Awhile back, I read an article at about a study for antidepressant drug research. The main thrust of the article was how some participants who were given placebos (instead of the genuine drugs) actually improved and felt better. While … Continue reading
Category: Psychology & Self-Improvement
Love Isn’t Always What It Appears to Be
Dear Dr. Hurd, I have been married to my husband for almost 18 years. He is not very communicative, somewhat blunt and not very trusting of anyone. He is quite well off and has always provided a very comfortable life … Continue reading
Yes, Self-Esteem IS Earned and Here’s Why
A slogan reads: ‘Most people with low self-esteem have earned it.’ It’s a provocative statement. But it’s true. Who can identify why it’s true? First, let’s define self-esteem. Self-esteem means a pervasive sense that one is worthy of existence, and … Continue reading
The # 1 Thing People Don’t Get About “Self-Esteem”
People talk about “self-esteem” as if it’s something you purchase at the store, or are lucky enough to win in the lottery. Some people become depressed that they never “get it.” Others look to external agents — healthy things, such … Continue reading
Knowing Things “Loudly”
I ran across a quote recently: ‘Those who know the least, know it the loudest.’ I don’t know the author of the quote. But it says a lot. ‘Loud,’ in this context, means: unthinking, or shrill. It doesn’t mean strong … Continue reading
The Problem With Yelling
Dear Dr. Hurd,I’m a substitute teacher and I go from school to school. When kids see a sub they think it is a free day. I know there are ways to defuse situations but I’m having a problem with voice … Continue reading
Parents Using Children as Tools of Power
Dear Dr. Hurd: I am having a difficult time understanding the actions of my brother’s former girlfriend, who is also the mother of his 3-year-old son. When she says my brother can have him on a particular day, she always … Continue reading
Personal Responsibility and Attention
Two common issues getting a lot of people into psychological (and interpersonal) trouble: 1) They don’t pay attention. 2) They ask others to solve something they’re actually able to solve themselves. Our culture is drowning in the notion of “attention … Continue reading
Moving Toward Serenity
“Serenity” is not some mystical goal obtained by supernatural or superstitious means. Serenity simply refers to a state of inner contentment, peace and comfort. The cause of serenity is you, not someone or something else. Serenity is what people are … Continue reading
What Makes a Snob
Nobody likes a snob. But most people don’t understand what a snob really is, either. If asked to define a snob, most people will say: ‘Someone who thinks himself better than everyone else.’ Actually, nothing could be further from the … Continue reading
Children and Suicide: A Shocker, But It Makes You Think
I recently listened to a talk on suicide. The speaker was Jack Klott, a psychologist and “suicidologist,” author of Suicide and Psychological Pain: Prevention that Works. He was asked if children ever wanted to end their lives. He proceeded to give the example of an … Continue reading
Why Homosexuality Stirs Up So Many Issues
Dear Dr. Hurd: I’m not sure I can give proper advice to my brother. He’s gay and really loves our parents, who are slightly religious but don’t practice. They’ve made anti-gay remarks in the past, and he’s afraid they won’t … Continue reading