Q: Dr. Hurd, is it wrong to lie on my resume? A: Yes, but mainly because of what it does to yourself. You assault your sense of pride and self-worth when you attempt to gain something for nothing, or something … Continue reading
Category: Psychology & Self-Improvement
Whose Holiday?
Q: Dr. Hurd, I want to spend Christmas on a Caribbean island with my husband. I don’t want to be with my family or his family; he agrees. Yet I feel guilty. Nobody will be left alone, or anything like … Continue reading
Action and Introspection
Inner peace cannot be achieved without action oriented towards the outside world. At the same time, action is meaningless, pointless and even destructive without any reference to inner thoughts, ideas, plans of action or emotions. Philosophy has always emphasized either … Continue reading
For the Love Of …
Love of what you do is what creates excellence. What about hard work, self-discipline and dedication? Of course these matter–but none of these are present without love of what you do. You can’t excel or “rise to the top” if … Continue reading
What Would YOU Do?
People might ask you, “What would you do if you were in my situation?” If you have an answer, fine. But be careful not to accept the premise of the question. The premise of the question is that you would, … Continue reading
They Think They’re Clever
The more gullible someone is, the more foolish they think you are.