Jimmy Carter: Wrong on Abortion, Right on Consistency

…place, I would tell the client, “This neighbor of yours is irrational and completely out of line. Call the police all right, but to inform them of this threat.” I’m willing to bet that just about any psychotherapist who IS a liberal Democrat (most of them are) would say exactly the same thing. The difference between these liberal therapists and myself is that I’m consistent. What applies in the personal context applies in the social and political… Continue reading

The Era of Entitlement

…ome of Americans came from government. Now more than a third of American income comes from the government. Is it any wonder the economy is not growing? A growing economy requires productivity. The manifestation of productivity is a widespread increase in income — not government-created inflation, but real income. With a third of the country now relying on government checks — Social Security or not — it’s not surprising that there’s less of that in… Continue reading

Most Americans Are Hooked on the Welfare State

…publican President, especially a Mitt Romney, Newt Gingrich or other pseudo-free market Republican, of which there are many. I’d venture a guess it wouldn’t pass under President Rick Santorum either, although this man will not likely ever be President. The second problem: It’s true that Big Government welfare socialists want to hook Americans, but more Americans than not appear to want to be hooked. There’s no widespread recognition of the fact th… Continue reading

Why Compromising on Principles is Stupid

…unless we have an actual political revolution. The entitlement and transfer-of-wealth state that we created was always morally wrong, and now it’s self-evidently unsound. Wrong principles got us into this mess; and only right principles can get us out of it. Actually, it’s probably too late to “get out” of anything. The consequences are there for us all to see, and more are coming regardless of the outcome of any one budget debate or election. Pri… Continue reading

If High Taxes Help the Economy, Then…

…control over the economy) way too high, even before the recession hit? Boom-and-bust is not the natural order of things. They only happen in an economy that is managed and looted on a regular basis by the federal government. We need a major party in Washington DC who articulates, and stands for, the principle of limited government — not merely a pale imitation of what the liberal socialists have put together over the last century or so. Don’t get… Continue reading

Why Liberals and Environmentalists Want High Gas Prices

…ise the price of gas will also believe that someone else — say, the walking-on-water Barack Obama — can single-handedly lower the cost of gas, or at least contain it. Why hasn’t that happened? It can’t be because cap and trade didn’t pass. Cap and trade would only reduce the production of fuels (all fuels), which will cause the cost of gas to go still higher. I’m waiting to hear the same people who blamed the rising cost of gas on Bush to now blam… Continue reading

The High Cost of Cheap Education

…t when it comes to high prices. Why? Probably because those who constantly complain about profit and the free market realize that government intervention in education is precisely what causes tuition inflation in the first place. And because such haters of capitalism wish to see government intervention in higher education increase, not decrease, they don’t care to call attention to this fact. The fact is: Supply and demand are laws of nature; spec… Continue reading

High Oil Prices Not a Problem … for Obama

…the power of government, and it’s why he seeks to implement that law, step-by-step, through the EPA whether Congress authorizes it or not. “Until this pipeline is constructed, the U.S. will continue to import millions of barrels of conflict oil from the Middle East and Venezuela and other foreign countries,” TransCanada said in a statement, saying it is “disappointed” by the administration’s call. “Thousands of jobs continue to hang in the balanc… Continue reading

Why Terrorists Do Not Fear the U.S. (by Andrew Bernstein)

…In comparison to film stars, America is not a ‘Dirty Harry,’ Clint Eastwood-style hardass, but a Woody Allen-type nerd. Khomeini and the country’s other enemies knew (and continue to know) it. For if America were truly Satanic, i.e., dangerous, her enemies would have long ago suffered the obliteration they so abundantly merit. They yet breathe only by virtue of America’s misguided concern for their values, their culture, and their worthless lives…. Continue reading

The magic and mystery of our nighttime flights of fantasy

…r popular interpretations, are (in no particular order): 1. being in an out-of-control car (is life maybe too hectic and out of control?), 2. falling (am I feeling ‘unsupported’ or worried?), 3. arriving late or unprepared for an exam (am I lacking confidence, or feeling unprepared for an upcoming event?), 4. being chased or attacked (is there a fearful aspect of my own personality?), 5. encountering a helpless baby or small animal (have I been at… Continue reading

Pick Your Ideal Confidant in 10 Easy Steps

…erence).” Short of ending this week’s column right here and sending you to www.DrHurd.com to buy the book, I’ve put together a 10-point “Cliff’s Notes” version that might tempt you to part with $19.95. First and foremost, you should research the hiring of a potential therapist as thoroughly as you would the purchase of a new car or a home. It’s a big investment – on many levels. Find a therapist who converses with you and answers your questions –… Continue reading