Bad moods might not be so bad after all

…ur emotions in dramatic form. Instead of fighting your moods, it’s best to simply acknowledge and recognize them. Being aware of your feelings, talking about them (with anyone willing to listen), or perhaps simply writing them down, can be remarkably effective ways of helping them pass. The worst thing you can do is say to yourself, ‘Cheer up!’ or ‘Feel better!’ Nobody honestly believes these techniques work, because feelings and moods don’t respo… Continue reading

Why Democrats Have the Edge

…e she’s better than anyone at doing the things the vast majority of us expect our politicians to do. Don’t like Hillary? Look in the mirror, America. Follow Dr. Hurd on Facebook. Search under “Michael Hurd” (Rehoboth Beach DE). Get up-to-the-minute postings, recommended articles and links, and engage in back-and-forth discussion with Dr. Hurd on topics of interest. Also follow Dr. Hurd on Twitter at @MichaelJHurd1 Check out Dr. Hurd’s latest Newsm… Continue reading

Medicare/Medicaid: Immoral in Theory, Impossible in Practice

…ey somehow expect the laws of morality, economics and human behavior to be completely suspended when it comes to medical care. Go figure. Even the premise of your well intentioned question falls into this trap. If you’re a fan of my articles, I doubt very much that you’re anything close to a liberal, Democrat or socialist, or some Mitt Romney or Newt Gingrich faux capitalist. However, your question implies the very thing these people state openly,… Continue reading

Is Free Will a Myth?

…se words and thoughts. Anybody can subvert your freedom of choice. But nobody can alter the fact you have free will. Not for a minute.   Follow Dr. Hurd on Facebook. Search under “Michael Hurd” (Rehoboth Beach DE). Get up-to-the-minute postings, recommended articles and links, and engage in back-and-forth discussion with Dr. Hurd on topics of interest. Also follow Dr. Hurd on Twitter at @MichaelJHurd1, and see “Michael Hurd” on MeWe…. Continue reading

Self-Esteem and Narcissism: Is It All About Me?

…psychologists are finding ‘D’ students with high subjective self regard is simply proof that the now decades-old philosophy of telling kids they’re great regardless of how they perform is not working. Slowly, psychologists are starting to discover the value of such qualities as personal responsibility, performance, and objective reality. Says one researcher: ‘My bottom line is that self-esteem isn’t really worth the effort. Self-control is much mo… Continue reading

The Psychology of Britain’s National Health Service

…only people who seem to believe this are people who live under free or semi-free economic systems (as in America), who happen to have a fair amount of wealth or income, and like the idea that everyone has access to free health care. They stop the analysis on paper, feel like they bubble with compassion merely for advocating such a thing, and that’s the end of it. The reality is completely different. A socialized system — of medical care, most of a… Continue reading


…o.” It’s not just him personally. It’s anyone who doesn’t share their point-of-view. Self-described “progressives” like Chris Cuomo are enabling and sanctioning their own destroyers. Geller is trying to show America that rights are inalienable. This concept is the very thing under attack, not just by militant ISIS radicals, but by a lot of people who think their beliefs or attitudes trump rights. The ISIS militants are merely the most unyielding a… Continue reading

America’s Economy: Failure to Thrive Hits Poorest the Hardest

…ooters and wealthy manipulators who ensure their continued stagnation and poverty, in ever-greater numbers all the time. Could the KKK or any other white supremacist, Nazi/racist group, have planned an outcome more fitting to their goals than what America’s progressives have accomplished? And yet they all scream for more.   Be sure to “friend” Dr. Hurd on Facebook. Search under “Michael Hurd” (Rehoboth Beach DE). Get up-to-the-minute postings, rec… Continue reading

Coping With Rejection in Business

…product as bad? Does that mean the sales pitch was poorly executed? No. I simply don’t want a Mercedes. Another type of rejection is when people have a better offer somewhere else. Maybe they can get a cheaper price because they know someone connected with the company. Countless reasons are possible, and you might never know what they are. The point is: It’s not personal, and it’s not a catastrophe. You never were going to have that customer, any… Continue reading

Single-Payer Health Care is Next

…ers or customers can communicate with private businesses is through the supply-and-demand pricing mechanism. If a company has too much product or service left over, consumers have communicated, ‘You’re charging more than I’m able or willing to pay for it.’ Prices will go down. If a company has a shortage of product or service, consumers have communicated, ‘You have to charge more—or better yet, produce more.’ These are the laws and incentives in t… Continue reading

Why Public Schools Can Never Be Private Schools

…siness. It’s so easy to be in favor of “public schools,” as a factless, out-of-context abstraction. To be against public schools, we’re told, is to be against education. “You don’t want government funding of education? What’s wrong with you? Are you in favor of illiteracy and ignorance?” As if education could never occur without the government! Actually, opposition to illiteracy and ignorance is the best reason to be against government involvement… Continue reading

The Redistribution of Health (Part 1 of 2)

…se for those funds.’ This man personifies pure evil. And I’ll explain why, simply by identifying his unstated, yet glaring, premises: Unstated premise #1 Health, like wealth, is a commodity to redistribute as the government sees fit. Individuals are not free, and should not be free, to make individual arrangements with doctors of their own choosing to maintain or restore health. This is a decision to be made by other people—not voluntarily through… Continue reading