The Cure for the Common Liberal

…ow will never bring you to his or her views. But then, if that’s the case, simply tell them ‘I know you feel passionate about what you think, and believe me, I’m at least as passionate—but we’ll never change each other’s minds. I think it’s best we just talk about something else.’ Others can’t disagree with this, because they won’t want to concede they’ll ever change their mind—but at the same time, you have made a powerful point: You’re aware of… Continue reading

The “Fiscal Cliff” is the People’s Fault

…only on specifics. Republicans call for “closing tax loopholes,” which is simply another way of saying, “Make it harder not to pay taxes.” That’s for all practical purposes a tax increase. And Democrats, as well as some Republicans, simply call for all out tax increases. Doesn’t it occur to these professional politicians that the more difficult you make it for somebody to do something — e.g., make money — the less of that activity will take place… Continue reading

Is All Conflict Bad? (DE Coast Press)

…A happy relationship consists of two people who are getting what they want simply because they are both being who they are. In these successful relationships, conflicts are viewed as temporary and resolvable. Deal-breakers are not as issue, because each member of the relationship sees evidence that the other is getting from the relationship what’s satisfactory to him (or her). Because of this mutual security, it’s automatically expected that confl… Continue reading

The Thing About Introverts

…from your perspective, at least), then you’re left with a social withdrawal-by-default. This explains why people who have no real shyness will sometimes withdraw as much as those who are shy. “People would never guess I’m shy, but I’m just as shy as the wallflower.” I have been told this many times in therapy sessions. It also explains why people who appear withdrawn or shy/quiet in many situations are not like that at all when challenged by topic… Continue reading

Marco Rubio: Reason # 5,673 Why Republicans Don’t Have an Impact

…sider Rubio’s tax proposal. Under Rubio’s plan [reported by 4-15-15], generally 80 percent of Americans would pay roughly a 15 percent tax rate, and all others would pay at a marginal rate of 35 percent. The higher rate would begin for an individual at $75,000, but doubles for married couples filing jointly. The plan would decrease marginal tax rates, permit deducting capital expenses, eliminate double taxation on corporate income, m… Continue reading

Why Tax Cuts Are a Beautiful Thing

…you get? Like so many other politicians — and all of them on the socialist-Communist Democratic Party side — Yarmuth does not grasp who or what creates wealth. He appears to assume that wealth is simply there, like a natural resource. And that the job of government is to distribute it “fairly”. By what objective standard of fairness? Whatever keeps him in power. End of story. I’m not sure if the issue is ignorance or evasion. In today’s hysterica… Continue reading

Talking too much can have deep-seated roots

…But it often stems from deep-seated emotions of insecurity and inadequacy. Simply put, some people just don’t feel good about themselves. Despite the arrogance they appear to project by hogging the floor, in reality they feel like they don’t measure up to other people. There are basically two ways (both of them unhealthy) they can respond to these feelings. One is to withdraw in shyness and exaggerated humility. (Most surely the subject of a futur… Continue reading

Obama’s “Prosecutorial Discretion” = Soft Dictatorship

…id for by others. Non-Americans are as well. How does he get around it? By simply declaring non-Americans legal citizens via “prosecutorial discretion.” “Prosecutorial discretion” is code for: “I’ll do what I want, and to hell with the law.” Immigration is not the problem, not in a free country. But immigration is a problem when immigrants are simply declared citizens—and therefore eligible for benefits—by the executive whim of a soft (and increas… Continue reading

Train Yourself to Guard Against Pointless Anxiety

…mselves to have, shields us from many dangers we might otherwise face. Put simply, it’s a lot less dangerous to live in a society with automobiles, grocery stores and satellite technology than to eke out an existence in a primitive jungle as a hunter-gatherer. Danger is an objective term, but also a contextual one. What we consider dangerous in a contemporary society is different from the dangers faced daily by someone unfortunate enough to be bor… Continue reading

What You Know, Who You Know (DE Wave)

…am I trying to please myself? All three questions can be neatly summed up simply by asking yourself if you are operating on a philosophy of mediocrity or a philosophy of excellence. More and more we are hearing, “I have a right to happiness—so where is it?” When happiness does not simply appear to them, these unhappy people direct their anger onto other sources. They may blame their God for not bestowing happiness. Or they may lash out at “societ… Continue reading

Self-Esteem: How Much is Too Much?

…ceived need to go through those machinations, in the first place. It would simply flow. The question now is: What kind of specific attitudes, ideas and beliefs create, reinforce or generate self-esteem? At root is a sense of the power of one’s own reasoning. Reasoning is our means of apprehending, coping and ultimately surviving and flourishing in the world where we find ourselves. On a certain basic level, you either feel like you’re fit for exis… Continue reading

Why Obamacare’s Collapse Might Not Matter in the Election

…yone will look to Washington DC for more and more and more of what the semi-free market used to provide. We’re already $20 trillion in debt, with no end in sight. How long can this go on? Dependence on government has its consequences. Hillary may succeed in smirking her way to the presidency. But what difference will it make once the socialists have run out of other people’s money? Follow Dr. Hurd on Facebook. Search under “Michael Hurd” (Rehoboth… Continue reading