Obamacare: A Case Study in Central Planning

…ederal Cabinet head of — let’s say — the U.S. Department of Commerce would simply issue mandates stating what consumers will receive in the form of smart phone options, how much they will cost, etc. In a seeming boom for the companies like Apple who manufacture smart phones, the federal government will require that everyone own one by 2015. If they fail to buy one, the IRS or some other federal official will hunt them down and fine them or, if nec… Continue reading

Is ‘Normal’ All It’s Cracked Up to Be?

…n being below average. But if you happen to be below average, wouldn’t you simply want to become better? And if you’re above average, why on earth would you want to diminish yourself to the average? I once spoke with a woman about this and she replied by saying, “You know how it is, Dr. Hurd. We all want to be part of the pack.” I don’t know if this is true of everyone, but we all want and need to belong. But those who belong simply for the sake o… Continue reading

Lying is hazardous to your mental health

…have you been stood up by a service person, a friend or family member who simply chose not to follow through? They might have said ‘yes’ before, but they didn’t mean it. Did their lie increase your respect for them? And what do you think lying did for their own self-respect? The second category is a lie told specifically to mislead or cheat. Whether it’s your spouse, a close friend or a business associate, the more regard that person has for you,… Continue reading

So Is It WHAT You Know…or WHO You Know? (DE Coast Press)

…am I trying to please myself? All three questions can be neatly summed up simply by asking yourself if you are operating on a philosophy of mediocrity or a philosophy of excellence. More and more we are hearing, “I have a right to happiness—so where is it?” When happiness does not simply appear to them, these unhappy people direct their anger onto other sources. They may blame their God for not bestowing happiness. Or they may lash out at “societ… Continue reading

No Economic Freedom? No Freedom

…y, that freedom in the American economy has given way to control. Obama is simply consolidating that control. That’s what he means when he says he seeks to “transform” America. He means that government is going to pay more and more for food stamps, for unemployment benefits, for health care, for bank loans, mortgages, (green-approved) automobiles, college tuition — absolutely everything. With each new “benefit” or subsidy comes a new rule, a new r… Continue reading

When It’s Crazy to Call Others “Crazy”

…w that’s crazy, if you think about it. Because someone changing their mind simply because you called them a name or otherwise intimidated them into doing so is not really changing a mind, is it? The next time someone calls you crazy (or implies it), ask them for proof. “Do you see evidence that I’m having hallucinations or obvious delusions? If so, what’s that evidence?” You’ll soon find that it boils down to simply one factor: They disagree with Continue reading

“Am I My Mother’s Keeper?”

…you as a means for that evasion. I base this on your observation that she simply ignores you when you point out she has to find a cheaper place to rent, etc. You’re basically telling her that it’s her job to ensure her own survival, and she’s choosing to ignore you. What’s holding you back here is the fact you love your mother. You feel like it would be mean and unloving of you to take better care of yourself, even at the expense of no longer sup… Continue reading

Do You Feel Entitled?

…lly belongs to whomever owns and/or earned it? Can that right of ownership simply be wished away? If it can in some cases, but not in others, then by what standard do we decide? In politics, it’s a legal and property issue; ultimately one of individual rights. In families and personal relationships, the themes are more psychological. Rather than tax collectors, we have guilt collectors; those in your personal life who will say (or imply), “I need…. Continue reading

Exercising your choices can broaden your horizons!

…h, but I occasionally find myself yearning for the upbeat way of life that simply doesn’t happen here—especially in the winter. What do you think I should do to satisfy my craving for excitement? And don’t suggest I move away. I really do love it here   Dear Wave reader, You are not alone. I speak to people very often who say the same thing. The change of seasons here at the beach can be a little unsettling. It is perfectly natural to want occasio… Continue reading

You don’t have to give in to bullies!

…They feel fine as they are, and even if improvement is needed, it’s not accomplished by tearing others down. People, especially adults, don’t just bully in physical ways. Have you ever noticed the little put-downs from certain people after you do something well? The person putting you down is jealous, and feels insecure about his or her own perceived lack of accomplishment. In an unhealthy, rather sad way, it ‘helps’ the bully feel better about t… Continue reading

“Medicare for All”: What Could POSSIBLY Go Wrong?

…c Party, at least according to the media. A few weeks back, Harris said we simply have to get rid of private health insurance. Her comrades say the same thing. HOW we will do that remains unclear. Will she issue an edict on 1/21/21, demanding that health insurance companies be immediately disbanded? Will the government simply nationalize private insurance companies, invading their offices and seizing their assets, as in a banana republic? But ther… Continue reading

A Therapist’s Reply to, “I Don’t Believe in Therapy”

…utral. Sometimes people are seeking advice. While a good therapist doesn’t simply tell you what to do (although some people want this), a good therapist helps you reason things out objectively. This enables you to determine, for yourself, based on the facts and rules of logic, what course of action makes the most sense. A lot of the people I see in therapy need it even less than the significant others in their lives who arguably need it more. The… Continue reading