Pets are life’s little perks

…eryone is that pets provide “unconditional love.” I agree, but the term ‘uncomplicated love’ might be more appropriate. They’ll provide it when you don’t deserve it, and there are no unhealthy strings or hidden agendas attached. What you see is what you get. Your dog or cat will never take you to court. It will never cheat on you, steal from you, betray you or verbally abuse you. Pets require feeding, love and attention, but they give back plenty… Continue reading

Life’s Little 4-Legged Perks (DE Wave)

…c answer is that pets provide unconditional love. I agree, but the term “uncomplicated love” might be more appropriate. They’ll provide it when you don’t deserve it, and there are no unhealthy strings or hidden agendas attached. What you see is what you get. Your dog or cat will never take you to court. It will never cheat on you, steal from you, betray you or verbally abuse you. Pets require feeding, love and attention, but they give back plenty… Continue reading

Pets Can be Good for Your Health (DE Wave)

…c answer is that pets provide unconditional love. I agree, but the term “uncomplicated love” might be more appropriate. They’ll provide it when you don’t deserve it, and there are no unhealthy strings attached. What you see is what you get. Your dog or cat will never take you to court. It will never cheat on you, steal from you, betray you or verbally abuse you. Pets require feeding, love and attention, but they give back plenty in return. Psychol… Continue reading

Pets: Just What the Doctor Ordered

…c answer is that pets provide unconditional love. I agree, but the term “uncomplicated love” might be more appropriate. They’ll provide it when you don’t deserve it, and there are no unhealthy strings attached. What you see is what you get. Your dog or cat will never take you to court. It will never cheat on you, steal from you, betray you or verbally abuse you. Pets require feeding, love and attention, but they give back plenty in return. Psychol… Continue reading

If You Were at the January 6 U.S. Capitol Rally … Beware

…these people can be neutralized, re-educated or exterminated in the same way and for the same reasons why the Spartans massacred the Helots.”     Follow Dr. Hurd on Facebook. Search under “Michael Hurd” (Rehoboth Beach DE). Get up-to-the-minute postings, recommended articles and links, and engage in back-and-forth discussion with Dr. Hurd on topics of interest. Also follow Dr. Hurd on Twitter at @MichaelJHurd1, @DrHurd on Gab, and see drmichaelhu… Continue reading

Environmentalism and Psychology: A Marriage Made in Hell (Part 2 of 2)

…to work constructively or do well in school, and ultimately injure the day-to-day functioning of our society and our economy.’ Now wait a minute. The environmentalists claim that droughts, water shortages and other disasters will occur even though their claims depend on the prediction of weather that is months, years, decades and even centuries into the future. It’s a well-known fact that meteorology, for all its advances in recent years, still c… Continue reading

Freedom of Enterprise in Education the Only Solution

…ver again. Second, even if they changed candidates or parties, there would simply be different politicians to manage the failure of government school monopolies, as we’ve seen whenever Republicans get elected. So what’s the answer? The one nobody will ever name: freedom of enterprise in education. “Freedom of enterprise” means exactly that: the freedom for providers of goods and services to exchange benefits (usually money) with willing, intereste… Continue reading

Uber Debacle in Austin Shows Why We Need Free Markets

…er killer” ride-sharing company, as it’s known, says it’s developing a peer-to-peer ride-sharing app that will connect people who need a ride with people who have a car, and eliminate “concern about red tape or corporate BS—just people providing people a needed service.” comments: The free market abhors a vacuum and always moves rapidly to fill it. That seems to be the rule in play here and Arcade City is simply a symptom rather than a… Continue reading

Free Will: Fact, Not Belief

…ues that a belief in free will is akin to religious beliefs, since neither complies with the laws of the physical world: “One of the basic premises of biology and biochemistry is that biological systems are nothing more than a bag of chemicals that obey chemical and physical laws. Generally, we have no problem with the “bag of chemicals” notion when it comes to bacteria, plants, and similar entities. So why is it so difficult to say the same about… Continue reading

Obamacare’s Free Medical Care — Only $50,000 a Head!

…d underestimate all the variables and individual differences involved in a complex series of personal transactions known as “health care.” As a result, you end up with a more expensive and draconian mess than ever conceived of at the time the law was passed. And Obamacare is just getting started. With socialized medicine, you replace individual and self-responsible decisions of consumers with “command-and-control” central authorities. Unfortunatel… Continue reading

“I Am No One’s Charity Case”: The Case Against Food Stamps by a Former Recipient

…do with my upbringing. These past 7 years were a test of persistence, courage, perseverance, and patience. I am no one’s charity case.   Follow Dr. Hurd on Facebook. Search under “Michael Hurd” (Rehoboth Beach DE). Get up-to-the-minute postings, recommended articles and links, and engage in back-and-forth discussion with Dr. Hurd on topics of interest. Also follow Dr. Hurd on Twitter at @MichaelJHurd1, and see “Michael Hurd” on MeWe.  … Continue reading

Bernie Sanders: A Worthless College Degree in Every Pot

…cans. It’s fascinating. Almost nobody would think this way on the real, day-to-day life level. Almost nobody would dream of petitioning a court, and hiring a lawyer, to get some well-off (or better-off) neighbor or colleague at work to pay for your kid’s college, or your new car, or your new wardrobe. You wouldn’t say, “This neighbor of mine has more money than I do. He’s one of the super-rich. I see the car he drives. I know he eats at nice resta… Continue reading