Why Pope Francis Adores Islam

…and academic elites love him. He is a Pope for our times, but that’s not a compliment, because we live in truly moronic times. Pope Francis has found the perfect blend of political correctness, self-effacing love of one’s most brutal enemies, and warmed over Marxist, victim-inspired socialism. He has blended them together to make a toxic stew which suicidal Westerners on both sides of the Atlantic seem all too ready to swallow. Pope Francis is a f… Continue reading

The Search for Love

…. The answer boils down to a combination of reasons, the first of which is simply not searching persistently enough. One must always be on the lookout to follow a lead. Leads might include dating services and bars, but it also means finding out more about anyone who interests you — to a degree that’s appropriate, of course. Note that this does not include engaging in any behavior that could result in a restraining order. Another reason is fear of… Continue reading

Ideas and Principles in Search of a Party

…ans will be in a stronger position if they stay in the fight, make a principled case, and lay out a competing vision.” (Columnist Karl Rove) “…What happens if the U.S. switches spending from defense to social welfare? Who will protect what used to be known as the ‘Free Word’? Who will police the sea lanes, stop the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction, combat terrorism, and deter rogue states from aggression? Those are all responsibilities… Continue reading

Liberty in Search of a Nation

…initiate force — not because you’re a violent or fraudulent criminal, but simply because you’re alive — is the minute liberty goes out the window. There are two types of people. One is willing to have liberty and wants his liberty above all else. His liberty is the means of using his reason; he values his liberty because he values the exercise of rationality in his life. The other type is someone who wants the liberty to do what he wants, but doe… Continue reading

Make Your Second Career a Reality

…all for false alternatives. Years ago, a man told me he really wanted to become a presidential press secretary. And if that didn’t happen, he would have to end up as a greeter for Wal-Mart. After I picked myself up off the floor (figuratively), I realized this guy genuinely believed that there was simply nothing in between. In reality, there’s everything in between, if he would just take off his blinders. Beware the foolish false alternatives! Whe… Continue reading

The Approach of America’s Breaking Point

…oing to happen? And remember: the cultural and political Marxists running the show want that civil breakdown. They are not businesses in search of profit; they are monsters in search of power.     Follow Dr. Hurd on Facebook. Search under “Michael Hurd” (Charleston SC). Get up-to-the-minute postings, recommended articles and links, and engage in back-and-forth discussion with Dr. Hurd on topics of interest. Also follow Dr. Hurd on Twitter at @Mich… Continue reading

Alan Dershowitz vs. Ben Franklin: The Twit vs. the Radical

…ot just for its time but for all time. Clearly, it’s still a radical idea today.   Be sure to “friend” Dr. Hurd on Facebook. Search under “Michael Hurd” (Rehoboth Beach DE). Get up-to-the-minute postings, recommended articles and links, and engage in back-and-forth discussion with Dr. Hurd on topics of interest…. Continue reading

How the Unemployed Spend Their Days: Revealing Research

…rcent of the unemployed said they spent time during the previous day in job-search and interviewing activities on an average day, the survey shows that when someone was looking for a job they spent an average of only 2.48 hours of the day doing so. When you’re seriously looking for a job, you don’t spend a quarter of the workday doing so; you spend at least a full workday, a full 8 hours, right? Yet the federal government is evidently discovering… Continue reading

A Moving Goodbye from Someone Who Faced Cancer

…highly moving. Definitely worth a read. [Yvonne Ator, posted on Facebook 9-14-21 (via Mauria Stein)]   My friend Kerri Grote died this morning. While I am still processing, I wanted to share the words she left to be read upon her passing. Life is short. I hope they bring you perspective, inspiration and healing like they did for me. R.I.P Kerri. I love you. “If you’re reading this, this fu$king brain cancer probably got me. But let me be crystal… Continue reading

Election 2012: Degrees of Dissatisfaction

…been afraid of Obama. Obama is a paper tiger — not even a paper tiger, but simply nothing, kind of like cotton candy. But most Republicans are afraid to engage in criticism of liberals, lest they be called .. well, simply because most Republican politicians are simply frightened people. Perry seems not like that. His record is one of balanced budgets, lower taxes, reduced government spending — all of which we desperately need. That’s reason enough… Continue reading