech is freedom of thought; it’s freedom of the mind. We are all free to have, and express, whatever ideas we wish to express. Just as we are all free to disagree with, despise, or detest anything that anyone else says, they are likewise equally free to feel the same about what any one of us says. Nobody has to listen. There is no rational basis for allowing th… Continue reading

Tyranny is Staring Us in the Face: And Most of Us Still Deny It

…absolutely anything it wishes, any time it wishes, to whomever it wishes. Freedom of assembly, freedom to peacefully protest as the truckers in Canada did — do you think we really still have that in the United States? Do they still have it in Canada? This isn’t just theory. This is what’s actually happening — in Canada, in Australia, in New Zealand, in much of Europe and — perhaps with the same full force — soon in the United States. The damage i… Continue reading

Why Free Trade is a Moral Right, Not Just a Political One

…all his motives and everything in his mind. But his strategies and end goals are a hell of a lot closer to the ideal of free trade for all than anything we have seen for quite awhile in the USA. For now, I’ll take it.   Follow Dr. Hurd on Facebook. Search under “Michael Hurd” (Rehoboth Beach DE). Get up-to-the-minute postings, recommended articles and links, and engage in back-and-forth discussion with Dr. Hurd on topics of interest. Also follow… Continue reading

College Student Loans: Yet Another Socialist Fallacy

…e loans and subsidies so everyone can buy them? No. But supply, demand and freedom of competition have given people choices and made these products possible to just about everybody who wants them. College is going in the opposite direction. It’s getting scarcer all the time. Once tuition is $100,000 a year, even at state colleges, then almost nobody will be going to college. I’m realistic. I know there is absolutely no chance that politicians, of… Continue reading