Last Call to Squelch Obamacare!

…They tell the profit-makers in the fascist enterprises that if they don’t comply, they’ll lose their profits or, worst case, go to jail. Yet the politicians can tell an inattentive public, ‘We’re doing what we can to get profit out of business.’ This is how much of the American economy now works. It’s erroneously called ‘capitalism’ but genuine capitalism is nothing of the sort. Under genuine capitalism, there is no government interference, other… Continue reading

For the Last Time: “Provocation” IS Freedom of Speech

…o free speech does not trump or obliterate another’s right to property, or simply to be left alone. All of these examples illustrate how even an absolute principle, like freedom of speech, exists in a context. You cannot rip that principle out of its proper context and then claim it. Geller’s opponent in the interview seemed to be accusing Geller of ripping the principle of free speech out of context. But she did not prove, nor even attempt to exp… Continue reading

On Health Care, Donald Trump Sounds Like Bernie Sanders

…fend for themselves in a medical marketplace largely subsidized and almost completely controlled by the government; but he’s not morally right when he proposes the involuntary servitude of socialism in place of opening up and liberalizing the marketplace for health care. If Trump were a free market advocate who really understood free markets, he’d propose something like this: Go ahead and leave the programs we have in place. Phase them out with a… Continue reading

A British High School Outlaws Expensive Coats

…own capitalism and it probably causes already brainwashed little socialists-to-be into thinking even more cynically about the “oppressive system” they’re about to inherit. And maybe that’s the whole point.   Follow Dr. Hurd on Facebook. Search under “Michael Hurd” (Rehoboth Beach DE). Get up-to-the-minute postings, recommended articles and links, and engage in back-and-forth discussion with Dr. Hurd on topics of interest. Also follow Dr. Hurd on T… Continue reading

Great Mills High School Blows a Hole in the Gun Control Narrative

…o’s to say what’s good or bad?” Yet bad people have no such pretense. They simply do their thing. If good people were half as consistent as bad people, they’d overwhelmingly start winning. In moments like the one today, they do. It’s considered mystical or supernatural to speak of evil. But evil is as real, objective and true as the moon in the sky or the nose on your face. If you doubt it, then talk to the survivors of any of these school shootin… Continue reading

Why Are Public High Schools Not Safe?

…the socialized education system we have, Common Core and all — and that’s simply not acceptable to people who consider themselves morally superior and intellectually advanced individuals who read The New York Times and HuffPost. So instead, like classically conditioned dogs salivating at the sound of a bell, a plurality of us will once again shriek, “Guns, guns, guns are the problem!” Let’s eliminate the Second Amendment and if that’s not enough… Continue reading

Ohio High School Outlaws Achievement for the Sake of the Depressed

…happy and the miserable. The world becomes a place of dreary, phony pseudo-equality where nothing really matters, so why should you try anyway? I am so sick of this. It’s more than political correctness. It’s not innocent ignorance. It’s malevolent. I’m willing to bet any experienced teacher or school official knows every word I’m saying is true. And yet they feel compelled to act on the opposite assumptions. Why? Presumably because it looks good… Continue reading

Obama’s Manipulation of Drug Companies: A Scandal, But No Surprise

…t should come as a surprise. If government stayed out of the drug industry completely—beyond the obvious prosecution of fraud, where it existed—then drugs would ultimately be cheaper and easier for consumers to purchase. People (along with their doctors) could select their drug providers in a competitive marketplace, not unlike they currently buy groceries or smart phones. The IDEA of this is repugnant to many people, especially Obama and others w… Continue reading

What “Anger Management” and Emotional Control Actually Mean

…mpt to apply reason to emotions without any behavioral change or hypothesis-testing would be like trying to advance scientific knowledge without ever doing any experiments—and then criticizing the scientific method for failing you!   Be sure to “friend” Dr. Hurd on Facebook. Search under “Michael Hurd” (Rehoboth Beach DE). Get up-to-the-minute postings, recommended articles and links, and engage in back-and-forth discussion with Dr. Hurd on topics… Continue reading

Do Friendships Last Forever? Should They?

…esent, and it’s entirely possible that even greater friendships lie ahead. Let go, move on, and give yourself the chance to find them.   Follow Dr. Hurd on Facebook. Search under “Michael Hurd” (Rehoboth Beach DE). Get up-to-the-minute postings, recommended articles and links, and engage in back-and-forth discussion with Dr. Hurd on topics of interest. Also follow Dr. Hurd on Twitter at @MichaelJHurd1, and see “Michael Hurd” on MeWe…. Continue reading

A pet’s love is a first-rate Rx for health and happiness

…is that their pet provides “unconditional love.” I agree, but the term ‘uncomplicated love’ is more appropriate. There are no unhealthy strings and no hidden agendas attached to a pet’s love. What you see is what you get. They’ll even provide it when you don’t deserve it. It’s true that once you get to know your pet better, certain complexities may emerge that may rival human behavior, but in the end, you know you can count on your pet to love yo… Continue reading