Democrats Are the Party of Fatalism

…Japanese, the Cold War, a Great Depression, 9/11 – likewise overcome this latest invitation to disaster? That chapter of American history – indeed, world history – is now being written. Those of us living will be the ones to write it. So what’s your verdict?   Follow Dr. Hurd on Facebook. Search under “Michael Hurd” (Rehoboth Beach DE). Get up-to-the-minute postings, recommended articles and links, and engage in back-and-forth discussion with Dr…. Continue reading

Immigration Only Works in a Free Economy

…he thing about immigration: It only works well in a free country. And in a free economy. A free country is one without a welfare state. This means that all charity is voluntary. It also means that immigrants cannot live off productive citizens from the moment they arrive, as many currently do. Donald Trump’s proposed immigration bill hopes to do away with some of that. That’s a good thing. Many will scream that it’s “racist”. But racism refers to… Continue reading

Are Facebook & Twitter Public Utilities?

…ip; but whatever we are, we are not a free country. The answer is not to become less free. The answer is not to pass laws saying, “Well, Facebook and Twitter, which started out as private companies, now are public utilities — by a decree of the government.” Freedom — free enterprise, private property, free markets — do not work that way. The only solution to today’s censorship crisis is to reaffirm ourselves as a free country. I don’t know when or… Continue reading

Enough of the Chronic Complainers!

…or too ‘mean-spirited.’ Nothing is ever good enough, and heaven forbid YOU complain. Complaining is always wrong, except when chronic complainers do it. They’re the type who complain about doctors who are greedy and ‘make too much money,’ but usually are either lawyers themselves or (more often) married to lawyers who face no real limits on making money. (No offense here to rational, decent lawyers since some do exist.) They’re the type who compla… Continue reading

Birth Order and Its Impact on Achievement in Life

…e evaluations pertain to three fundamental areas of everyone’s life: self, reality, and other people. Some examples of core evaluations are: “I’m always on the outside looking in.” “People are such that sooner or later they will hurt me.” “Life is a power struggle, and, being weak, I will always be defeated.” “The real me is bad.” “Life does not hold the possibility of happiness for me.” I’ve given you some mistaken core evaluations. Here are some… Continue reading

Good Parenting = A Healthy Outlook (DE Wave)

…must know that their minds and thinking skills, not cool backpacks and the latest iPhone, are the most crucial components of self-esteem and happiness. Even the best teachers can’t completely tackle this responsibility. In fact, teachers, parents and mental health providers can actually undercut a child’s intellectual needs by labeling him and then walking on eggshells around him, providing the child with the perfect excuse to dodge any responsibi… Continue reading

If You Don’t Think About It, It’s STILL Real (DE Wave)

…unpleasant, they’re shocked. Sometimes we run up against others’ denial. A common example involves older parents, assisted living and the like. I have a friend whose father, living alone in his late eighties, will face both financial and logistical difficulty if he doesn’t make a change in his living arrangements. Dad’s (very understandable) reaction was, at first, classic denial. “I’ve lived in the same house for years. I don’t need to change now… Continue reading

The Real Meaning of Self-Employment (DE Coast Press)

…rategy. Think about the best method for moving yourself toward where you’d really like to be. Demystify it by making the details concrete and real. Be sure to evaluate your emotions along the way, i.e., “What if my plan works and I get the job I want. How do I feel about it?” If you’ve been realistic with your decisions, then the prospect of making the change will bring you a sense of happy anticipation. If you’re afraid that your plan won’t work,… Continue reading

What you feel may not be real! (DE Coast Press)

…age of “attention deficits” — real OR imagined. But instant gratification comes with a price. You could end up feeling foolish (at best), or (at worst) damaging a relationship. To make sure you can stand behind your feelings, pay attention to the subject of thought. Thought provides the “big picture” that feelings can never provide. Feelings tend to focus on “right now,” but thought helps us focus on facts that might not feel relevant at the mome… Continue reading

What you feel may not be real!

…eficits’—real OR imagined. But like everything else, instant gratification comes with a price: You could end up feeling foolish (at best), or (at worst) damaging or losing a relationship that was important to you. In the interest of making sure you can stand behind your feelings, I recommend that you pay some attention to the subject of thought. Thought provides a sense of the ‘big picture’ that feelings can never provide. Feelings tend to focus o… Continue reading

America’s Real Domestic Terrorists are in D.C.

…at someone might get a cold … and then has the audacity to call anyone who complains a domestic terrorist. Who are the real domestic terrorists?     Follow Dr. Hurd on Facebook. Search under “Michael Hurd” (Charleston SC). Get up-to-the-minute postings, recommended articles and links, and engage in back-and-forth discussion with Dr. Hurd on topics of interest. Also follow Dr. Hurd on Twitter at @MichaelJHurd1, drmichaelhurd on Instagram, Michael H… Continue reading